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DB基礎[1Q](Semi-Last, 8) 6/3
2021-06-03 @ 08:00 - 17:00
DB基礎[1Q](Semi-Last, 8) 6/3, [2Q]6/10,17,24,7/1,8,15,(22 off,) 29, 8/4(Wed) for Thu
Schedule and Outline of the class (Last updated on May 8 by M. Arikawa)
April 8 (On-demand class), 1st class: Overview of the lecture and introduction to extreme programming and W3School (SQL part)
April 15 (On-demand class), 2nd class: Introduction to SQL (1) (Using W3School)
April 22 (On-demand class), 3rd class: Introduction to SQL (2) (Using W3School)
April 29, Off (National Holiday, Showa-no-hi)
May 6 (Physical class), 4th class: 1st mid-term test about SQL (based on W3School)
May 13 (Physical class), 5th class: Concept design for development of web services (1) : Schema and service design
May 20 (Physical class), 6th class: Concept design for development of web services (2) : Presentation of the concepts
May 27 (Physical class), 7th class: Introduction to use MySQL server from PHP: Issuing account on web server programming
June 3 6 (Physical class), 8th class: Development of web db services (1): Schema and operation design
June 10 (Physical class), 1st class: Development of web db services (2): Preparation of the progress presentation next week
June 17 (Physical class), 2nd class: Development of web db services (3): Progress presentation
June 24 (Physical class), 3rd class: Development of web db services (4): Reflecting presentation of previous week and design for next step
July 1 (Physical class), 4th class: Development of web db services (5): Redesign of scheme and user interfaces
July 8 (Real-time Zoom Online), 5th class: Development of web db services (6): Developing server programing codes for the final presentation
July 15 (Real-time Zoom Online), 6th class: Development of web db services (7): Preparation of the final presentation
July 22, Off (National Holiday, Umi-no-hi)
July 29 (Real-time Zoom Online), 7th class: Development of web db services (8): Final presentation
Aug. 4(Wed) (Real-time Zoom Online), 8th class: Development of web db services (9): Comments on final presentations and their web db services