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DB基礎(3) 4/22
DB基礎(3) 4/22,29, 5/6,13,20,27,6/6
April 8, 1st class: Overview of the lecture and introduction to extreme programming and W3School (SQL part)
April 15, 2nd class: Introduction to SQL (1) (Using W3School)
April 22, 3rd class: Introduction to SQL (2) (Using W3School)
April 29, Off (National Holiday, Showa-no-hi)
May 6, 4th class: 1st mid-term test about SQL (based on W3School)
May 13, 5th class: Concept design for development of web services (1) : Schema and service design
May 20, 6th class: Concept design for development of web services (2) : Presentation of the concepts
May 27, 7th class: Introduction to use MySQL server from PHP: Issuing account on web server programming
June 6, 8th class: Development of web db services (1): Schema and operation design