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Foreign Visitors from Belgium
2022-12-07 @ 10:30 - 12:00
Foreign Visitors from Belgium
sub program of Ari Lab
明後日, 12/7のベルギーの大学の訪問者対策を考えています.
11:15-11:20 Introduction to HCC by M. Arikawa
11:20-11:27 Introduction to the research for walking application (Kitsunearuki)
and bigdata generated by the application
with collaboration with Akita City by I. Sasaki
11:28-11:35 Introduction to ARTimeWalk by R. Fujiwara an M. Lu
Lu-sensei or Arikawa will give explain about the concept for 3min using ppt.
R. Fujiwara will demonstrate his application in front of the entrance of Building #5.
11:35-11:40 Moving to Mitobe Lab. at 3F
V-207, 12/7(水) 9:00-12:30
on Dec. 7, 2022