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Meeting with PXL
2022-07-21 @ 17:30 - 19:30
Meeting with PXL
The following is the schedule for finalizing Ms Thesis.
Wed, 20 July, 14:30-?16:00: Meeting with Arikawa about rough checking the drafts
Thu, 21 July, 17:30-21:00: Intensive Meeting for checking the details of the thesis
Sat, 23 July, 10:00-12:00: Final Meeting for checking the drafts.
Sat. or Sun., 23 or 24 July: Printing and final check
Mon, 25 July: Handing copies of the Ms thesis to reviewers
Mon, Aug. 1, 10:00-11:00 Practice for the final defense
Thu, Aug. 4, 15:30-16:00 Final Defense at V-201 (Thesis reviewing committee meeting will be held after it.)
End of Aug., Completing the Ms Thesis to respond to comments from reviewers
and give the files of the final drafts of it to Arikawa.