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?R5 1st LM Research Meeting
2023-04-21 @ 09:30 - 17:00
?R5 1st LM Research Meeting
[R5 Every two weeks intensive research meeting schedule with LM]
4/21 [01] Meeting with LM from 09:30 on Friday
5/12 [02] Meeting with LM from 09:30 on Friday
5/26 [03] Meeting with LM from 09:30 on Friday
6/09 [04] Meeting with LM from 09:30 on Friday
We should discuss about the followings.
Would you make your plan and thinking about them.
(1) Time Plan for Promotion to next positions
(2) Time Plan for Journal paper submissons
(3) Research Plan for advancing your research in this year
including (1) making conferences, (2) leading students for research,
(3) collaboration with and outreach for citizens, NPO, experts and
other researchers, and so on
(4) Others
We would be happy if we could obtain good research results
after positive collaboration with students and others with fun.