DM2021, (8)
Three weeks to IMP Deadline of 推薦伊東論文
Three weeks to IMP Dead...
Meeting with Oba-san about Ito-Paper of IPSJ
Meeting with Oba-san ab...
??R3 Akita Univ. Lecture 10/20-11/24, Wed, Afternoon
??R3 Akita Univ. Lectur...
Cancel, @ゼミR3#08 on Thu
@ゼミR3#08 on Thu @ゼミR3#0...
Dinner in Isshin
Dinner in Isshin from 1...
meeting with Utsumi-sensei about his talk on a conference
meeting with Utsumi-sen...
教授会,11/18 15:10-