ビューを読み込み中です。 イベントを検索してナビゲーションを表示 検索 キーワードを入力してください。キーワードでイベントを検索します。 イベントを検索 イベント ビューナビゲーション Month List Month Day 今月 2022-04-01 4月 2022 日付を選択 イベント のカレンダー 月 月 火 火 水 水 木 木 金 金 土 土 日 日 5イベント, 28 5イベント, 28 2022-03-28 real interview with Shibara-san real interview with Shibara-san 2022-03-28 real interview with Shibara-san 柴田です。 ???システムズの一次面接の日程が... 09:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Kageyama 2022-03-28 @ 09:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Kageyama 景山先生 ありがとうございます。 28日(月)... 10:00 - 15:00 北東北国立3大学 「医 工連携」をテーマとした研究者交流会 2022-03-28 @ 10:00 - 15:00 北東北国立3大学 「医 工連携」をテーマとした研究者交流会 ◇「医工連携」をテーマとした研究者交流会 ... 13:00 - 17:00 practice of interview with Miura-san 2022-03-28 @ 13:00 - 17:00 practice of interview with Miura-san 三浦さんの 面接練習は,3/28の午後1時から... 17:00 inner deadline of making syllabus for new faculty by Mar. 28 2022-03-28 @ 17:00 inner deadline of making syllabus for new faculty by Mar. 28 inner deadline of makin... 5イベント, 29 5イベント, 29 2022-03-29 furikae for March 12 furikae for March 12 2022-03-29 furikae for March 12 振替休日,3/29 <- 3/25 fu... 2022-03-29 Off: AM Off: AM 2022-03-29 - 2022-03-30 Off: AM Off: AM 2022-03-29 ??night research meeting?? ??night research meeting?? 2022-03-29 - 2022-03-30 ??night research meeting?? ??night research meetin... 16:30 - 17:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:30- 2022-03-29 @ 16:30 - 17:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:30- 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 3/29... 19:30 - 21:30 Japan vs. Vietnam 2022-03-29 @ 19:30 - 21:30 Japan vs. Vietnam Japan vs. Vietnam 日本 vs... 4イベント, 30 4イベント, 30 2022-03-30 評価委員会 評価委員会 2022-03-30 評価委員会 【3/30(水)11時頃】第4回評価委員会・第... 2022-03-29 Off: AM 2022-03-29 ??night research meeting?? 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Chin Koufu-san and Dr. Shirai 2022-03-30 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Chin Koufu-san and Dr. Shirai チンコウフさん面談(30日14時から) 6イベント, 31 6イベント, 31 2022-03-31 Waxing on Bldg #5 Waxing on Bldg #5 2022-03-31 Waxing on Bldg #5 会計担当からワックスがけの予定表がきました。 ... 2022-03-31 Last day for Dr. Akinori Takahashi Last day for Dr. Akinori Takahashi 2022-03-31 Last day for Dr. Akinori Takahashi Last day for Dr. Akinor... 10:30 - 23:59 HCC Meeting, R4 or R3L(extra) on 3/31 2022-03-31 @ 10:30 - 23:59 HCC Meeting, R4 or R3L(extra) on 3/31 年度締めのコース会議と年度初めのコース会議を合... 11:00 - 12:00 farewell meeting 2022-03-31 @ 11:00 - 12:00 farewell meeting 髙橋先生の退職のお見送り,3/31 正午ぐらい 15:00 - 17:00 Practice of interview with Miura-san 2022-03-31 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Practice of interview with Miura-san Practice of interview w... 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei about his research 2022-03-31 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei about his research Meeting with Utsumi-sen... 3イベント, 1 3イベント, 1 2022-04-01 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 2022-04-01 - 2022-04-06 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 Hard deadline of the fi... 08:00 - 17:00 Off SaR 2022-04-01 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Off SaR 4/1(金)に年休 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei’s acquaintance 2022-04-01 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei’s acquaintance Meeting with Utsumi-sen... 3イベント, 2 3イベント, 2 2022-04-01 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 2022-04-02 ?Chin-san will be in Japan ?Chin-san will be in Japan 2022-04-02 ?Chin-san will be in Japan チンイーウェイさんが 4/2に入国される 19:30 - 20:30 akiraoke 2022-04-02 @ 19:30 - 20:30 akiraoke ToDo akiraoke 1イベント, 3 1イベント, 3 2022-04-01 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 8イベント, 4 8イベント, 4 2022-04-01 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 2022-04-04 在学生ガイダンス R4.4.4 在学生ガイダンス R4.4.4 2022-04-04 在学生ガイダンス R4.4.4 在学生ガイダンス R4.4.4 <4/4(月)... 09:00 - 10:30 Old B1 Guidance 2022-04-04 @ 09:00 - 10:30 Old B1 Guidance Old B1 Guidance 2022年度Z... 11:00 - 17:00 HC B2 Guidance 2022-04-04 @ 11:00 - 17:00 HC B2 Guidance HC B2 Guidance 4月4日(月)1... 13:00 - 14:00 HC B3 Guidance 2022-04-04 @ 13:00 - 14:00 HC B3 Guidance HC B3 Guidance 4月4日(月) ... 14:15 - 17:00 HC B4 Guidance 2022-04-04 @ 14:15 - 17:00 HC B4 Guidance HC B4 Guidance 4月4日(月) ... 15:30 - 17:00 HC M2 Guidance 2022-04-04 @ 15:30 - 17:00 HC M2 Guidance HC M2 Guidance by Prof.... 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei 2022-04-04 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei Meeting with Utsumi-sen... 6イベント, 5 6イベント, 5 2022-04-01 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 2022-04-05 入学式 R4.4.5 入学式 R4.4.5 2022-04-05 入学式 R4.4.5 令和4年度秋田大学入学式 日時令和4年4月5日... 10:30 - 12:00 Meeting with PX 2022-04-05 @ 10:30 - 12:00 Meeting with PX Meeting with PX 11:00 - 17:00 Lunch meeting with SaR, SaI, PX 2022-04-05 @ 11:00 - 17:00 Lunch meeting with SaR, SaI, PX Lunch meeting with SaR,... 16:30 - 17:00 FD for TA,RA 2022-04-05 @ 16:30 - 17:00 FD for TA,RA 以下の日時でTA・RA実施方針及びガイダンスが... 16:30 - 17:00 Postpone ???新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 2022-04-05 @ 16:30 - 17:00 Postpone ???新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 4/5(... 4イベント, 6 4イベント, 6 2022-04-01 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 2022-04-06 新入生ガイダンス 新入生ガイダンス 2022-04-06 新入生ガイダンス <4/6(水)>新入生ガイダンス #対面+オン... 16:00 - 17:00 Guidance for M1 from 16:10 2022-04-06 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Guidance for M1 from 16:10 M1:4月6日(水)16:10~16:55 #... 17:10 - 17:30 Meeting with Lu-sensei 2022-04-06 @ 17:10 - 17:30 Meeting with Lu-sensei Dear Lu-sensei, Sorry f... 7イベント, 7 7イベント, 7 2022-04-07 [01]dbb2022 [01]dbb2022 2022-04-07 [01]dbb2022 dbb2022 dbb2022, Thu, 8... 2022-04-07 1Q starts 1Q starts 2022-04-07 1Q starts 1Q starts on April 7 2022-04-07 [01] SpaHealthd2022 [01] SpaHealthd2022 2022-04-07 [01] SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealt... 14:00 - 14:30 Meeting with Kagaya-san by Prof. Nakajima, Prof. Hashimoto 2022-04-07 @ 14:00 - 14:30 Meeting with Kagaya-san by Prof. Nakajima, Prof. Hashimoto Meeting with Kagaya-san... 14:30 - 15:00 Meeting with Muto-sensei 2022-04-07 @ 14:30 - 15:00 Meeting with Muto-sensei 武藤先生 ご返事ありがとうございます。有川です... 15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof Mitobe 2022-04-07 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof Mitobe 水戸部先生,cc:内海先生,藤原先生, お忙し... 16:10 - 17:30 New fac. meeting 2022-04-07 @ 16:10 - 17:30 New fac. meeting 本日のWGお疲れ様でした。 > 次回は4... 4イベント, 8 4イベント, 8 2022-04-08 (Changed as one from new faculty) Hard deadline of 概算要求 (Changed as one from new faculty) Hard deadline of 概算要求 2022-04-08 (Changed as one from new faculty) Hard deadline of 概算要求 Hard deadline of 概算要求 2022-04-08 Buddha’s Birthday on April 8 Buddha’s Birthday on April 8 2022-04-08 Buddha’s Birthday on April 8 Buddha's Birthday on Ap... 09:00 - 17:00 Meeting with SaR and SaI 2022-04-08 @ 09:00 - 17:00 Meeting with SaR and SaI 佐藤諒様,佐々木さん 早速のご返事ありがとうご... 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei 2022-04-08 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei Meeting with Utsumi-sen... 1イベント, 9 1イベント, 9 10:00 - 17:00 Meeting with SaI 2022-04-09 @ 10:00 - 17:00 Meeting with SaI 佐々木さん 4/10 10:00AM,V-20... 1イベント, 10 1イベント, 10 2022-04-10 ??Chin-san may come to Japan ??Chin-san may come to Japan 2022-04-10 ??Chin-san may come to Japan ??Chin-san may come to ... 2イベント, 11 2イベント, 11 09:00 - 17:00 @lab staff Meeting 2022-04-11 @ 09:00 - 17:00 @lab staff Meeting @lab staff Meeting 来週月曜... 16:00 - 17:00 学生委員会 2022-04-11 @ 16:00 - 17:00 学生委員会 第1回学生委員会 開催日時:令和4年4月11日... 4イベント, 12 4イベント, 12 2022-04-12 [01]NC2022 [01]NC2022 2022-04-12 [01]NC2022 NC2022 Numeric Computin... 2022-04-12 [01]「情報工学の世界」 [01]「情報工学の世界」 2022-04-12 [01]「情報工学の世界」 「情報工学の世界」 「情報工学の世界 −現代情... 16:30 - 17:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 2022-04-12 @ 16:30 - 17:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 4/12... 17:30 meeting with Utsumi-sensei from 17:30 2022-04-12 @ 17:30 meeting with Utsumi-sensei from 17:30 meeting with Utsumi-sen... 0イベント, 13 0イベント, 13 4イベント, 14 4イベント, 14 2022-04-14 [02]dbb2022 [02]dbb2022 2022-04-14 [02]dbb2022 dbb2022 dbb2022, Thu, 8... 2022-04-14 [02] SpaHealthd2022 [02] SpaHealthd2022 2022-04-14 [02] SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealt... 13:30 - 17:00 [01]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022-04-14 @ 13:30 - 17:00 [01]@Lab Weekly Meeting Thu, April 14, 13:30-15... 15:30 - 17:30 ??Research meeting with PX 2022-04-14 @ 15:30 - 17:30 ??Research meeting with PX Starting time will be c... 4イベント, 15 4イベント, 15 2022-04-15 AM, 3rd vaccine AM, 3rd vaccine 2022-04-15 AM, 3rd vaccine ■接種日時 2022.04.15 (金) - ... 09:50 - 17:00 M1 (Kira) special Interview with Prof. Kageyama 2022-04-15 @ 09:50 - 17:00 M1 (Kira) special Interview with Prof. Kageyama >> 15日9時50分が良いかなと... 14:00 - 15:30 Tutorial on SWIFT mapping applications for @R4 by SaI 2022-04-15 @ 14:00 - 15:30 Tutorial on SWIFT mapping applications for @R4 by SaI Tutorial on SWIFT by Sa... 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Naganawa plus … 2022-04-15 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Naganawa plus … Online Meeting with Pro... 1イベント, 16 1イベント, 16 2022-04-16 Chin-san can come to Japan Chin-san can come to Japan 2022-04-16 Chin-san can come to Japan 4/16の6時45分で台湾から出発し、11時0... 1イベント, 17 1イベント, 17 2022-04-17 ??Chin-san may come to Japan ??Chin-san may come to Japan 2022-04-17 ??Chin-san may come to Japan ??Chin-san may come to ... 3イベント, 18 3イベント, 18 09:00 - 17:00 HCC Meeting 2022-04-18 @ 09:00 - 17:00 HCC Meeting 4月18日(月)9時15分からコース会議を開催... 10:30 - 17:00 ???@lab staff Meeting from 10:30 2022-04-18 @ 10:30 - 17:00 ???@lab staff Meeting from 10:30 佐藤諒様,佐々木一織さん, お休みのところ,す... 15:00 - 15:30 Short meeting with Dr. Lu 2022-04-18 @ 15:00 - 15:30 Short meeting with Dr. Lu Dear Lu-sensei thank yo... 3イベント, 19 3イベント, 19 2022-04-19 [02]NC2022 [02]NC2022 2022-04-19 [02]NC2022 NC2022 Numeric Computin... 2022-04-19 [02]「情報工学の世界」 [02]「情報工学の世界」 2022-04-19 [02]「情報工学の世界」 「情報工学の世界」 「情報工学の世界 −現代情... 16:30 - 17:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 2022-04-19 @ 16:30 - 17:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 4/19... 4イベント, 20 4イベント, 20 2022-04-20 Deadline of 概算要求 Deadline of 概算要求 2022-04-20 Deadline of 概算要求 Deadline of 概算要求 on Apr... 2022-04-20 Tutorial for new comers@lab by SaI on April 20 and May 11’s morning Tutorial for new comers@lab by SaI on April 20 and May 11’s morning 2022-04-20 Tutorial for new comers@lab by SaI on April 20 and May 11’s morning Tutorial for new comers... 08:30 - 09:00 Interview with M1@Kageyama Lab. (1) 2022-04-20 @ 08:30 - 09:00 Interview with M1@Kageyama Lab. (1) Interview with M1@Kagey... 17:00 - 18:00 Interview with M1@Kageyama Lab. (2) 2022-04-20 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Interview with M1@Kageyama Lab. (2) Interview with M1@Kagey... 6イベント, 21 6イベント, 21 2022-04-21 [03]dbb2022 [03]dbb2022 2022-04-21 [03]dbb2022 dbb2022 dbb2022, Thu, 8... 2022-04-21 教授会 4/21, 6/16, 9/15, 11/17, 1/19, 3/3 教授会 4/21, 6/16, 9/15, 11/17, 1/19, 3/3 2022-04-21 教授会 4/21, 6/16, 9/15, 11/17, 1/19, 3/3 教授会 4/21, 6/16, 9/15, 1... 2022-04-21 [03] SpaHealthd2022 [03] SpaHealthd2022 2022-04-21 [03] SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealt... 13:00 - 17:00 Extra B4 interview day 2022-04-21 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Extra B4 interview day Extra B4 interview day ... 15:00 - 17:00 研究科FD 2022-04-21 @ 15:00 - 17:00 研究科FD 【研究科FD,研究科・学部教授会予定(Zoom... 17:30 - 18:00 ???meeting with Utsumi-sensei ? 2022-04-21 @ 17:30 - 18:00 ???meeting with Utsumi-sensei ? ???meeting with Utsumi-... 3イベント, 22 3イベント, 22 2022-04-22 All day, Interview with B4 and its professors All day, Interview with B4 and its professors 2022-04-22 All day, Interview with B4 and its professors All day, Interview with... 13:00 - 17:00 Akita Symp. 2022-04-22 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Akita Symp. 地方創生・国土強靱化 FORUM8 セミナーフ... 17:00 - 18:00 meeting with PX, OK, KT 2022-04-22 @ 17:00 - 18:00 meeting with PX, OK, KT meeting with PX, OK, KT 1イベント, 23 1イベント, 23 2022-04-23 Off: Yoneyama scholarship meeting Off: Yoneyama scholarship meeting 2022-04-23 Off: Yoneyama scholarship meeting 2022学年度ロータリー米山記念奨学生 オリエ... 1イベント, 24 1イベント, 24 14:00 - 14:30 ???Meeting with Koizumi-san 2022-04-24 @ 14:00 - 14:30 ???Meeting with Koizumi-san ???Meeting with Koizumi... 6イベント, 25 6イベント, 25 10:00 - 11:00 Interview with M1 2022-04-25 @ 10:00 - 11:00 Interview with M1 4/25に有川先生と研究に関する面談を行います... 11:00 - 11:30 Interview with TM 2022-04-25 @ 11:00 - 11:30 Interview with TM 4/25(月) 11:00 Takahshi ... 11:00 - 17:00 Meeting with M1 on April 2 2022-04-25 @ 11:00 - 17:00 Meeting with M1 on April 2 Meeting with M1 on Apri... 11:15 - 17:00 Meeting with Won-san 2022-04-25 @ 11:15 - 17:00 Meeting with Won-san 王さん おはようございます。佐藤です。 4/2... 14:00 - 15:00 ???Meeting with Tanno-san 2022-04-25 @ 14:00 - 15:00 ???Meeting with Tanno-san ???Meeting with Tanno-s... 15:00 - 17:00 ???Meeting with Kira-san 2022-04-25 @ 15:00 - 17:00 ???Meeting with Kira-san ???Meeting with Kira-sa... 7イベント, 26 7イベント, 26 2022-04-26 [03]NC2022 [03]NC2022 2022-04-26 [03]NC2022 NC2022 Numeric Computin... 2022-04-26 SaR shot SaR shot 2022-04-26 SaR shot SaR shot 2022-04-26 [03]「情報工学の世界」 [03]「情報工学の世界」 2022-04-26 [03]「情報工学の世界」 「情報工学の世界」 「情報工学の世界 −現代情... 13:30 - 15:30 Postpone, ISO/TC211 Meeting 2022-04-26 @ 13:30 - 15:30 Postpone, ISO/TC211 Meeting 会議名:第94回ISO/TC 211国内委員会... 14:00 - 14:30 ???Meeting with Koizumi-san 2022-04-26 @ 14:00 - 14:30 ???Meeting with Koizumi-san 4/26 14:00から,207ではどうでしょ... 14:20 - 17:00 ???Meeting with Son-san at 2:20pm 2022-04-26 @ 14:20 - 17:00 ???Meeting with Son-san at 2:20pm ???Meeting with Son-san... 17:00 - 19:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 17:00- 2022-04-26 @ 17:00 - 19:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 17:00- 明日開催のWGにつきましては、4/26(火)1... 1イベント, 27 1イベント, 27 2022-04-27 SaI’s Kaken proposal is accepted! SaI’s Kaken proposal is accepted! 2022-04-27 SaI’s Kaken proposal is accepted! SaI's Kaken proposal is... 8イベント, 28 8イベント, 28 2022-04-28 dinner with SaI dinner with SaI 2022-04-28 dinner with SaI dinner with SaI 2022-04-28 W2GIS 2022, 28-29 April 2022 W2GIS 2022, 28-29 April 2022 2022-04-28 - 2022-04-29 W2GIS 2022, 28-29 April 2022 19th International Symp... 2022-04-28 [04]dbb2022 [04]dbb2022 2022-04-28 [04]dbb2022 dbb2022 dbb2022, Thu, 8... 2022-04-28 [04] SpaHealthd2022 [04] SpaHealthd2022 2022-04-28 [04] SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealt... 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with M1 on April 28 2022-04-28 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with M1 on April 28 Meeting with M1 on Apri... 13:30 - 17:00 B4 interview 2022-04-28 @ 13:30 - 17:00 B4 interview 日時 : 4/28(木) 13:30 ~ 15... 13:30 - 17:00 Interview with B4@Lab by staff 2022-04-28 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Interview with B4@Lab by staff Thu, April 28, 13:30-15... 14:30 - 15:30 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei 2022-04-28 @ 14:30 - 15:30 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei 内海先生 おはようございます。有川です. もし... 4イベント, 29 4イベント, 29 2022-04-28 W2GIS 2022, 28-29 April 2022 08:00 - 17:00 昭和の日 2022-04-29 @ 08:00 - 17:00 昭和の日 昭和の日 2022年4月29日 金 昭和の日... 09:30 - 17:00 Meeting with KT 2022-04-29 @ 09:30 - 17:00 Meeting with KT 吉良さん こんにちは.有川です. 5/2(月)... 20:00 - 22:00 Meeting Dinner with Utsumi-senesi and SaI 2022-04-29 @ 20:00 - 22:00 Meeting Dinner with Utsumi-senesi and SaI dinner with Utsumi-sene... 0イベント, 30 0イベント, 30 1イベント, 1 1イベント, 1 2022-05-01 One month to LBS2022, June 1, Sept. 12-14 One month to LBS2022, June 1, Sept. 12-14 2022-05-01 One month to LBS2022, June 1, Sept. 12-14 LBS2022, June 1, Sept. ... 3月 28 終日 real interview with Shibara-san 2022-03-28 @ 09:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Kageyama 2022-03-28 @ 10:00 - 15:00 北東北国立3大学 「医 工連携」をテーマとした研究者交流会 2022-03-28 @ 13:00 - 17:00 practice of interview with Miura-san 2022-03-28 @ 17:00 inner deadline of making syllabus for new faculty by Mar. 28 3月 29 終日 furikae for March 12 終日 Off: AM 終日 ??night research meeting?? 2022-03-29 @ 16:30 - 17:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:30- 2022-03-29 @ 19:30 - 21:30 Japan vs. Vietnam 3月 30 終日 評価委員会 終日 Off: AM 終日 ??night research meeting?? 2022-03-30 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Chin Koufu-san and Dr. Shirai 3月 31 終日 Waxing on Bldg #5 終日 Last day for Dr. Akinori Takahashi 2022-03-31 @ 10:30 - 23:59 HCC Meeting, R4 or R3L(extra) on 3/31 2022-03-31 @ 11:00 - 12:00 farewell meeting 2022-03-31 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Practice of interview with Miura-san 2022-03-31 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei about his research 4月 1 終日 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 2022-04-01 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Off SaR 2022-04-01 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei’s acquaintance 4月 1 終日 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 終日 ?Chin-san will be in Japan 2022-04-02 @ 19:30 - 20:30 akiraoke 4月 1 終日 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 4月 1 終日 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 終日 在学生ガイダンス R4.4.4 2022-04-04 @ 09:00 - 10:30 Old B1 Guidance 2022-04-04 @ 11:00 - 17:00 HC B2 Guidance 2022-04-04 @ 13:00 - 14:00 HC B3 Guidance 2022-04-04 @ 14:15 - 17:00 HC B4 Guidance 2022-04-04 @ 15:30 - 17:00 HC M2 Guidance 2022-04-04 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei 4月 1 終日 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 終日 入学式 R4.4.5 2022-04-05 @ 10:30 - 12:00 Meeting with PX 2022-04-05 @ 11:00 - 17:00 Lunch meeting with SaR, SaI, PX 2022-04-05 @ 16:30 - 17:00 FD for TA,RA 2022-04-05 @ 16:30 - 17:00 Postpone ???新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 4月 1 終日 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 終日 新入生ガイダンス 2022-04-06 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Guidance for M1 from 16:10 2022-04-06 @ 17:10 - 17:30 Meeting with Lu-sensei 4月 7 終日 [01]dbb2022 終日 1Q starts 終日 [01] SpaHealthd2022 2022-04-07 @ 14:00 - 14:30 Meeting with Kagaya-san by Prof. Nakajima, Prof. Hashimoto 2022-04-07 @ 14:30 - 15:00 Meeting with Muto-sensei 2022-04-07 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof Mitobe 2022-04-07 @ 16:10 - 17:30 New fac. meeting 4月 8 終日 (Changed as one from new faculty) Hard deadline of 概算要求 終日 Buddha’s Birthday on April 8 2022-04-08 @ 09:00 - 17:00 Meeting with SaR and SaI 2022-04-08 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei 4月 9 2022-04-09 @ 10:00 - 17:00 Meeting with SaI 4月 10 終日 ??Chin-san may come to Japan 4月 11 2022-04-11 @ 09:00 - 17:00 @lab staff Meeting 2022-04-11 @ 16:00 - 17:00 学生委員会 4月 12 終日 [01]NC2022 終日 [01]「情報工学の世界」 2022-04-12 @ 16:30 - 17:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 2022-04-12 @ 17:30 meeting with Utsumi-sensei from 17:30 イベントがありません 4月 14 終日 [02]dbb2022 終日 [02] SpaHealthd2022 2022-04-14 @ 13:30 - 17:00 [01]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022-04-14 @ 15:30 - 17:30 ??Research meeting with PX 4月 15 終日 AM, 3rd vaccine 2022-04-15 @ 09:50 - 17:00 M1 (Kira) special Interview with Prof. Kageyama 2022-04-15 @ 14:00 - 15:30 Tutorial on SWIFT mapping applications for @R4 by SaI 2022-04-15 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Naganawa plus … 4月 16 終日 Chin-san can come to Japan 4月 17 終日 ??Chin-san may come to Japan 4月 18 2022-04-18 @ 09:00 - 17:00 HCC Meeting 2022-04-18 @ 10:30 - 17:00 ???@lab staff Meeting from 10:30 2022-04-18 @ 15:00 - 15:30 Short meeting with Dr. Lu 4月 19 終日 [02]NC2022 終日 [02]「情報工学の世界」 2022-04-19 @ 16:30 - 17:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 4月 20 終日 Deadline of 概算要求 終日 Tutorial for new comers@lab by SaI on April 20 and May 11’s morning 2022-04-20 @ 08:30 - 09:00 Interview with M1@Kageyama Lab. (1) 2022-04-20 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Interview with M1@Kageyama Lab. (2) 4月 21 終日 [03]dbb2022 終日 教授会 4/21, 6/16, 9/15, 11/17, 1/19, 3/3 終日 [03] SpaHealthd2022 2022-04-21 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Extra B4 interview day 2022-04-21 @ 15:00 - 17:00 研究科FD 2022-04-21 @ 17:30 - 18:00 ???meeting with Utsumi-sensei ? 4月 22 終日 All day, Interview with B4 and its professors 2022-04-22 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Akita Symp. 2022-04-22 @ 17:00 - 18:00 meeting with PX, OK, KT 4月 23 終日 Off: Yoneyama scholarship meeting 4月 24 2022-04-24 @ 14:00 - 14:30 ???Meeting with Koizumi-san 4月 25 2022-04-25 @ 10:00 - 11:00 Interview with M1 2022-04-25 @ 11:00 - 11:30 Interview with TM 2022-04-25 @ 11:00 - 17:00 Meeting with M1 on April 2 2022-04-25 @ 11:15 - 17:00 Meeting with Won-san 2022-04-25 @ 14:00 - 15:00 ???Meeting with Tanno-san 2022-04-25 @ 15:00 - 17:00 ???Meeting with Kira-san 4月 26 終日 [03]NC2022 終日 SaR shot 終日 [03]「情報工学の世界」 2022-04-26 @ 13:30 - 15:30 Postpone, ISO/TC211 Meeting 2022-04-26 @ 14:00 - 14:30 ???Meeting with Koizumi-san 2022-04-26 @ 14:20 - 17:00 ???Meeting with Son-san at 2:20pm 2022-04-26 @ 17:00 - 19:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 17:00- 4月 27 終日 SaI’s Kaken proposal is accepted! 4月 28 終日 dinner with SaI 終日 W2GIS 2022, 28-29 April 2022 終日 [04]dbb2022 終日 [04] SpaHealthd2022 2022-04-28 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with M1 on April 28 2022-04-28 @ 13:30 - 17:00 B4 interview 2022-04-28 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Interview with B4@Lab by staff 2022-04-28 @ 14:30 - 15:30 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei 4月 28 終日 W2GIS 2022, 28-29 April 2022 2022-04-29 @ 08:00 - 17:00 昭和の日 2022-04-29 @ 09:30 - 17:00 Meeting with KT 2022-04-29 @ 20:00 - 22:00 Meeting Dinner with Utsumi-senesi and SaI イベントがありません 5月 1 終日 One month to LBS2022, June 1, Sept. 12-14 3月 今月 5月 自分のカレンダーと連携する Google カレンダー iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Export .ics file Export Outlook .ics file
2022-03-28 real interview with Shibara-san real interview with Shibara-san 2022-03-28 real interview with Shibara-san 柴田です。 ???システムズの一次面接の日程が...
09:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Kageyama 2022-03-28 @ 09:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Kageyama 景山先生 ありがとうございます。 28日(月)...
10:00 - 15:00 北東北国立3大学 「医 工連携」をテーマとした研究者交流会 2022-03-28 @ 10:00 - 15:00 北東北国立3大学 「医 工連携」をテーマとした研究者交流会 ◇「医工連携」をテーマとした研究者交流会 ...
13:00 - 17:00 practice of interview with Miura-san 2022-03-28 @ 13:00 - 17:00 practice of interview with Miura-san 三浦さんの 面接練習は,3/28の午後1時から...
17:00 inner deadline of making syllabus for new faculty by Mar. 28 2022-03-28 @ 17:00 inner deadline of making syllabus for new faculty by Mar. 28 inner deadline of makin...
2022-03-29 furikae for March 12 furikae for March 12 2022-03-29 furikae for March 12 振替休日,3/29 <- 3/25 fu...
2022-03-29 ??night research meeting?? ??night research meeting?? 2022-03-29 - 2022-03-30 ??night research meeting?? ??night research meetin...
16:30 - 17:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:30- 2022-03-29 @ 16:30 - 17:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:30- 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 3/29...
19:30 - 21:30 Japan vs. Vietnam 2022-03-29 @ 19:30 - 21:30 Japan vs. Vietnam Japan vs. Vietnam 日本 vs...
14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Chin Koufu-san and Dr. Shirai 2022-03-30 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Chin Koufu-san and Dr. Shirai チンコウフさん面談(30日14時から)
2022-03-31 Waxing on Bldg #5 Waxing on Bldg #5 2022-03-31 Waxing on Bldg #5 会計担当からワックスがけの予定表がきました。 ...
2022-03-31 Last day for Dr. Akinori Takahashi Last day for Dr. Akinori Takahashi 2022-03-31 Last day for Dr. Akinori Takahashi Last day for Dr. Akinor...
10:30 - 23:59 HCC Meeting, R4 or R3L(extra) on 3/31 2022-03-31 @ 10:30 - 23:59 HCC Meeting, R4 or R3L(extra) on 3/31 年度締めのコース会議と年度初めのコース会議を合...
15:00 - 17:00 Practice of interview with Miura-san 2022-03-31 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Practice of interview with Miura-san Practice of interview w...
17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei about his research 2022-03-31 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei about his research Meeting with Utsumi-sen...
2022-04-01 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 2022-04-01 - 2022-04-06 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 Hard deadline of the fi...
13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei’s acquaintance 2022-04-01 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei’s acquaintance Meeting with Utsumi-sen...
2022-04-02 ?Chin-san will be in Japan ?Chin-san will be in Japan 2022-04-02 ?Chin-san will be in Japan チンイーウェイさんが 4/2に入国される
2022-04-01 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6 Hard deadline of the final draft of springer book of ubimap by April 6
17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei 2022-04-04 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei Meeting with Utsumi-sen...
11:00 - 17:00 Lunch meeting with SaR, SaI, PX 2022-04-05 @ 11:00 - 17:00 Lunch meeting with SaR, SaI, PX Lunch meeting with SaR,...
16:30 - 17:00 Postpone ???新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 2022-04-05 @ 16:30 - 17:00 Postpone ???新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 4/5(...
16:00 - 17:00 Guidance for M1 from 16:10 2022-04-06 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Guidance for M1 from 16:10 M1:4月6日(水)16:10~16:55 #...
17:10 - 17:30 Meeting with Lu-sensei 2022-04-06 @ 17:10 - 17:30 Meeting with Lu-sensei Dear Lu-sensei, Sorry f...
2022-04-07 [01] SpaHealthd2022 [01] SpaHealthd2022 2022-04-07 [01] SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealt...
14:00 - 14:30 Meeting with Kagaya-san by Prof. Nakajima, Prof. Hashimoto 2022-04-07 @ 14:00 - 14:30 Meeting with Kagaya-san by Prof. Nakajima, Prof. Hashimoto Meeting with Kagaya-san...
14:30 - 15:00 Meeting with Muto-sensei 2022-04-07 @ 14:30 - 15:00 Meeting with Muto-sensei 武藤先生 ご返事ありがとうございます。有川です...
15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof Mitobe 2022-04-07 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof Mitobe 水戸部先生,cc:内海先生,藤原先生, お忙し...
2022-04-08 (Changed as one from new faculty) Hard deadline of 概算要求 (Changed as one from new faculty) Hard deadline of 概算要求 2022-04-08 (Changed as one from new faculty) Hard deadline of 概算要求 Hard deadline of 概算要求
2022-04-08 Buddha’s Birthday on April 8 Buddha’s Birthday on April 8 2022-04-08 Buddha’s Birthday on April 8 Buddha's Birthday on Ap...
09:00 - 17:00 Meeting with SaR and SaI 2022-04-08 @ 09:00 - 17:00 Meeting with SaR and SaI 佐藤諒様,佐々木さん 早速のご返事ありがとうご...
17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei 2022-04-08 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei Meeting with Utsumi-sen...
10:00 - 17:00 Meeting with SaI 2022-04-09 @ 10:00 - 17:00 Meeting with SaI 佐々木さん 4/10 10:00AM,V-20...
2022-04-10 ??Chin-san may come to Japan ??Chin-san may come to Japan 2022-04-10 ??Chin-san may come to Japan ??Chin-san may come to ...
09:00 - 17:00 @lab staff Meeting 2022-04-11 @ 09:00 - 17:00 @lab staff Meeting @lab staff Meeting 来週月曜...
16:30 - 17:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 2022-04-12 @ 16:30 - 17:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 4/12...
17:30 meeting with Utsumi-sensei from 17:30 2022-04-12 @ 17:30 meeting with Utsumi-sensei from 17:30 meeting with Utsumi-sen...
2022-04-14 [02] SpaHealthd2022 [02] SpaHealthd2022 2022-04-14 [02] SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealt...
13:30 - 17:00 [01]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022-04-14 @ 13:30 - 17:00 [01]@Lab Weekly Meeting Thu, April 14, 13:30-15...
15:30 - 17:30 ??Research meeting with PX 2022-04-14 @ 15:30 - 17:30 ??Research meeting with PX Starting time will be c...
09:50 - 17:00 M1 (Kira) special Interview with Prof. Kageyama 2022-04-15 @ 09:50 - 17:00 M1 (Kira) special Interview with Prof. Kageyama >> 15日9時50分が良いかなと...
14:00 - 15:30 Tutorial on SWIFT mapping applications for @R4 by SaI 2022-04-15 @ 14:00 - 15:30 Tutorial on SWIFT mapping applications for @R4 by SaI Tutorial on SWIFT by Sa...
16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Naganawa plus … 2022-04-15 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Naganawa plus … Online Meeting with Pro...
2022-04-16 Chin-san can come to Japan Chin-san can come to Japan 2022-04-16 Chin-san can come to Japan 4/16の6時45分で台湾から出発し、11時0...
2022-04-17 ??Chin-san may come to Japan ??Chin-san may come to Japan 2022-04-17 ??Chin-san may come to Japan ??Chin-san may come to ...
10:30 - 17:00 ???@lab staff Meeting from 10:30 2022-04-18 @ 10:30 - 17:00 ???@lab staff Meeting from 10:30 佐藤諒様,佐々木一織さん, お休みのところ,す...
15:00 - 15:30 Short meeting with Dr. Lu 2022-04-18 @ 15:00 - 15:30 Short meeting with Dr. Lu Dear Lu-sensei thank yo...
16:30 - 17:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 2022-04-19 @ 16:30 - 17:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 4/19...
2022-04-20 Tutorial for new comers@lab by SaI on April 20 and May 11’s morning Tutorial for new comers@lab by SaI on April 20 and May 11’s morning 2022-04-20 Tutorial for new comers@lab by SaI on April 20 and May 11’s morning Tutorial for new comers...
08:30 - 09:00 Interview with M1@Kageyama Lab. (1) 2022-04-20 @ 08:30 - 09:00 Interview with M1@Kageyama Lab. (1) Interview with M1@Kagey...
17:00 - 18:00 Interview with M1@Kageyama Lab. (2) 2022-04-20 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Interview with M1@Kageyama Lab. (2) Interview with M1@Kagey...
2022-04-21 教授会 4/21, 6/16, 9/15, 11/17, 1/19, 3/3 教授会 4/21, 6/16, 9/15, 11/17, 1/19, 3/3 2022-04-21 教授会 4/21, 6/16, 9/15, 11/17, 1/19, 3/3 教授会 4/21, 6/16, 9/15, 1...
2022-04-21 [03] SpaHealthd2022 [03] SpaHealthd2022 2022-04-21 [03] SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealt...
13:00 - 17:00 Extra B4 interview day 2022-04-21 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Extra B4 interview day Extra B4 interview day ...
17:30 - 18:00 ???meeting with Utsumi-sensei ? 2022-04-21 @ 17:30 - 18:00 ???meeting with Utsumi-sensei ? ???meeting with Utsumi-...
2022-04-22 All day, Interview with B4 and its professors All day, Interview with B4 and its professors 2022-04-22 All day, Interview with B4 and its professors All day, Interview with...
17:00 - 18:00 meeting with PX, OK, KT 2022-04-22 @ 17:00 - 18:00 meeting with PX, OK, KT meeting with PX, OK, KT
2022-04-23 Off: Yoneyama scholarship meeting Off: Yoneyama scholarship meeting 2022-04-23 Off: Yoneyama scholarship meeting 2022学年度ロータリー米山記念奨学生 オリエ...
14:00 - 14:30 ???Meeting with Koizumi-san 2022-04-24 @ 14:00 - 14:30 ???Meeting with Koizumi-san ???Meeting with Koizumi...
10:00 - 11:00 Interview with M1 2022-04-25 @ 10:00 - 11:00 Interview with M1 4/25に有川先生と研究に関する面談を行います...
11:00 - 11:30 Interview with TM 2022-04-25 @ 11:00 - 11:30 Interview with TM 4/25(月) 11:00 Takahshi ...
11:00 - 17:00 Meeting with M1 on April 2 2022-04-25 @ 11:00 - 17:00 Meeting with M1 on April 2 Meeting with M1 on Apri...
11:15 - 17:00 Meeting with Won-san 2022-04-25 @ 11:15 - 17:00 Meeting with Won-san 王さん おはようございます。佐藤です。 4/2...
14:00 - 15:00 ???Meeting with Tanno-san 2022-04-25 @ 14:00 - 15:00 ???Meeting with Tanno-san ???Meeting with Tanno-s...
15:00 - 17:00 ???Meeting with Kira-san 2022-04-25 @ 15:00 - 17:00 ???Meeting with Kira-san ???Meeting with Kira-sa...
13:30 - 15:30 Postpone, ISO/TC211 Meeting 2022-04-26 @ 13:30 - 15:30 Postpone, ISO/TC211 Meeting 会議名:第94回ISO/TC 211国内委員会...
14:00 - 14:30 ???Meeting with Koizumi-san 2022-04-26 @ 14:00 - 14:30 ???Meeting with Koizumi-san 4/26 14:00から,207ではどうでしょ...
14:20 - 17:00 ???Meeting with Son-san at 2:20pm 2022-04-26 @ 14:20 - 17:00 ???Meeting with Son-san at 2:20pm ???Meeting with Son-san...
17:00 - 19:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 17:00- 2022-04-26 @ 17:00 - 19:00 新学部会議,毎週火曜日 17:00- 明日開催のWGにつきましては、4/26(火)1...
2022-04-27 SaI’s Kaken proposal is accepted! SaI’s Kaken proposal is accepted! 2022-04-27 SaI’s Kaken proposal is accepted! SaI's Kaken proposal is...
2022-04-28 W2GIS 2022, 28-29 April 2022 W2GIS 2022, 28-29 April 2022 2022-04-28 - 2022-04-29 W2GIS 2022, 28-29 April 2022 19th International Symp...
2022-04-28 [04] SpaHealthd2022 [04] SpaHealthd2022 2022-04-28 [04] SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealt...
13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with M1 on April 28 2022-04-28 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with M1 on April 28 Meeting with M1 on Apri...
13:30 - 17:00 Interview with B4@Lab by staff 2022-04-28 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Interview with B4@Lab by staff Thu, April 28, 13:30-15...
14:30 - 15:30 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei 2022-04-28 @ 14:30 - 15:30 Meeting with Utsumi-sensei 内海先生 おはようございます。有川です. もし...
20:00 - 22:00 Meeting Dinner with Utsumi-senesi and SaI 2022-04-29 @ 20:00 - 22:00 Meeting Dinner with Utsumi-senesi and SaI dinner with Utsumi-sene...
2022-05-01 One month to LBS2022, June 1, Sept. 12-14 One month to LBS2022, June 1, Sept. 12-14 2022-05-01 One month to LBS2022, June 1, Sept. 12-14 LBS2022, June 1, Sept. ...