ビューを読み込み中です。 イベントを検索してナビゲーションを表示 検索 キーワードを入力してください。キーワードでイベントを検索します。 イベントを検索 イベント ビューナビゲーション Month List Month Day 今月 2022-06-01 6月 2022 日付を選択 イベント のカレンダー 月 月 火 火 水 水 木 木 金 金 土 土 日 日 4イベント, 30 4イベント, 30 2022-05-28 Rental Car Rental Car 2022-05-28 @ 09:00 - 2022-05-30 @ 09:00 Rental Car Rental Car, May 28 9:00... 2022-05-30 ??HC B3 Interview ??HC B3 Interview 2022-05-30 ??HC B3 Interview ??HC B3 Interview on Ma... 09:00 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 2022-05-30 @ 09:00 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting May ... 17:00 ?Meeting for New Fac. 2022-05-30 @ 17:00 ?Meeting for New Fac. 文科相談前日に,最終確認などの必要性が生じるか... 5イベント, 31 5イベント, 31 2022-05-31 [07]NC2022 [07]NC2022 2022-05-31 [07]NC2022 NC2022 Numeric Computin... 13:00 - 13:30 Zoom meeting with Dr. Lu 2022-05-31 @ 13:00 - 13:30 Zoom meeting with Dr. Lu Zoom meetingを開きたいと思います。... 14:00 - 17:00 IMP Meeting 2022-05-31 @ 14:00 - 17:00 IMP Meeting Monka sodan mext 14:30-... 16:00 - 17:00 学務委員会、代理 2022-05-31 @ 16:00 - 17:00 学務委員会、代理 学務委員会、代理 from 16:10 16:00 - 17:00 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 2022-05-31 @ 16:00 - 17:00 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 5/1... 4イベント, 1 4イベント, 1 2022-06-01 LBS2022, June 1, Sept. 12-14 LBS2022, June 1, Sept. 12-14 2022-06-01 LBS2022, June 1, Sept. 12-14 LBS2022, June 1, Sept. ... 09:00 - 10:00 @Lab Staff Meeting in the morning 2022-06-01 @ 09:00 - 10:00 @Lab Staff Meeting in the morning @Lab Staff Meeting in t... 16:00 - 17:00 学生委員会 2022-06-01 @ 16:00 - 17:00 学生委員会 【開催通知:6/1(水)16:10~】第4回学... 18:00 - 19:00 New Fac Meeting 2022-06-01 @ 18:00 - 19:00 New Fac Meeting New Fac Meeting 新学部設置WG... 6イベント, 2 6イベント, 2 2022-06-02 [08] SpaHealthd2022 [08] SpaHealthd2022 2022-06-02 [08] SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealt... 2022-06-02 R4 専攻長・学科長会議 R4 専攻長・学科長会議 2022-06-02 R4 専攻長・学科長会議 R4 専攻長・学科長会議 6月2日(木) 1 ... 2022-06-02 [08]dbb2022 [08]dbb2022 2022-06-02 [08]dbb2022 試験監督補助の願い、 6/2(木) 1-2時限... 08:40 - 17:00 Support of the exam. from 8:40 2022-06-02 @ 08:40 - 17:00 Support of the exam. from 8:40 佐藤諒様 いつもお世話になっております。有川で... 17:30 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei from ?16:00 2022-06-02 @ 17:30 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei from ?16:00 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-s... 18:00 - 19:00 New Fac Meeting 2022-06-02 @ 18:00 - 19:00 New Fac Meeting New Fac Meeting 新学部設置WG... 2イベント, 3 2イベント, 3 2022-06-03 [05]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 [05]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 2022-06-03 [05]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 @Lab Weekly Meeting 202... 2022-06-03 Weekly Meeting about PX’s Ms thesis with OK and KT Weekly Meeting about PX’s Ms thesis with OK and KT 2022-06-03 Weekly Meeting about PX’s Ms thesis with OK and KT Weekly Meeting about PX... 1イベント, 4 1イベント, 4 2022-06-04 高大連携授業,6/4 高大連携授業,6/4 2022-06-04 高大連携授業,6/4 高大連携授業,6/4 2022年度高大連携授業... 0イベント, 5 0イベント, 5 5イベント, 6 5イベント, 6 2022-06-06 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日 2022-06-06 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日 2022-06-06 June 6, Inner deadline of submission, 電気関係学会 June 6, Inner deadline of submission, 電気関係学会 2022-06-06 June 6, Inner deadline of submission, 電気関係学会 June 6, Inner deadline ... 2022-06-06 ??HC B3 Interview ??HC B3 Interview 2022-06-06 ??HC B3 Interview ??HC B3 Interview on Ma... 09:15 - 10:30 HC Meeting 2022-06-06 @ 09:15 - 10:30 HC Meeting (4) 次回コース会議 6 月 6 日 9 時... 10:30 - 11:30 @Lab Staff Meeting from 10:40 2022-06-06 @ 10:30 - 11:30 @Lab Staff Meeting from 10:40 @Lab Staff Meeting from... 3イベント, 7 3イベント, 7 2022-06-07 Meeting with Prof. Kageyama Meeting with Prof. Kageyama 2022-06-07 Meeting with Prof. Kageyama Morning with Prof. Kage... 2022-06-07 [08]NC2022 [08]NC2022 2022-06-07 [08]NC2022 試験監督補助の願い、 6/7(火)3-4時限目... 16:00 - 17:00 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 2022-06-07 @ 16:00 - 17:00 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 6/7 3イベント, 8 3イベント, 8 2022-06-08 Morning meeting with Prof. Yoshimura Morning meeting with Prof. Yoshimura 2022-06-08 Morning meeting with Prof. Yoshimura Morning meeting with Pr... 10:00 - 12:00 PX Meeting about Interim Defense 2022-06-08 @ 10:00 - 12:00 PX Meeting about Interim Defense PX Meeting about Interi... 13:30 - 17:00 meeting with students about tohoku-shibu 2022-06-08 @ 13:30 - 17:00 meeting with students about tohoku-shibu 永石さん,田村智一さん,大場さん, cc: 佐... 6イベント, 9 6イベント, 9 2022-06-09 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日 2022-06-09 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日 2022-06-09 共益費,水道料金を収集 共益費,水道料金を収集 2022-06-09 共益費,水道料金を収集 共益費,水道料金を収集 2022 年度の共益費... 2022-06-09 Intensive work for reviewing papers Intensive work for reviewing papers 2022-06-09 - 2022-06-10 Intensive work for reviewing papers Intensive work for revi... 2022-06-09 [OFF]dbb2022_on June 9 [OFF]dbb2022_on June 9 2022-06-09 [OFF]dbb2022_on June 9 dbb2022_2Q dbb2022, Thu... 11:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Wako-san 2022-06-09 @ 11:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Wako-san 和光さん こんばんは.有川です. 論文作成あり... 17:30 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 2022-06-09 @ 17:30 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei ?Meeting with Tutsumi-s... 4イベント, 10 4イベント, 10 2022-06-10 [06]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 [06]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 2022-06-10 [06]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 @Lab Weekly Meeting 202... 2022-06-10 Cancel, Weekly Meeting about PX’s Ms thesis with OK and KT Cancel, Weekly Meeting about PX’s Ms thesis with OK and KT 2022-06-10 Cancel, Weekly Meeting about PX’s Ms thesis with OK and KT Weekly Meeting about PX... 2022-06-09 Intensive work for reviewing papers 13:30 - 14:00 PENGさんの中間審査会 2022-06-10 @ 13:30 - 14:00 PENGさんの中間審査会 PENGさん, 発表時間は,18分ですので,で... 2イベント, 11 2イベント, 11 2022-06-11 共益費,水道料金を収集 共益費,水道料金を収集 2022-06-11 共益費,水道料金を収集 共益費,水道料金を収集 2022 年度の共益費... 10:30 - 23:59 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0611, 18, 25, 2022-06-11 @ 10:30 - 23:59 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0611, 18, 25, Intensive meeting about... 0イベント, 12 0イベント, 12 5イベント, 13 5イベント, 13 2022-06-13 deadline of submission, 電気関係学会東北支部連合大会 deadline of submission, 電気関係学会東北支部連合大会 2022-06-13 deadline of submission, 電気関係学会東北支部連合大会 deadline of submission,... 2022-06-13 研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,17,22,24 研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,17,22,24 2022-06-13 研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,17,22,24 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,... 08:00 - 17:00 B4 Interviews about deciding the title of Bachelor thesis on June 24 2022-06-13 @ 08:00 - 17:00 B4 Interviews about deciding the title of Bachelor thesis on June 24 B4 Interviews about dec... 10:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 2022-06-13 @ 10:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 佐藤諒様,佐々木さん, おはようございます.有... 14:30 - 17:00 Location of taking videos about SaI’s research 2022-06-13 @ 14:30 - 17:00 Location of taking videos about SaI’s research 撮影日についてですが、6月13日(月)14:3... 4イベント, 14 4イベント, 14 2022-06-14 測技協_創立40周年功労者顕彰式典 測技協_創立40周年功労者顕彰式典 2022-06-14 測技協_創立40周年功労者顕彰式典 測技協_創立40周年功労者顕彰式典(2022/... 2022-06-14 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 2022-06-14 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 6月1... 2022-06-14 [_01]NC2022 [_01]NC2022 2022-06-14 [_01]NC2022 NC2022 Numeric Computin... 17:00 Off: 40th Anniversary of Skugikyo 2022-06-14 @ 17:00 Off: 40th Anniversary of Skugikyo >> 創立40周年功労... 3イベント, 15 3イベント, 15 2022-06-15 Campus Clean Day, 0615 by @Lab Campus Clean Day, 0615 by @Lab 2022-06-15 Campus Clean Day, 0615 by @Lab Campus Clean Day, 0615,... 2022-06-15 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,17,22,24 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,17,22,24 2022-06-15 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,17,22,24 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,... 11:00 - 12:00 Meeting with SaI about SIG-Spatial Conf submission 2022-06-15 @ 11:00 - 12:00 Meeting with SaI about SIG-Spatial Conf submission Meeting with SaI about ... 6イベント, 16 6イベント, 16 2022-06-16 [_01] SpaHealthd2022 [_01] SpaHealthd2022 2022-06-16 [_01] SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealt... 08:50 - 10:20 [_01]dbb2022_2Q 2022-06-16 @ 08:50 - 10:20 [_01]dbb2022_2Q dbb2022_2Q dbb2022, Thu... 13:00 - 17:00 Meeting with G-sensei 2022-06-16 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Meeting with G-sensei thank you for the promp... 16:00 - 23:59 教授会 6/16 2022-06-16 @ 16:00 - 23:59 教授会 6/16 令和4年度第2回研究科・学部教授会の開催につい... 17:00 - 18:00 博士後期課程担当教員で構成する研究科教授会 2022-06-16 @ 17:00 - 18:00 博士後期課程担当教員で構成する研究科教授会 令和4年度第1回博士後期課程担当教員で構成する... 17:00 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 2022-06-16 @ 17:00 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei ?Meeting with Tutsumi-s... 4イベント, 17 4イベント, 17 2022-06-17 Deadline of SIG-Spatial paper Deadline of SIG-Spatial paper 2022-06-17 Deadline of SIG-Spatial paper Deadline of SIG-Spatial... 2022-06-17 PX research camp, 6/17,24,7/1,8,15,22. Deadline: 7/18,2 PX research camp, 6/17,24,7/1,8,15,22. Deadline: 7/18,2 2022-06-17 PX research camp, 6/17,24,7/1,8,15,22. Deadline: 7/18,2 PX research camp, 6/17,... 2022-06-17 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/17,22,24 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/17,22,24 2022-06-17 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/17,22,24 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,... 08:00 - 17:00 [07]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 2022-06-17 @ 08:00 - 17:00 [07]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 @Lab Weekly Meeting 202... 2イベント, 18 2イベント, 18 2022-06-18 Postpone Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0618 Postpone Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0618 2022-06-18 Postpone Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0618 Intensive meeting about... 2022-06-18 Inner Deadline of IMP docs for new staff employment Inner Deadline of IMP docs for new staff employment 2022-06-18 Inner Deadline of IMP docs for new staff employment Deadline of IMP docs fo... 1イベント, 19 1イベント, 19 10:30 - 12:00 (New) Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0619 2022-06-19 @ 10:30 - 12:00 (New) Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0619 Intensive meeting about... 5イベント, 20 5イベント, 20 2022-06-20 Ent. Exam. Hen-nyuu Ent. Exam. Hen-nyuu 2022-06-20 Ent. Exam. Hen-nyuu 一般 編入学 試験 2022.6.20 13:... 08:00 - 17:00 IMP Meeting on June 28 at 12:10 at V-207 2022-06-20 @ 08:00 - 17:00 IMP Meeting on June 28 at 12:10 at V-207 IMP Meeting on June 28 ... 10:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 2022-06-20 @ 10:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 佐藤諒様,佐々木さん, おはようございます.有... 12:00 Deadline of IMP docs for new staff employment 2022-06-20 @ 12:00 Deadline of IMP docs for new staff employment Deadline of IMP docs fo... 13:00 - 17:00 Ent. Exam. (Hen_nyuugaku)) 2022-06-20 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Ent. Exam. (Hen_nyuugaku)) 編入学試験の日程:令和4年6月 20 日(月)... 4イベント, 21 4イベント, 21 2022-06-21 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 2022-06-21 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 6月1... 2022-06-21 [_02]NC2022 [_02]NC2022 2022-06-21 [_02]NC2022 NC2022 Numeric Computin... 13:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Dr. Shirai and Sito-san@B4 2022-06-21 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Dr. Shirai and Sito-san@B4 Meeting with Dr. Shirai... 14:30 - 20:00 Meeting about High School Lecture and Kitsune-aruki with SaI 2022-06-21 @ 14:30 - 20:00 Meeting about High School Lecture and Kitsune-aruki with SaI Meeting about High Scho... 2イベント, 22 2イベント, 22 2022-06-22 SaR Half Off, Morning SaR Half Off, Morning 2022-06-22 SaR Half Off, Morning SaR Half Off, Morning 半... 13:30 - 14:30 ?Moka soudan 2022-06-22 @ 13:30 - 14:30 ?Moka soudan ?Moka soudan about Gais... 4イベント, 23 4イベント, 23 2022-06-23 B4 Interviews B4 Interviews 2022-06-23 B4 Interviews B4 Interviews about dec... 2022-06-23 [_02] SpaHealthd2022 [_02] SpaHealthd2022 2022-06-23 [_02] SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealt... 2022-06-23 [_02]dbb2022 [_02]dbb2022 2022-06-23 [_02]dbb2022 dbb2022 dbb2022, Thu, 8... 17:30 - 19:00 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 2022-06-23 @ 17:30 - 19:00 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei Meeting with Tutsumi-se... 6イベント, 24 6イベント, 24 2022-06-24 [08]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 [08]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 2022-06-24 [08]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 @Lab Weekly Meeting 202... 2022-06-24 Two days to Deadline of preparing a handout for Honjo High Shcool by June 27 Two days to Deadline of preparing a handout for Honjo High Shcool by June 27 2022-06-24 Two days to Deadline of preparing a handout for Honjo High Shcool by June 27 Deadline of preparing a... 2022-06-24 furikae for June 4 furikae for June 4 2022-06-24 furikae for June 4 furikae for June 4 on J... 2022-06-24 B4 Interviews B4 Interviews 2022-06-24 B4 Interviews 12:30-13:00 Ishikawa-sa... 16:30 - 23:59 ??PX research camp, 6/24 from 16:30 2022-06-24 @ 16:30 - 23:59 ??PX research camp, 6/24 from 16:30 ??PX research camp, 6/2... 18:00 - 19:00 New Fac. Meeting 2022-06-24 @ 18:00 - 19:00 New Fac. Meeting (2)教授会 ・6/24(金)18:00~ ... 1イベント, 25 1イベント, 25 2022-06-25 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0625 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0625 2022-06-25 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0625 Intensive meeting about... 2イベント, 26 2イベント, 26 2022-06-26 ???Yo-san will come to Japan. ???Yo-san will come to Japan. 2022-06-26 ???Yo-san will come to Japan. 楊益鳴さん >> また、航空券を6... 2022-06-26 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 2022-06-26 - 2022-07-01 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 HCII2022, June 26 to Ju... 4イベント, 27 4イベント, 27 2022-06-26 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 2022-06-27 Deadline of preparing a handout for Honjo High Shcool by June 27 Deadline of preparing a handout for Honjo High Shcool by June 27 2022-06-27 Deadline of preparing a handout for Honjo High Shcool by June 27 Deadline of preparing a... 09:00 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 2022-06-27 @ 09:00 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting June... 15:00 - 16:00 Ref. Meeting with Presi. 2022-06-27 @ 15:00 - 16:00 Ref. Meeting with Presi. (3)学長説明 ・6/27(月)15:00~... 7イベント, 28 7イベント, 28 2022-06-26 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 2022-06-28 進路状況報告(内部締切:6/28,実締切:6/30) 進路状況報告(内部締切:6/28,実締切:6/30) 2022-06-28 進路状況報告(内部締切:6/28,実締切:6/30) 進路状況報告(内部締切:6/28,実締切:6/... 2022-06-28 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 2022-06-28 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 6月1... 2022-06-28 [_03]NC2022 [_03]NC2022 2022-06-28 [_03]NC2022 NC2022 Numeric Computin... 08:00 - 17:00 KakenMapMeeting, 7/11,12 2022-06-28 @ 08:00 - 17:00 KakenMapMeeting, 7/11,12 KakenMapMeeting, 7/4,5,... 12:00 - 17:00 ToDo IMP Meeting on June 28, Tuesday, 12:10- 2022-06-28 @ 12:00 - 17:00 ToDo IMP Meeting on June 28, Tuesday, 12:10- ToDo IMP Meeting on Jun... 16:00 - 18:00 New Fac. Meeting 2022-06-28 @ 16:00 - 18:00 New Fac. Meeting (4)教授会 ・6/28(火)16:10~ ... 2イベント, 29 2イベント, 29 2022-06-26 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 13:30 - 18:00 Narration Recording on June 29 and July 2 at AU 2022-06-29 @ 13:30 - 18:00 Narration Recording on June 29 and July 2 at AU Narration Recording on ... 8イベント, 30 8イベント, 30 2022-06-26 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 2022-06-30 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 2022-06-30 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei Meeting with Tutsumi-se... 2022-06-30 Nikkei Online Symp Nikkei Online Symp 2022-06-30 Nikkei Online Symp 【オンライン聴講】デジタル田園都市国家構想によ... 2022-06-30 [_03] SpaHealthd2022 [_03] SpaHealthd2022 2022-06-30 [_03] SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealt... 2022-06-30 Two weeks to Deadline of resubmission of 情報処理学会論文誌原稿 by July 14 Two weeks to Deadline of resubmission of 情報処理学会論文誌原稿 by July 14 2022-06-30 Two weeks to Deadline of resubmission of 情報処理学会論文誌原稿 by July 14 Two weeks to Deadline o... 2022-06-30 Ref. Meeting with Presi Ref. Meeting with Presi 2022-06-30 Ref. Meeting with Presi (5)学長説明2回目(仮) ・6/30(木) 2022-06-30 Two weeks to Deadline of resubmission of 情報処理学会論文誌原稿 Two weeks to Deadline of resubmission of 情報処理学会論文誌原稿 2022-06-30 Two weeks to Deadline of resubmission of 情報処理学会論文誌原稿 Two weeks to Deadline o... 2022-06-30 [_03]dbb2022 [_03]dbb2022 2022-06-30 [_03]dbb2022 dbb2022 dbb2022, Thu, 8... 4イベント, 1 4イベント, 1 2022-06-26 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 2022-07-01 ???Meeting with Prof. Ishizawa about GPS guide app for Open Campus ???Meeting with Prof. Ishizawa about GPS guide app for Open Campus 2022-07-01 ???Meeting with Prof. Ishizawa about GPS guide app for Open Campus ???Meeting with Prof. I... 2022-07-01 [09]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 [09]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 2022-07-01 [09]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 @Lab Weekly Meeting 202... 08:00 - 17:00 PX research camp, 7/1,8,15,22. Deadline: 7/18,25 2022-07-01 @ 08:00 - 17:00 PX research camp, 7/1,8,15,22. Deadline: 7/18,25 PX research camp, 7/1,8... 2イベント, 2 2イベント, 2 2022-07-02 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0702, 09 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0702, 09 2022-07-02 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0702, 09 Intensive meeting about... 09:00 - 12:00 Narration Recording on June July 2 at AU 2022-07-02 @ 09:00 - 12:00 Narration Recording on June July 2 at AU Narration Recording on ... 0イベント, 3 0イベント, 3 5月 28 2022-05-28 @ 09:00 - 2022-05-30 @ 09:00 Rental Car 終日 ??HC B3 Interview 2022-05-30 @ 09:00 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 2022-05-30 @ 17:00 ?Meeting for New Fac. 5月 31 終日 [07]NC2022 2022-05-31 @ 13:00 - 13:30 Zoom meeting with Dr. Lu 2022-05-31 @ 14:00 - 17:00 IMP Meeting 2022-05-31 @ 16:00 - 17:00 学務委員会、代理 2022-05-31 @ 16:00 - 17:00 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 6月 1 終日 LBS2022, June 1, Sept. 12-14 2022-06-01 @ 09:00 - 10:00 @Lab Staff Meeting in the morning 2022-06-01 @ 16:00 - 17:00 学生委員会 2022-06-01 @ 18:00 - 19:00 New Fac Meeting 6月 2 終日 [08] SpaHealthd2022 終日 R4 専攻長・学科長会議 終日 [08]dbb2022 2022-06-02 @ 08:40 - 17:00 Support of the exam. from 8:40 2022-06-02 @ 17:30 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei from ?16:00 2022-06-02 @ 18:00 - 19:00 New Fac Meeting 6月 3 終日 [05]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 終日 Weekly Meeting about PX’s Ms thesis with OK and KT 6月 4 終日 高大連携授業,6/4 イベントがありません 6月 6 終日 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日 終日 June 6, Inner deadline of submission, 電気関係学会 終日 ??HC B3 Interview 2022-06-06 @ 09:15 - 10:30 HC Meeting 2022-06-06 @ 10:30 - 11:30 @Lab Staff Meeting from 10:40 6月 7 終日 Meeting with Prof. Kageyama 終日 [08]NC2022 2022-06-07 @ 16:00 - 17:00 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 6月 8 終日 Morning meeting with Prof. Yoshimura 2022-06-08 @ 10:00 - 12:00 PX Meeting about Interim Defense 2022-06-08 @ 13:30 - 17:00 meeting with students about tohoku-shibu 6月 9 終日 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日 終日 共益費,水道料金を収集 終日 Intensive work for reviewing papers 終日 [OFF]dbb2022_on June 9 2022-06-09 @ 11:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Wako-san 2022-06-09 @ 17:30 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 6月 10 終日 [06]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 終日 Cancel, Weekly Meeting about PX’s Ms thesis with OK and KT 終日 Intensive work for reviewing papers 2022-06-10 @ 13:30 - 14:00 PENGさんの中間審査会 6月 11 終日 共益費,水道料金を収集 2022-06-11 @ 10:30 - 23:59 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0611, 18, 25, イベントがありません 6月 13 終日 deadline of submission, 電気関係学会東北支部連合大会 終日 研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,17,22,24 2022-06-13 @ 08:00 - 17:00 B4 Interviews about deciding the title of Bachelor thesis on June 24 2022-06-13 @ 10:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 2022-06-13 @ 14:30 - 17:00 Location of taking videos about SaI’s research 6月 14 終日 測技協_創立40周年功労者顕彰式典 終日 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 終日 [_01]NC2022 2022-06-14 @ 17:00 Off: 40th Anniversary of Skugikyo 6月 15 終日 Campus Clean Day, 0615 by @Lab 終日 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,17,22,24 2022-06-15 @ 11:00 - 12:00 Meeting with SaI about SIG-Spatial Conf submission 6月 16 終日 [_01] SpaHealthd2022 2022-06-16 @ 08:50 - 10:20 [_01]dbb2022_2Q 2022-06-16 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Meeting with G-sensei 2022-06-16 @ 16:00 - 23:59 教授会 6/16 2022-06-16 @ 17:00 - 18:00 博士後期課程担当教員で構成する研究科教授会 2022-06-16 @ 17:00 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 6月 17 終日 Deadline of SIG-Spatial paper 終日 PX research camp, 6/17,24,7/1,8,15,22. Deadline: 7/18,2 終日 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/17,22,24 2022-06-17 @ 08:00 - 17:00 [07]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 6月 18 終日 Postpone Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0618 終日 Inner Deadline of IMP docs for new staff employment 6月 19 2022-06-19 @ 10:30 - 12:00 (New) Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0619 6月 20 終日 Ent. Exam. Hen-nyuu 2022-06-20 @ 08:00 - 17:00 IMP Meeting on June 28 at 12:10 at V-207 2022-06-20 @ 10:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 2022-06-20 @ 12:00 Deadline of IMP docs for new staff employment 2022-06-20 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Ent. Exam. (Hen_nyuugaku)) 6月 21 終日 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 終日 [_02]NC2022 2022-06-21 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Dr. Shirai and Sito-san@B4 2022-06-21 @ 14:30 - 20:00 Meeting about High School Lecture and Kitsune-aruki with SaI 6月 22 終日 SaR Half Off, Morning 2022-06-22 @ 13:30 - 14:30 ?Moka soudan 6月 23 終日 B4 Interviews 終日 [_02] SpaHealthd2022 終日 [_02]dbb2022 2022-06-23 @ 17:30 - 19:00 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 6月 24 終日 [08]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 終日 Two days to Deadline of preparing a handout for Honjo High Shcool by June 27 終日 furikae for June 4 終日 B4 Interviews 2022-06-24 @ 16:30 - 23:59 ??PX research camp, 6/24 from 16:30 2022-06-24 @ 18:00 - 19:00 New Fac. Meeting 6月 25 終日 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0625 6月 26 終日 ???Yo-san will come to Japan. 終日 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 6月 26 終日 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 終日 Deadline of preparing a handout for Honjo High Shcool by June 27 2022-06-27 @ 09:00 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 2022-06-27 @ 15:00 - 16:00 Ref. Meeting with Presi. 6月 26 終日 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 終日 進路状況報告(内部締切:6/28,実締切:6/30) 終日 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 終日 [_03]NC2022 2022-06-28 @ 08:00 - 17:00 KakenMapMeeting, 7/11,12 2022-06-28 @ 12:00 - 17:00 ToDo IMP Meeting on June 28, Tuesday, 12:10- 2022-06-28 @ 16:00 - 18:00 New Fac. Meeting 6月 26 終日 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 2022-06-29 @ 13:30 - 18:00 Narration Recording on June 29 and July 2 at AU 6月 26 終日 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 終日 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 終日 Nikkei Online Symp 終日 [_03] SpaHealthd2022 終日 Two weeks to Deadline of resubmission of 情報処理学会論文誌原稿 by July 14 終日 Ref. Meeting with Presi 終日 Two weeks to Deadline of resubmission of 情報処理学会論文誌原稿 終日 [_03]dbb2022 6月 26 終日 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 終日 ???Meeting with Prof. Ishizawa about GPS guide app for Open Campus 終日 [09]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 2022-07-01 @ 08:00 - 17:00 PX research camp, 7/1,8,15,22. Deadline: 7/18,25 7月 2 終日 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0702, 09 2022-07-02 @ 09:00 - 12:00 Narration Recording on June July 2 at AU イベントがありません 5月 今月 7月 自分のカレンダーと連携する Google カレンダー iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Export .ics file Export Outlook .ics file
2022-05-28 Rental Car Rental Car 2022-05-28 @ 09:00 - 2022-05-30 @ 09:00 Rental Car Rental Car, May 28 9:00...
2022-05-30 ??HC B3 Interview ??HC B3 Interview 2022-05-30 ??HC B3 Interview ??HC B3 Interview on Ma...
09:00 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 2022-05-30 @ 09:00 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting May ...
13:00 - 13:30 Zoom meeting with Dr. Lu 2022-05-31 @ 13:00 - 13:30 Zoom meeting with Dr. Lu Zoom meetingを開きたいと思います。...
16:00 - 17:00 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 2022-05-31 @ 16:00 - 17:00 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 5/1...
2022-06-01 LBS2022, June 1, Sept. 12-14 LBS2022, June 1, Sept. 12-14 2022-06-01 LBS2022, June 1, Sept. 12-14 LBS2022, June 1, Sept. ...
09:00 - 10:00 @Lab Staff Meeting in the morning 2022-06-01 @ 09:00 - 10:00 @Lab Staff Meeting in the morning @Lab Staff Meeting in t...
2022-06-02 [08] SpaHealthd2022 [08] SpaHealthd2022 2022-06-02 [08] SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealt...
08:40 - 17:00 Support of the exam. from 8:40 2022-06-02 @ 08:40 - 17:00 Support of the exam. from 8:40 佐藤諒様 いつもお世話になっております。有川で...
17:30 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei from ?16:00 2022-06-02 @ 17:30 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei from ?16:00 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-s...
2022-06-03 [05]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 [05]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 2022-06-03 [05]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 @Lab Weekly Meeting 202...
2022-06-03 Weekly Meeting about PX’s Ms thesis with OK and KT Weekly Meeting about PX’s Ms thesis with OK and KT 2022-06-03 Weekly Meeting about PX’s Ms thesis with OK and KT Weekly Meeting about PX...
2022-06-06 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日 2022-06-06 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日
2022-06-06 June 6, Inner deadline of submission, 電気関係学会 June 6, Inner deadline of submission, 電気関係学会 2022-06-06 June 6, Inner deadline of submission, 電気関係学会 June 6, Inner deadline ...
2022-06-06 ??HC B3 Interview ??HC B3 Interview 2022-06-06 ??HC B3 Interview ??HC B3 Interview on Ma...
10:30 - 11:30 @Lab Staff Meeting from 10:40 2022-06-06 @ 10:30 - 11:30 @Lab Staff Meeting from 10:40 @Lab Staff Meeting from...
2022-06-07 Meeting with Prof. Kageyama Meeting with Prof. Kageyama 2022-06-07 Meeting with Prof. Kageyama Morning with Prof. Kage...
16:00 - 17:00 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 2022-06-07 @ 16:00 - 17:00 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 6/7
2022-06-08 Morning meeting with Prof. Yoshimura Morning meeting with Prof. Yoshimura 2022-06-08 Morning meeting with Prof. Yoshimura Morning meeting with Pr...
10:00 - 12:00 PX Meeting about Interim Defense 2022-06-08 @ 10:00 - 12:00 PX Meeting about Interim Defense PX Meeting about Interi...
13:30 - 17:00 meeting with students about tohoku-shibu 2022-06-08 @ 13:30 - 17:00 meeting with students about tohoku-shibu 永石さん,田村智一さん,大場さん, cc: 佐...
2022-06-09 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日 2022-06-09 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日 June 6,9 for 遠隔授業の対面試験日
2022-06-09 Intensive work for reviewing papers Intensive work for reviewing papers 2022-06-09 - 2022-06-10 Intensive work for reviewing papers Intensive work for revi...
2022-06-09 [OFF]dbb2022_on June 9 [OFF]dbb2022_on June 9 2022-06-09 [OFF]dbb2022_on June 9 dbb2022_2Q dbb2022, Thu...
11:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Wako-san 2022-06-09 @ 11:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Wako-san 和光さん こんばんは.有川です. 論文作成あり...
17:30 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 2022-06-09 @ 17:30 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei ?Meeting with Tutsumi-s...
2022-06-10 [06]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 [06]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 2022-06-10 [06]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 @Lab Weekly Meeting 202...
2022-06-10 Cancel, Weekly Meeting about PX’s Ms thesis with OK and KT Cancel, Weekly Meeting about PX’s Ms thesis with OK and KT 2022-06-10 Cancel, Weekly Meeting about PX’s Ms thesis with OK and KT Weekly Meeting about PX...
10:30 - 23:59 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0611, 18, 25, 2022-06-11 @ 10:30 - 23:59 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0611, 18, 25, Intensive meeting about...
2022-06-13 deadline of submission, 電気関係学会東北支部連合大会 deadline of submission, 電気関係学会東北支部連合大会 2022-06-13 deadline of submission, 電気関係学会東北支部連合大会 deadline of submission,...
2022-06-13 研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,17,22,24 研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,17,22,24 2022-06-13 研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,17,22,24 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,...
08:00 - 17:00 B4 Interviews about deciding the title of Bachelor thesis on June 24 2022-06-13 @ 08:00 - 17:00 B4 Interviews about deciding the title of Bachelor thesis on June 24 B4 Interviews about dec...
10:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 2022-06-13 @ 10:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 佐藤諒様,佐々木さん, おはようございます.有...
14:30 - 17:00 Location of taking videos about SaI’s research 2022-06-13 @ 14:30 - 17:00 Location of taking videos about SaI’s research 撮影日についてですが、6月13日(月)14:3...
2022-06-14 測技協_創立40周年功労者顕彰式典 測技協_創立40周年功労者顕彰式典 2022-06-14 測技協_創立40周年功労者顕彰式典 測技協_創立40周年功労者顕彰式典(2022/...
2022-06-14 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 2022-06-14 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 6月1...
17:00 Off: 40th Anniversary of Skugikyo 2022-06-14 @ 17:00 Off: 40th Anniversary of Skugikyo >> 創立40周年功労...
2022-06-15 Campus Clean Day, 0615 by @Lab Campus Clean Day, 0615 by @Lab 2022-06-15 Campus Clean Day, 0615 by @Lab Campus Clean Day, 0615,...
2022-06-15 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,17,22,24 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,17,22,24 2022-06-15 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,17,22,24 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,...
11:00 - 12:00 Meeting with SaI about SIG-Spatial Conf submission 2022-06-15 @ 11:00 - 12:00 Meeting with SaI about SIG-Spatial Conf submission Meeting with SaI about ...
2022-06-16 [_01] SpaHealthd2022 [_01] SpaHealthd2022 2022-06-16 [_01] SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealt...
13:00 - 17:00 Meeting with G-sensei 2022-06-16 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Meeting with G-sensei thank you for the promp...
17:00 - 18:00 博士後期課程担当教員で構成する研究科教授会 2022-06-16 @ 17:00 - 18:00 博士後期課程担当教員で構成する研究科教授会 令和4年度第1回博士後期課程担当教員で構成する...
17:00 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 2022-06-16 @ 17:00 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei ?Meeting with Tutsumi-s...
2022-06-17 Deadline of SIG-Spatial paper Deadline of SIG-Spatial paper 2022-06-17 Deadline of SIG-Spatial paper Deadline of SIG-Spatial...
2022-06-17 PX research camp, 6/17,24,7/1,8,15,22. Deadline: 7/18,2 PX research camp, 6/17,24,7/1,8,15,22. Deadline: 7/18,2 2022-06-17 PX research camp, 6/17,24,7/1,8,15,22. Deadline: 7/18,2 PX research camp, 6/17,...
2022-06-17 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/17,22,24 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/17,22,24 2022-06-17 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/17,22,24 ???研究室紹介動画の撮影日,6/13,15,...
08:00 - 17:00 [07]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 2022-06-17 @ 08:00 - 17:00 [07]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 @Lab Weekly Meeting 202...
2022-06-18 Postpone Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0618 Postpone Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0618 2022-06-18 Postpone Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0618 Intensive meeting about...
2022-06-18 Inner Deadline of IMP docs for new staff employment Inner Deadline of IMP docs for new staff employment 2022-06-18 Inner Deadline of IMP docs for new staff employment Deadline of IMP docs fo...
10:30 - 12:00 (New) Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0619 2022-06-19 @ 10:30 - 12:00 (New) Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0619 Intensive meeting about...
2022-06-20 Ent. Exam. Hen-nyuu Ent. Exam. Hen-nyuu 2022-06-20 Ent. Exam. Hen-nyuu 一般 編入学 試験 2022.6.20 13:...
08:00 - 17:00 IMP Meeting on June 28 at 12:10 at V-207 2022-06-20 @ 08:00 - 17:00 IMP Meeting on June 28 at 12:10 at V-207 IMP Meeting on June 28 ...
10:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 2022-06-20 @ 10:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 佐藤諒様,佐々木さん, おはようございます.有...
12:00 Deadline of IMP docs for new staff employment 2022-06-20 @ 12:00 Deadline of IMP docs for new staff employment Deadline of IMP docs fo...
13:00 - 17:00 Ent. Exam. (Hen_nyuugaku)) 2022-06-20 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Ent. Exam. (Hen_nyuugaku)) 編入学試験の日程:令和4年6月 20 日(月)...
2022-06-21 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 2022-06-21 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 6月1...
13:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Dr. Shirai and Sito-san@B4 2022-06-21 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Dr. Shirai and Sito-san@B4 Meeting with Dr. Shirai...
14:30 - 20:00 Meeting about High School Lecture and Kitsune-aruki with SaI 2022-06-21 @ 14:30 - 20:00 Meeting about High School Lecture and Kitsune-aruki with SaI Meeting about High Scho...
2022-06-22 SaR Half Off, Morning SaR Half Off, Morning 2022-06-22 SaR Half Off, Morning SaR Half Off, Morning 半...
2022-06-23 [_02] SpaHealthd2022 [_02] SpaHealthd2022 2022-06-23 [_02] SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealt...
17:30 - 19:00 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 2022-06-23 @ 17:30 - 19:00 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei Meeting with Tutsumi-se...
2022-06-24 [08]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 [08]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 2022-06-24 [08]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 @Lab Weekly Meeting 202...
2022-06-24 Two days to Deadline of preparing a handout for Honjo High Shcool by June 27 Two days to Deadline of preparing a handout for Honjo High Shcool by June 27 2022-06-24 Two days to Deadline of preparing a handout for Honjo High Shcool by June 27 Deadline of preparing a...
2022-06-24 furikae for June 4 furikae for June 4 2022-06-24 furikae for June 4 furikae for June 4 on J...
16:30 - 23:59 ??PX research camp, 6/24 from 16:30 2022-06-24 @ 16:30 - 23:59 ??PX research camp, 6/24 from 16:30 ??PX research camp, 6/2...
2022-06-25 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0625 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0625 2022-06-25 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0625 Intensive meeting about...
2022-06-26 ???Yo-san will come to Japan. ???Yo-san will come to Japan. 2022-06-26 ???Yo-san will come to Japan. 楊益鳴さん >> また、航空券を6...
2022-06-26 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 2022-06-26 - 2022-07-01 HCII2022, June 26 to July 1, 2002 HCII2022, June 26 to Ju...
2022-06-27 Deadline of preparing a handout for Honjo High Shcool by June 27 Deadline of preparing a handout for Honjo High Shcool by June 27 2022-06-27 Deadline of preparing a handout for Honjo High Shcool by June 27 Deadline of preparing a...
09:00 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 2022-06-27 @ 09:00 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting June...
15:00 - 16:00 Ref. Meeting with Presi. 2022-06-27 @ 15:00 - 16:00 Ref. Meeting with Presi. (3)学長説明 ・6/27(月)15:00~...
2022-06-28 進路状況報告(内部締切:6/28,実締切:6/30) 進路状況報告(内部締切:6/28,実締切:6/30) 2022-06-28 進路状況報告(内部締切:6/28,実締切:6/30) 進路状況報告(内部締切:6/28,実締切:6/...
2022-06-28 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 2022-06-28 ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- ?新学部会議,毎週火曜日 16:10- 6月1...
08:00 - 17:00 KakenMapMeeting, 7/11,12 2022-06-28 @ 08:00 - 17:00 KakenMapMeeting, 7/11,12 KakenMapMeeting, 7/4,5,...
12:00 - 17:00 ToDo IMP Meeting on June 28, Tuesday, 12:10- 2022-06-28 @ 12:00 - 17:00 ToDo IMP Meeting on June 28, Tuesday, 12:10- ToDo IMP Meeting on Jun...
13:30 - 18:00 Narration Recording on June 29 and July 2 at AU 2022-06-29 @ 13:30 - 18:00 Narration Recording on June 29 and July 2 at AU Narration Recording on ...
2022-06-30 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 2022-06-30 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei Meeting with Tutsumi-se...
2022-06-30 Nikkei Online Symp Nikkei Online Symp 2022-06-30 Nikkei Online Symp 【オンライン聴講】デジタル田園都市国家構想によ...
2022-06-30 [_03] SpaHealthd2022 [_03] SpaHealthd2022 2022-06-30 [_03] SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealthd2022 SpaHealt...
2022-06-30 Two weeks to Deadline of resubmission of 情報処理学会論文誌原稿 by July 14 Two weeks to Deadline of resubmission of 情報処理学会論文誌原稿 by July 14 2022-06-30 Two weeks to Deadline of resubmission of 情報処理学会論文誌原稿 by July 14 Two weeks to Deadline o...
2022-06-30 Ref. Meeting with Presi Ref. Meeting with Presi 2022-06-30 Ref. Meeting with Presi (5)学長説明2回目(仮) ・6/30(木)
2022-06-30 Two weeks to Deadline of resubmission of 情報処理学会論文誌原稿 Two weeks to Deadline of resubmission of 情報処理学会論文誌原稿 2022-06-30 Two weeks to Deadline of resubmission of 情報処理学会論文誌原稿 Two weeks to Deadline o...
2022-07-01 ???Meeting with Prof. Ishizawa about GPS guide app for Open Campus ???Meeting with Prof. Ishizawa about GPS guide app for Open Campus 2022-07-01 ???Meeting with Prof. Ishizawa about GPS guide app for Open Campus ???Meeting with Prof. I...
2022-07-01 [09]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 [09]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 2022-07-01 [09]@Lab Weekly Meeting 2022 @Lab Weekly Meeting 202...
08:00 - 17:00 PX research camp, 7/1,8,15,22. Deadline: 7/18,25 2022-07-01 @ 08:00 - 17:00 PX research camp, 7/1,8,15,22. Deadline: 7/18,25 PX research camp, 7/1,8...
2022-07-02 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0702, 09 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0702, 09 2022-07-02 Intensive meeting about revising our IPSJ paper, 0702, 09 Intensive meeting about...
09:00 - 12:00 Narration Recording on June July 2 at AU 2022-07-02 @ 09:00 - 12:00 Narration Recording on June July 2 at AU Narration Recording on ...