ビューを読み込み中です。 イベントを検索してナビゲーションを表示 検索 キーワードを入力してください。キーワードでイベントを検索します。 イベントを検索 イベント ビューナビゲーション Month List Month Day 今月 2023-01-01 1月 2023 日付を選択 イベント のカレンダー 月 月 火 火 水 水 木 木 金 金 土 土 日 日 5イベント, 26 5イベント, 26 2022-12-26 Kyudai class@LM, 12/26,1/16,23,30 Kyudai class@LM, 12/26,1/16,23,30 2022-12-26 Kyudai class@LM, 12/26,1/16,23,30 Kyudai class@LM, 12/26,... 2022-12-26 秋田県立本荘高校の生徒さんが実験・実習 秋田県立本荘高校の生徒さんが実験・実習 2022-12-26 秋田県立本荘高校の生徒さんが実験・実習 〇12 月26 日 本荘高校数理探究クラス研修... 2022-12-26 OFF: Dec. 8, 14, 15, 26 OFF: Dec. 8, 14, 15, 26 2022-12-26 OFF: Dec. 8, 14, 15, 26 OFF: Dec. 8, 14, 15, 26... 14:30 Meeting with Sasaki-san about signature on outcome at 1430 2022-12-26 @ 14:30 Meeting with Sasaki-san about signature on outcome at 1430 佐々木さん 返事ありがとうございます. 午後2... 18:00 - 19:00 IMP Meeting 2022-12-26 @ 18:00 - 19:00 IMP Meeting IMP Meeting Dec. 26, 18... 3イベント, 27 3イベント, 27 09:30 - 11:00 IMP Meeting 2022-12-27 @ 09:30 - 11:00 IMP Meeting IMP Meeting Dec. 27, Mo... 15:00 - 16:00 IMP Meeting 2022-12-27 @ 15:00 - 16:00 IMP Meeting IMP Meeting Dec. 27, Mo... 18:00 - 20:00 ?bento meeting about icc2022 submission from 6pm 2022-12-27 @ 18:00 - 20:00 ?bento meeting about icc2022 submission from 6pm 佐々木さん 本件,ありがとうございます.有川で... 2イベント, 28 2イベント, 28 13:00 - 17:00 IM Meeting, 12/28(水)13:00 2022-12-28 @ 13:00 - 17:00 IM Meeting, 12/28(水)13:00 IM Meeting, 12/28(水)13:... 15:00 - 17:00 IM Meeting, 12/28(水)15:00 2022-12-28 @ 15:00 - 17:00 IM Meeting, 12/28(水)15:00 IM Meeting, 12/28(水)15:... 2イベント, 29 2イベント, 29 2022-12-29 days trip of family days trip of family 2022-12-29 - 2022-12-31 days trip of family days trip of family 2022-12-29 Lock out of Bldg #5 Lock out of Bldg #5 2022-12-29 - 2023-01-03 Lock out of Bldg #5 <5 号館入構規制:2022 年12 月29 ... 2イベント, 30 2イベント, 30 2022-12-29 days trip of family 2022-12-29 Lock out of Bldg #5 2イベント, 31 2イベント, 31 2022-12-29 days trip of family 2022-12-29 Lock out of Bldg #5 2イベント, 1 2イベント, 1 2023-01-01 National Holiday National Holiday 2023-01-01 - 2023-01-02 National Holiday National Holiday 2023 〇... 2022-12-29 Lock out of Bldg #5 2イベント, 2 2イベント, 2 2022-12-29 Lock out of Bldg #5 Lock out of Bldg #5 2023-01-01 National Holiday National Holiday 2イベント, 3 2イベント, 3 2022-12-29 Lock out of Bldg #5 2023-01-03 One week to Deadline of Titles of Ms. an Bc. Theses of HC One week to Deadline of Titles of Ms. an Bc. Theses of HC 2023-01-03 One week to Deadline of Titles of Ms. an Bc. Theses of HC Deadline of Titles of M... 5イベント, 4 5イベント, 4 2023-01-04 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/4,5,10 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/4,5,10 2023-01-04 - 2023-01-05 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/4,5,10 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/4,5,1... 2023-01-04 LM, Furikae for Dec. 17 and 18 LM, Furikae for Dec. 17 and 18 2023-01-04 - 2023-01-05 LM, Furikae for Dec. 17 and 18 LM, Furikae for Dec. 17... 2023-01-04 Cancel, Meeting with Sagara-sama Cancel, Meeting with Sagara-sama 2023-01-04 Cancel, Meeting with Sagara-sama Cancel, Meeting with Sa... 10:00 - 17:00 IMP Meeting on Jan. 4 10:00am 2023-01-04 @ 10:00 - 17:00 IMP Meeting on Jan. 4 10:00am IMP Meeting on Jan. 4 1... 17:00 - 18:00 Online IMP Meeting 2023-01-04 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Online IMP Meeting Online IMP Meeting 日時:1... 6イベント, 5 6イベント, 5 2023-01-04 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/4,5,10 2023-01-04 LM, Furikae for Dec. 17 and 18 2023-01-05 Cancel, ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei Cancel, ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 2023-01-05 Cancel, ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei ?Meeting with Tutsumi-s... 2023-01-05 〔創造工房実習、テーマ3〕 1月5日(木)09:00-17:00, V-301で、課題支援 〔創造工房実習、テーマ3〕 1月5日(木)09:00-17:00, V-301で、課題支援 2023-01-05 〔創造工房実習、テーマ3〕 1月5日(木)09:00-17:00, V-301で、課題支援 > 件名 : 〔創造工房実習、テーマ3〕... 13:00 - 17:00 IMP Meeting 2023-01-05 @ 13:00 - 17:00 IMP Meeting IMP Meeting ➁ 1/5(木)13:... 15:00 - 16:00 IMP: Meeting 2023-01-05 @ 15:00 - 16:00 IMP: Meeting IMP: Meeting ➀-1 回目 1/5... 5イベント, 6 5イベント, 6 2023-01-06 創造工房実習, 12/16,23,1/6, テーマ4(有川研究室,対面) 創造工房実習, 12/16,23,1/6, テーマ4(有川研究室,対面) 2023-01-06 創造工房実習, 12/16,23,1/6, テーマ4(有川研究室,対面) 創造工房実習, 12/16,23,1/6 &g... 2023-01-06 Postpone: SI4D_2022, 1/6,27,2/3,10 Postpone: SI4D_2022, 1/6,27,2/3,10 2023-01-06 Postpone: SI4D_2022, 1/6,27,2/3,10 武藤諒介先生,佐々木一織さん, こんにちは.有... 2023-01-06 Deadline of submission of IECE Conv. 2023, Jan. 6th Deadline of submission of IECE Conv. 2023, Jan. 6th 2023-01-06 Deadline of submission of IECE Conv. 2023, Jan. 6th Deadline of submission ... 14:30 - 17:00 Postpone(貼付作業) 2023-01-06 @ 14:30 - 17:00 Postpone(貼付作業) Postpone(貼付作業) 情報統括センター... 16:00 - 17:00 (staring time changed to 4pm)IMP: Meeting 2023-01-06 @ 16:00 - 17:00 (staring time changed to 4pm)IMP: Meeting IMP: Meeting ➀-1 回目 1/5... 1イベント, 7 1イベント, 7 12:00 - 17:00 Deadline of completing documents at noon on Jan. 7th 2023-01-07 @ 12:00 - 17:00 Deadline of completing documents at noon on Jan. 7th Deadline of completing ... 1イベント, 8 1イベント, 8 17:00 Deadline of completing documents at 17:00 on Jan. 8th 2023-01-08 @ 17:00 Deadline of completing documents at 17:00 on Jan. 8th Deadline of completing ... 4イベント, 9 4イベント, 9 2023-01-09 National Holiday National Holiday 2023-01-09 National Holiday National Holiday 2023 〇... 2023-01-09 [New]ICC 2023, Deadline of Full Paper: Jan. 9, 2023 [New]ICC 2023, Deadline of Full Paper: Jan. 9, 2023 2023-01-09 [New]ICC 2023, Deadline of Full Paper: Jan. 9, 2023 ICC 2023, Deadline of F... 2023-01-09 ???IMP Meeting ???IMP Meeting 2023-01-09 - 2023-01-13 ???IMP Meeting ???IMP Meeting ?教員採用検討委... 2023-01-09 National Holiday National Holiday 2023-01-09 National Holiday National Holiday 2023 〇... 6イベント, 10 6イベント, 10 2023-01-10 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/10 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/10 2023-01-10 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/10 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/4,5,1... 2023-01-10 DM2022, 1/10(4Q_4) DM2022, 1/10(4Q_4) 2023-01-10 DM2022, 1/10(4Q_4) DM2022, 1/10(4Q_4) DM20... 2023-01-09 ???IMP Meeting 2023-01-10 First Inner deadline of Ms and Bc Theses on Jan. 10 First Inner deadline of Ms and Bc Theses on Jan. 10 2023-01-10 First Inner deadline of Ms and Bc Theses on Jan. 10 First deadline of Ms an... 2023-01-10 Deadline of Titles of Ms. an Bc. Theses of HC Deadline of Titles of Ms. an Bc. Theses of HC 2023-01-10 Deadline of Titles of Ms. an Bc. Theses of HC Deadline of Titles of M... 10:00 - 17:00 Greeting from President@AkiataU 2023-01-10 @ 10:00 - 17:00 Greeting from President@AkiataU 理工学研究科 教職員各位 標記について、下記の... 2イベント, 11 2イベント, 11 2023-01-09 ???IMP Meeting 16:00 - 17:00 Instant meeting on abstract submission to icc2023 by jan. 16 2023-01-11 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Instant meeting on abstract submission to icc2023 by jan. 16 Dear Lu-sensei and Sasa... 4イベント, 12 4イベント, 12 2023-01-12 R4 専攻長・学科長会議, 1/12 R4 専攻長・学科長会議, 1/12 2023-01-12 R4 専攻長・学科長会議, 1/12 R4 専攻長・学科長会議, 1/12,2/7,... 2023-01-09 ???IMP Meeting 17:00 - 18:00 ?理工学部改組に係る教授説明会 2023-01-12 @ 17:00 - 18:00 ?理工学部改組に係る教授説明会 理工学部改組に係る教授説明会の開催 日時:1月... 18:30 - 19:30 Ben10 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei from 1830 2023-01-12 @ 18:30 - 19:30 Ben10 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei from 1830 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-s... 4イベント, 13 4イベント, 13 2023-01-13 【論文原稿締切】情報処理学会 第85回全国大会 【論文原稿締切】情報処理学会 第85回全国大会 2023-01-13 【論文原稿締切】情報処理学会 第85回全国大会 【講演申込締切】情報処理学会 第85回全国大会... 2023-01-09 ???IMP Meeting 09:00 - 09:30 Meeting with JR East from 08:30 2023-01-13 @ 09:00 - 09:30 Meeting with JR East from 08:30 1/13の打ち合わせですが,08:30-08:... 09:00 - 09:59 IMP Meeting from 9AM 2023-01-13 @ 09:00 - 09:59 IMP Meeting from 9AM 皆様全員がご出席可能な日程が【1/13(金)9... 2イベント, 14 2イベント, 14 2023-01-14 IMP:My JOB IMP:My JOB 2023-01-14 IMP:My JOB IMP:My JOB 01.14(Sat) 本... 2023-01-14 Univ. Ent. General Common Exam. on Jan. 14 and 15 Univ. Ent. General Common Exam. on Jan. 14 and 15 2023-01-14 - 2023-01-15 Univ. Ent. General Common Exam. on Jan. 14 and 15 Univ. Ent. General Comm... 1イベント, 15 1イベント, 15 2023-01-14 Univ. Ent. General Common Exam. on Jan. 14 and 15 5イベント, 16 5イベント, 16 2023-01-16 応用プログラミング,1/16,23,30,2/6,13 応用プログラミング,1/16,23,30,2/6,13 2023-01-16 応用プログラミング,1/16,23,30,2/6,13 応用プログラミング,1/16,23,30,2/... 2023-01-16 Kyudai class@LM, 1/16,23,30 Kyudai class@LM, 1/16,23,30 2023-01-16 Kyudai class@LM, 1/16,23,30 Kyudai class@LM, 1/16,2... 2023-01-16 [New]ICC 2023, Deadline of Abstract: Jan. 16, 2023 [New]ICC 2023, Deadline of Abstract: Jan. 16, 2023 2023-01-16 [New]ICC 2023, Deadline of Abstract: Jan. 16, 2023 ICC 2023, Deadline of A... 09:15 - 10:30 HCC Course Online Meeting 2023-01-16 @ 09:15 - 10:30 HCC Course Online Meeting HCC Course Online Meeti... 12:50 - 15:00 「外国文献講読」発表会 @Arikawa Lab on Jan. 16 2023-01-16 @ 12:50 - 15:00 「外国文献講読」発表会 @Arikawa Lab on Jan. 16 人間情報工学コース3 年次「外国文献講読」発表... 2イベント, 17 2イベント, 17 2023-01-17 REAL Inner deadline of Ms and Bc Theses on Jan. 17 REAL Inner deadline of Ms and Bc Theses on Jan. 17 2023-01-17 REAL Inner deadline of Ms and Bc Theses on Jan. 17 REAL Inner deadline of ... 2023-01-17 DM2022, 1/17(4Q_5) DM2022, 1/17(4Q_5) 2023-01-17 DM2022, 1/17(4Q_5) DM2022, 1/17(4Q_5) DM20... 4イベント, 18 4イベント, 18 2023-01-18 自己評価、2023.1.6-20 not 27 自己評価、2023.1.6-20 not 27 2023-01-18 - 2023-01-20 自己評価、2023.1.6-20 not 27 自己評価、2023.1.6-20 not 27 13:30 - 14:00 Online Meeting with Pioneer 2023-01-18 @ 13:30 - 14:00 Online Meeting with Pioneer Online Meeting with Pio... 14:30 - 15:30 【マイナビ】修士1年生向け就職ガイダンス, 1/18 2023-01-18 @ 14:30 - 15:30 【マイナビ】修士1年生向け就職ガイダンス, 1/18 【マイナビ】修士1年生向け就職ガイダンス fo... 16:00 - 17:00 Re-meeting with a student for CP from 16:00 at 207 2023-01-18 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Re-meeting with a student for CP from 16:00 at 207 Re-meeting with a stude... 3イベント, 19 3イベント, 19 2023-01-18 自己評価、2023.1.6-20 not 27 2023-01-19 教授会 1/19 教授会 1/19 2023-01-19 教授会 1/19 令和4年度第5回研究科・学部教授会の開催につい... 2023-01-19 Postpone, ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei Postpone, ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 2023-01-19 Postpone, ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei ?Meeting with Tutsumi-s... 6イベント, 20 6イベント, 20 2023-01-18 自己評価、2023.1.6-20 not 27 2023-01-20 Ent. Exam. (So-go-gata II & Private Expense Tracks) on Jan. 20(Fri) Ent. Exam. (So-go-gata II & Private Expense Tracks) on Jan. 20(Fri) 2023-01-20 Ent. Exam. (So-go-gata II & Private Expense Tracks) on Jan. 20(Fri) Ent. Exam. (So-go-gata ... 2023-01-20 創造工房実習、有川研、1/20,27,2/3 創造工房実習、有川研、1/20,27,2/3 2023-01-20 創造工房実習、有川研、1/20,27,2/3 創造工房実習、有川研、1/20,27,2/3 08:00 - 17:00 Waiting at the room from 0815 on Jan. 20 2023-01-20 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Waiting at the room from 0815 on Jan. 20 ToDo 居室待期,0815, 230120 11:30 - 17:00 Meeting and Interview at 207 at 1240 on Jan. 20, 2023 2023-01-20 @ 11:30 - 17:00 Meeting and Interview at 207 at 1240 on Jan. 20, 2023 Meeting and Interview a... 18:00 - 20:00 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei on Friday from 6pm 2023-01-20 @ 18:00 - 20:00 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei on Friday from 6pm Meeting with Tutsumi-se... 2イベント, 21 2イベント, 21 09:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Tamura Kouki san about his B thesis 2023-01-21 @ 09:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Tamura Kouki san about his B thesis Meeting with Tamura Kou... 18:30 - 19:30 Dinner meeting with LiLu’s family 2023-01-21 @ 18:30 - 19:30 Dinner meeting with LiLu’s family Dinner meeting with LiL... 0イベント, 22 0イベント, 22 3イベント, 23 3イベント, 23 2023-01-23 応用プログラミング,1/23,30,2/6,13@SaR 応用プログラミング,1/23,30,2/6,13@SaR 2023-01-23 応用プログラミング,1/23,30,2/6,13@SaR 応用プログラミング,1/23,30,2/6,1... 2023-01-23 Kyudai class@LM, 1/23,30 Kyudai class@LM, 1/23,30 2023-01-23 Kyudai class@LM, 1/23,30 Kyudai class@LM, 1/23,3... 15:30 - 17:00 Meeting with NEXCO East Japan from 15:30 2023-01-23 @ 15:30 - 17:00 Meeting with NEXCO East Japan from 15:30 Meeting with NEXCO East... 2イベント, 24 2イベント, 24 2023-01-24 Interview of 3D students @ prof. kageyama Interview of 3D students @ prof. kageyama 2023-01-24 Interview of 3D students @ prof. kageyama ご返事ありがとうございます.有川です。 開始時... 08:00 - 17:00 DM2022, 1/24(4Q_6) 2023-01-24 @ 08:00 - 17:00 DM2022, 1/24(4Q_6) DM2022, 1/24(4Q_6) DM20... 1イベント, 25 1イベント, 25 2023-01-25 Sakura Internet Servers will be down. Sakura Internet Servers will be down. 2023-01-25 - 2023-01-26 Sakura Internet Servers will be down. さくらインターネット株式会社 ■メンテナンス日... 2イベント, 26 2イベント, 26 2023-01-25 Sakura Internet Servers will be down. 2023-01-26 Off: ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei Off: ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 2023-01-26 Off: ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei ?Meeting with Tutsumi-s... 3イベント, 27 3イベント, 27 2023-01-27 SI4D_2022, 1/27,2/3,10 SI4D_2022, 1/27,2/3,10 2023-01-27 SI4D_2022, 1/27,2/3,10 武藤諒介先生,佐々木一織さん, こんにちは.有... 2023-01-27 ?(貼付作業) ?(貼付作業) 2023-01-27 ?(貼付作業) ?(貼付作業) 情報統括センターDX担当 佐藤... 12:50 - 14:30 LM: Joining Prof. Ishizawa’s class 2023-01-27 @ 12:50 - 14:30 LM: Joining Prof. Ishizawa’s class Lm: Joining Prof. Ishiz... 1イベント, 28 1イベント, 28 2023-01-28 共通テスト追・再試験 共通テスト追・再試験 2023-01-28 - 2023-01-29 共通テスト追・再試験 〇1 月28 日,29 日共通テスト追・再試験 1イベント, 29 1イベント, 29 2023-01-28 共通テスト追・再試験 3イベント, 30 3イベント, 30 08:00 - 17:00 応用プログラミング,1/30,2/6,13@SaR 2023-01-30 @ 08:00 - 17:00 応用プログラミング,1/30,2/6,13@SaR 応用プログラミング,1/30,2/6,13@S... 12:50 - 17:00 外国語文献講読、評価会、1/30 2023-01-30 @ 12:50 - 17:00 外国語文献講読、評価会、1/30 外国語文献講読、評価会、1/30 16:00 - 18:00 Meeting with KT about his thesis 2023-01-30 @ 16:00 - 18:00 Meeting with KT about his thesis Meeting with KT about h... 4イベント, 31 4イベント, 31 2023-01-31 DM2022, 1/31(4Q_7) DM2022, 1/31(4Q_7) 2023-01-31 DM2022, 1/31(4Q_7) DM2022, 1/31(4Q_7) DM20... 2023-01-31 卒論締切、1/31 卒論締切、1/31 2023-01-31 卒論締切、1/31 卒論締切、1/31 R4 2022年度、HCC 2023-01-31 Postpone to Feb. 1st, 修論締切、1/31 Postpone to Feb. 1st, 修論締切、1/31 2023-01-31 Postpone to Feb. 1st, 修論締切、1/31 Postpone to Feb. 1st, 修... 16:30 - 18:30 新学部教授会 2023-01-31 @ 16:30 - 18:30 新学部教授会 日時:1月31日(火)16:30~ 場所:本部... 2イベント, 1 2イベント, 1 2023-02-01 [New]修論締切、2/1 [New]修論締切、2/1 2023-02-01 [New]修論締切、2/1 修論締切、2/1 R4, 2022年度 HCC 15:00 - 16:00 Receiving M2 students from Kageyama Lab. and Son-san 2023-02-01 @ 15:00 - 16:00 Receiving M2 students from Kageyama Lab. and Son-san Receiving M2 students f... 3イベント, 2 3イベント, 2 2023-02-02 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 2023-02-02 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei ?Meeting with Tutsumi-s... 09:00 - 12:00 Practice of Physical Defenses of M2 2023-02-02 @ 09:00 - 12:00 Practice of Physical Defenses of M2 Practice of Defenses of... 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting on scheduling on 質問教室 with Prof. Nakajima 2023-02-02 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting on scheduling on 質問教室 with Prof. Nakajima Meeting on scheduling o... 3イベント, 3 3イベント, 3 2023-02-03 SI4D_2022, 2/3,10 SI4D_2022, 2/3,10 2023-02-03 SI4D_2022, 2/3,10 武藤諒介先生,佐々木一織さん, こんにちは.有... 09:00 - 12:00 Final Physical Practice of Defenses of B4 2023-02-03 @ 09:00 - 12:00 Final Physical Practice of Defenses of B4 Practice of Defenses of... 17:30 - 18:00 Meeting with SaI about キャリアデザイン特論 2023-02-03 @ 17:30 - 18:00 Meeting with SaI about キャリアデザイン特論 Meeting with SaI about ... 0イベント, 4 0イベント, 4 0イベント, 5 0イベント, 5 12月 26 終日 Kyudai class@LM, 12/26,1/16,23,30 終日 秋田県立本荘高校の生徒さんが実験・実習 終日 OFF: Dec. 8, 14, 15, 26 2022-12-26 @ 14:30 Meeting with Sasaki-san about signature on outcome at 1430 2022-12-26 @ 18:00 - 19:00 IMP Meeting 12月 27 2022-12-27 @ 09:30 - 11:00 IMP Meeting 2022-12-27 @ 15:00 - 16:00 IMP Meeting 2022-12-27 @ 18:00 - 20:00 ?bento meeting about icc2022 submission from 6pm 12月 28 2022-12-28 @ 13:00 - 17:00 IM Meeting, 12/28(水)13:00 2022-12-28 @ 15:00 - 17:00 IM Meeting, 12/28(水)15:00 12月 29 終日 days trip of family 終日 Lock out of Bldg #5 12月 29 終日 days trip of family 終日 Lock out of Bldg #5 12月 29 終日 days trip of family 終日 Lock out of Bldg #5 1月 1 終日 National Holiday 終日 Lock out of Bldg #5 12月 29 終日 Lock out of Bldg #5 終日 National Holiday 12月 29 終日 Lock out of Bldg #5 終日 One week to Deadline of Titles of Ms. an Bc. Theses of HC 1月 4 終日 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/4,5,10 終日 LM, Furikae for Dec. 17 and 18 終日 Cancel, Meeting with Sagara-sama 2023-01-04 @ 10:00 - 17:00 IMP Meeting on Jan. 4 10:00am 2023-01-04 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Online IMP Meeting 1月 4 終日 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/4,5,10 終日 LM, Furikae for Dec. 17 and 18 終日 Cancel, ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 終日 〔創造工房実習、テーマ3〕 1月5日(木)09:00-17:00, V-301で、課題支援 2023-01-05 @ 13:00 - 17:00 IMP Meeting 2023-01-05 @ 15:00 - 16:00 IMP: Meeting 1月 6 終日 創造工房実習, 12/16,23,1/6, テーマ4(有川研究室,対面) 終日 Postpone: SI4D_2022, 1/6,27,2/3,10 終日 Deadline of submission of IECE Conv. 2023, Jan. 6th 2023-01-06 @ 14:30 - 17:00 Postpone(貼付作業) 2023-01-06 @ 16:00 - 17:00 (staring time changed to 4pm)IMP: Meeting 1月 7 2023-01-07 @ 12:00 - 17:00 Deadline of completing documents at noon on Jan. 7th 1月 8 2023-01-08 @ 17:00 Deadline of completing documents at 17:00 on Jan. 8th 1月 9 終日 National Holiday 終日 [New]ICC 2023, Deadline of Full Paper: Jan. 9, 2023 終日 ???IMP Meeting 終日 National Holiday 1月 10 終日 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/10 終日 DM2022, 1/10(4Q_4) 終日 ???IMP Meeting 終日 First Inner deadline of Ms and Bc Theses on Jan. 10 終日 Deadline of Titles of Ms. an Bc. Theses of HC 2023-01-10 @ 10:00 - 17:00 Greeting from President@AkiataU 1月 9 終日 ???IMP Meeting 2023-01-11 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Instant meeting on abstract submission to icc2023 by jan. 16 1月 12 終日 R4 専攻長・学科長会議, 1/12 終日 ???IMP Meeting 2023-01-12 @ 17:00 - 18:00 ?理工学部改組に係る教授説明会 2023-01-12 @ 18:30 - 19:30 Ben10 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei from 1830 1月 13 終日 【論文原稿締切】情報処理学会 第85回全国大会 終日 ???IMP Meeting 2023-01-13 @ 09:00 - 09:30 Meeting with JR East from 08:30 2023-01-13 @ 09:00 - 09:59 IMP Meeting from 9AM 1月 14 終日 IMP:My JOB 終日 Univ. Ent. General Common Exam. on Jan. 14 and 15 1月 14 終日 Univ. Ent. General Common Exam. on Jan. 14 and 15 1月 16 終日 応用プログラミング,1/16,23,30,2/6,13 終日 Kyudai class@LM, 1/16,23,30 終日 [New]ICC 2023, Deadline of Abstract: Jan. 16, 2023 2023-01-16 @ 09:15 - 10:30 HCC Course Online Meeting 2023-01-16 @ 12:50 - 15:00 「外国文献講読」発表会 @Arikawa Lab on Jan. 16 1月 17 終日 REAL Inner deadline of Ms and Bc Theses on Jan. 17 終日 DM2022, 1/17(4Q_5) 1月 18 終日 自己評価、2023.1.6-20 not 27 2023-01-18 @ 13:30 - 14:00 Online Meeting with Pioneer 2023-01-18 @ 14:30 - 15:30 【マイナビ】修士1年生向け就職ガイダンス, 1/18 2023-01-18 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Re-meeting with a student for CP from 16:00 at 207 1月 18 終日 自己評価、2023.1.6-20 not 27 終日 教授会 1/19 終日 Postpone, ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 1月 18 終日 自己評価、2023.1.6-20 not 27 終日 Ent. Exam. (So-go-gata II & Private Expense Tracks) on Jan. 20(Fri) 終日 創造工房実習、有川研、1/20,27,2/3 2023-01-20 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Waiting at the room from 0815 on Jan. 20 2023-01-20 @ 11:30 - 17:00 Meeting and Interview at 207 at 1240 on Jan. 20, 2023 2023-01-20 @ 18:00 - 20:00 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei on Friday from 6pm 1月 21 2023-01-21 @ 09:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Tamura Kouki san about his B thesis 2023-01-21 @ 18:30 - 19:30 Dinner meeting with LiLu’s family イベントがありません 1月 23 終日 応用プログラミング,1/23,30,2/6,13@SaR 終日 Kyudai class@LM, 1/23,30 2023-01-23 @ 15:30 - 17:00 Meeting with NEXCO East Japan from 15:30 1月 24 終日 Interview of 3D students @ prof. kageyama 2023-01-24 @ 08:00 - 17:00 DM2022, 1/24(4Q_6) 1月 25 終日 Sakura Internet Servers will be down. 1月 25 終日 Sakura Internet Servers will be down. 終日 Off: ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 1月 27 終日 SI4D_2022, 1/27,2/3,10 終日 ?(貼付作業) 2023-01-27 @ 12:50 - 14:30 LM: Joining Prof. Ishizawa’s class 1月 28 終日 共通テスト追・再試験 1月 28 終日 共通テスト追・再試験 1月 30 2023-01-30 @ 08:00 - 17:00 応用プログラミング,1/30,2/6,13@SaR 2023-01-30 @ 12:50 - 17:00 外国語文献講読、評価会、1/30 2023-01-30 @ 16:00 - 18:00 Meeting with KT about his thesis 1月 31 終日 DM2022, 1/31(4Q_7) 終日 卒論締切、1/31 終日 Postpone to Feb. 1st, 修論締切、1/31 2023-01-31 @ 16:30 - 18:30 新学部教授会 2月 1 終日 [New]修論締切、2/1 2023-02-01 @ 15:00 - 16:00 Receiving M2 students from Kageyama Lab. and Son-san 2月 2 終日 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 2023-02-02 @ 09:00 - 12:00 Practice of Physical Defenses of M2 2023-02-02 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting on scheduling on 質問教室 with Prof. Nakajima 2月 3 終日 SI4D_2022, 2/3,10 2023-02-03 @ 09:00 - 12:00 Final Physical Practice of Defenses of B4 2023-02-03 @ 17:30 - 18:00 Meeting with SaI about キャリアデザイン特論 イベントがありません イベントがありません 12月 今月 2月 自分のカレンダーと連携する Google カレンダー iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Export .ics file Export Outlook .ics file
2022-12-26 Kyudai class@LM, 12/26,1/16,23,30 Kyudai class@LM, 12/26,1/16,23,30 2022-12-26 Kyudai class@LM, 12/26,1/16,23,30 Kyudai class@LM, 12/26,...
2022-12-26 秋田県立本荘高校の生徒さんが実験・実習 秋田県立本荘高校の生徒さんが実験・実習 2022-12-26 秋田県立本荘高校の生徒さんが実験・実習 〇12 月26 日 本荘高校数理探究クラス研修...
2022-12-26 OFF: Dec. 8, 14, 15, 26 OFF: Dec. 8, 14, 15, 26 2022-12-26 OFF: Dec. 8, 14, 15, 26 OFF: Dec. 8, 14, 15, 26...
14:30 Meeting with Sasaki-san about signature on outcome at 1430 2022-12-26 @ 14:30 Meeting with Sasaki-san about signature on outcome at 1430 佐々木さん 返事ありがとうございます. 午後2...
18:00 - 20:00 ?bento meeting about icc2022 submission from 6pm 2022-12-27 @ 18:00 - 20:00 ?bento meeting about icc2022 submission from 6pm 佐々木さん 本件,ありがとうございます.有川で...
13:00 - 17:00 IM Meeting, 12/28(水)13:00 2022-12-28 @ 13:00 - 17:00 IM Meeting, 12/28(水)13:00 IM Meeting, 12/28(水)13:...
15:00 - 17:00 IM Meeting, 12/28(水)15:00 2022-12-28 @ 15:00 - 17:00 IM Meeting, 12/28(水)15:00 IM Meeting, 12/28(水)15:...
2022-12-29 days trip of family days trip of family 2022-12-29 - 2022-12-31 days trip of family days trip of family
2022-12-29 Lock out of Bldg #5 Lock out of Bldg #5 2022-12-29 - 2023-01-03 Lock out of Bldg #5 <5 号館入構規制:2022 年12 月29 ...
2023-01-01 National Holiday National Holiday 2023-01-01 - 2023-01-02 National Holiday National Holiday 2023 〇...
2023-01-03 One week to Deadline of Titles of Ms. an Bc. Theses of HC One week to Deadline of Titles of Ms. an Bc. Theses of HC 2023-01-03 One week to Deadline of Titles of Ms. an Bc. Theses of HC Deadline of Titles of M...
2023-01-04 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/4,5,10 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/4,5,10 2023-01-04 - 2023-01-05 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/4,5,10 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/4,5,1...
2023-01-04 LM, Furikae for Dec. 17 and 18 LM, Furikae for Dec. 17 and 18 2023-01-04 - 2023-01-05 LM, Furikae for Dec. 17 and 18 LM, Furikae for Dec. 17...
2023-01-04 Cancel, Meeting with Sagara-sama Cancel, Meeting with Sagara-sama 2023-01-04 Cancel, Meeting with Sagara-sama Cancel, Meeting with Sa...
10:00 - 17:00 IMP Meeting on Jan. 4 10:00am 2023-01-04 @ 10:00 - 17:00 IMP Meeting on Jan. 4 10:00am IMP Meeting on Jan. 4 1...
17:00 - 18:00 Online IMP Meeting 2023-01-04 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Online IMP Meeting Online IMP Meeting 日時:1...
2023-01-05 Cancel, ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei Cancel, ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 2023-01-05 Cancel, ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei ?Meeting with Tutsumi-s...
2023-01-05 〔創造工房実習、テーマ3〕 1月5日(木)09:00-17:00, V-301で、課題支援 〔創造工房実習、テーマ3〕 1月5日(木)09:00-17:00, V-301で、課題支援 2023-01-05 〔創造工房実習、テーマ3〕 1月5日(木)09:00-17:00, V-301で、課題支援 > 件名 : 〔創造工房実習、テーマ3〕...
2023-01-06 創造工房実習, 12/16,23,1/6, テーマ4(有川研究室,対面) 創造工房実習, 12/16,23,1/6, テーマ4(有川研究室,対面) 2023-01-06 創造工房実習, 12/16,23,1/6, テーマ4(有川研究室,対面) 創造工房実習, 12/16,23,1/6 &g...
2023-01-06 Postpone: SI4D_2022, 1/6,27,2/3,10 Postpone: SI4D_2022, 1/6,27,2/3,10 2023-01-06 Postpone: SI4D_2022, 1/6,27,2/3,10 武藤諒介先生,佐々木一織さん, こんにちは.有...
2023-01-06 Deadline of submission of IECE Conv. 2023, Jan. 6th Deadline of submission of IECE Conv. 2023, Jan. 6th 2023-01-06 Deadline of submission of IECE Conv. 2023, Jan. 6th Deadline of submission ...
16:00 - 17:00 (staring time changed to 4pm)IMP: Meeting 2023-01-06 @ 16:00 - 17:00 (staring time changed to 4pm)IMP: Meeting IMP: Meeting ➀-1 回目 1/5...
12:00 - 17:00 Deadline of completing documents at noon on Jan. 7th 2023-01-07 @ 12:00 - 17:00 Deadline of completing documents at noon on Jan. 7th Deadline of completing ...
17:00 Deadline of completing documents at 17:00 on Jan. 8th 2023-01-08 @ 17:00 Deadline of completing documents at 17:00 on Jan. 8th Deadline of completing ...
2023-01-09 [New]ICC 2023, Deadline of Full Paper: Jan. 9, 2023 [New]ICC 2023, Deadline of Full Paper: Jan. 9, 2023 2023-01-09 [New]ICC 2023, Deadline of Full Paper: Jan. 9, 2023 ICC 2023, Deadline of F...
2023-01-09 ???IMP Meeting ???IMP Meeting 2023-01-09 - 2023-01-13 ???IMP Meeting ???IMP Meeting ?教員採用検討委...
2023-01-10 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/10 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/10 2023-01-10 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/10 Off: Lu-sensei, 1/4,5,1...
2023-01-10 DM2022, 1/10(4Q_4) DM2022, 1/10(4Q_4) 2023-01-10 DM2022, 1/10(4Q_4) DM2022, 1/10(4Q_4) DM20...
2023-01-10 First Inner deadline of Ms and Bc Theses on Jan. 10 First Inner deadline of Ms and Bc Theses on Jan. 10 2023-01-10 First Inner deadline of Ms and Bc Theses on Jan. 10 First deadline of Ms an...
2023-01-10 Deadline of Titles of Ms. an Bc. Theses of HC Deadline of Titles of Ms. an Bc. Theses of HC 2023-01-10 Deadline of Titles of Ms. an Bc. Theses of HC Deadline of Titles of M...
10:00 - 17:00 Greeting from President@AkiataU 2023-01-10 @ 10:00 - 17:00 Greeting from President@AkiataU 理工学研究科 教職員各位 標記について、下記の...
16:00 - 17:00 Instant meeting on abstract submission to icc2023 by jan. 16 2023-01-11 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Instant meeting on abstract submission to icc2023 by jan. 16 Dear Lu-sensei and Sasa...
2023-01-12 R4 専攻長・学科長会議, 1/12 R4 専攻長・学科長会議, 1/12 2023-01-12 R4 専攻長・学科長会議, 1/12 R4 専攻長・学科長会議, 1/12,2/7,...
18:30 - 19:30 Ben10 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei from 1830 2023-01-12 @ 18:30 - 19:30 Ben10 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei from 1830 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-s...
2023-01-13 【論文原稿締切】情報処理学会 第85回全国大会 【論文原稿締切】情報処理学会 第85回全国大会 2023-01-13 【論文原稿締切】情報処理学会 第85回全国大会 【講演申込締切】情報処理学会 第85回全国大会...
09:00 - 09:30 Meeting with JR East from 08:30 2023-01-13 @ 09:00 - 09:30 Meeting with JR East from 08:30 1/13の打ち合わせですが,08:30-08:...
09:00 - 09:59 IMP Meeting from 9AM 2023-01-13 @ 09:00 - 09:59 IMP Meeting from 9AM 皆様全員がご出席可能な日程が【1/13(金)9...
2023-01-14 Univ. Ent. General Common Exam. on Jan. 14 and 15 Univ. Ent. General Common Exam. on Jan. 14 and 15 2023-01-14 - 2023-01-15 Univ. Ent. General Common Exam. on Jan. 14 and 15 Univ. Ent. General Comm...
2023-01-16 応用プログラミング,1/16,23,30,2/6,13 応用プログラミング,1/16,23,30,2/6,13 2023-01-16 応用プログラミング,1/16,23,30,2/6,13 応用プログラミング,1/16,23,30,2/...
2023-01-16 Kyudai class@LM, 1/16,23,30 Kyudai class@LM, 1/16,23,30 2023-01-16 Kyudai class@LM, 1/16,23,30 Kyudai class@LM, 1/16,2...
2023-01-16 [New]ICC 2023, Deadline of Abstract: Jan. 16, 2023 [New]ICC 2023, Deadline of Abstract: Jan. 16, 2023 2023-01-16 [New]ICC 2023, Deadline of Abstract: Jan. 16, 2023 ICC 2023, Deadline of A...
09:15 - 10:30 HCC Course Online Meeting 2023-01-16 @ 09:15 - 10:30 HCC Course Online Meeting HCC Course Online Meeti...
12:50 - 15:00 「外国文献講読」発表会 @Arikawa Lab on Jan. 16 2023-01-16 @ 12:50 - 15:00 「外国文献講読」発表会 @Arikawa Lab on Jan. 16 人間情報工学コース3 年次「外国文献講読」発表...
2023-01-17 REAL Inner deadline of Ms and Bc Theses on Jan. 17 REAL Inner deadline of Ms and Bc Theses on Jan. 17 2023-01-17 REAL Inner deadline of Ms and Bc Theses on Jan. 17 REAL Inner deadline of ...
2023-01-17 DM2022, 1/17(4Q_5) DM2022, 1/17(4Q_5) 2023-01-17 DM2022, 1/17(4Q_5) DM2022, 1/17(4Q_5) DM20...
2023-01-18 自己評価、2023.1.6-20 not 27 自己評価、2023.1.6-20 not 27 2023-01-18 - 2023-01-20 自己評価、2023.1.6-20 not 27 自己評価、2023.1.6-20 not 27
13:30 - 14:00 Online Meeting with Pioneer 2023-01-18 @ 13:30 - 14:00 Online Meeting with Pioneer Online Meeting with Pio...
14:30 - 15:30 【マイナビ】修士1年生向け就職ガイダンス, 1/18 2023-01-18 @ 14:30 - 15:30 【マイナビ】修士1年生向け就職ガイダンス, 1/18 【マイナビ】修士1年生向け就職ガイダンス fo...
16:00 - 17:00 Re-meeting with a student for CP from 16:00 at 207 2023-01-18 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Re-meeting with a student for CP from 16:00 at 207 Re-meeting with a stude...
2023-01-19 Postpone, ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei Postpone, ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 2023-01-19 Postpone, ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei ?Meeting with Tutsumi-s...
2023-01-20 Ent. Exam. (So-go-gata II & Private Expense Tracks) on Jan. 20(Fri) Ent. Exam. (So-go-gata II & Private Expense Tracks) on Jan. 20(Fri) 2023-01-20 Ent. Exam. (So-go-gata II & Private Expense Tracks) on Jan. 20(Fri) Ent. Exam. (So-go-gata ...
2023-01-20 創造工房実習、有川研、1/20,27,2/3 創造工房実習、有川研、1/20,27,2/3 2023-01-20 創造工房実習、有川研、1/20,27,2/3 創造工房実習、有川研、1/20,27,2/3
08:00 - 17:00 Waiting at the room from 0815 on Jan. 20 2023-01-20 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Waiting at the room from 0815 on Jan. 20 ToDo 居室待期,0815, 230120
11:30 - 17:00 Meeting and Interview at 207 at 1240 on Jan. 20, 2023 2023-01-20 @ 11:30 - 17:00 Meeting and Interview at 207 at 1240 on Jan. 20, 2023 Meeting and Interview a...
18:00 - 20:00 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei on Friday from 6pm 2023-01-20 @ 18:00 - 20:00 Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei on Friday from 6pm Meeting with Tutsumi-se...
09:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Tamura Kouki san about his B thesis 2023-01-21 @ 09:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Tamura Kouki san about his B thesis Meeting with Tamura Kou...
18:30 - 19:30 Dinner meeting with LiLu’s family 2023-01-21 @ 18:30 - 19:30 Dinner meeting with LiLu’s family Dinner meeting with LiL...
2023-01-23 応用プログラミング,1/23,30,2/6,13@SaR 応用プログラミング,1/23,30,2/6,13@SaR 2023-01-23 応用プログラミング,1/23,30,2/6,13@SaR 応用プログラミング,1/23,30,2/6,1...
2023-01-23 Kyudai class@LM, 1/23,30 Kyudai class@LM, 1/23,30 2023-01-23 Kyudai class@LM, 1/23,30 Kyudai class@LM, 1/23,3...
15:30 - 17:00 Meeting with NEXCO East Japan from 15:30 2023-01-23 @ 15:30 - 17:00 Meeting with NEXCO East Japan from 15:30 Meeting with NEXCO East...
2023-01-24 Interview of 3D students @ prof. kageyama Interview of 3D students @ prof. kageyama 2023-01-24 Interview of 3D students @ prof. kageyama ご返事ありがとうございます.有川です。 開始時...
08:00 - 17:00 DM2022, 1/24(4Q_6) 2023-01-24 @ 08:00 - 17:00 DM2022, 1/24(4Q_6) DM2022, 1/24(4Q_6) DM20...
2023-01-25 Sakura Internet Servers will be down. Sakura Internet Servers will be down. 2023-01-25 - 2023-01-26 Sakura Internet Servers will be down. さくらインターネット株式会社 ■メンテナンス日...
2023-01-26 Off: ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei Off: ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 2023-01-26 Off: ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei ?Meeting with Tutsumi-s...
2023-01-27 SI4D_2022, 1/27,2/3,10 SI4D_2022, 1/27,2/3,10 2023-01-27 SI4D_2022, 1/27,2/3,10 武藤諒介先生,佐々木一織さん, こんにちは.有...
12:50 - 14:30 LM: Joining Prof. Ishizawa’s class 2023-01-27 @ 12:50 - 14:30 LM: Joining Prof. Ishizawa’s class Lm: Joining Prof. Ishiz...
08:00 - 17:00 応用プログラミング,1/30,2/6,13@SaR 2023-01-30 @ 08:00 - 17:00 応用プログラミング,1/30,2/6,13@SaR 応用プログラミング,1/30,2/6,13@S...
16:00 - 18:00 Meeting with KT about his thesis 2023-01-30 @ 16:00 - 18:00 Meeting with KT about his thesis Meeting with KT about h...
2023-01-31 DM2022, 1/31(4Q_7) DM2022, 1/31(4Q_7) 2023-01-31 DM2022, 1/31(4Q_7) DM2022, 1/31(4Q_7) DM20...
2023-01-31 Postpone to Feb. 1st, 修論締切、1/31 Postpone to Feb. 1st, 修論締切、1/31 2023-01-31 Postpone to Feb. 1st, 修論締切、1/31 Postpone to Feb. 1st, 修...
15:00 - 16:00 Receiving M2 students from Kageyama Lab. and Son-san 2023-02-01 @ 15:00 - 16:00 Receiving M2 students from Kageyama Lab. and Son-san Receiving M2 students f...
2023-02-02 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei 2023-02-02 ?Meeting with Tutsumi-sensei ?Meeting with Tutsumi-s...
09:00 - 12:00 Practice of Physical Defenses of M2 2023-02-02 @ 09:00 - 12:00 Practice of Physical Defenses of M2 Practice of Defenses of...
16:00 - 17:00 Meeting on scheduling on 質問教室 with Prof. Nakajima 2023-02-02 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting on scheduling on 質問教室 with Prof. Nakajima Meeting on scheduling o...
2023-02-03 SI4D_2022, 2/3,10 SI4D_2022, 2/3,10 2023-02-03 SI4D_2022, 2/3,10 武藤諒介先生,佐々木一織さん, こんにちは.有...
09:00 - 12:00 Final Physical Practice of Defenses of B4 2023-02-03 @ 09:00 - 12:00 Final Physical Practice of Defenses of B4 Practice of Defenses of...
17:30 - 18:00 Meeting with SaI about キャリアデザイン特論 2023-02-03 @ 17:30 - 18:00 Meeting with SaI about キャリアデザイン特論 Meeting with SaI about ...