ビューを読み込み中です。 イベントを検索してナビゲーションを表示 検索 キーワードを入力してください。キーワードでイベントを検索します。 イベントを検索 イベント ビューナビゲーション Month List Month Day 今月 2023-07-01 7月 2023 日付を選択 イベント のカレンダー 月 月 火 火 水 水 木 木 金 金 土 土 日 日 4イベント, 26 4イベント, 26 2023-06-26 健康診断,教職員 健康診断,教職員 2023-06-26 健康診断,教職員 健康診断,教職員 6/26 08:00 - 17:00 アカデミックインターンシップ(能代高校) 2023-06-26 @ 08:00 - 17:00 アカデミックインターンシップ(能代高校) アカデミックインターンシップの教員照会について... 09:30 - 10:30 Staff Meeting @Lab 2023-06-26 @ 09:30 - 10:30 Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab June... 12:00 - 13:00 ONさんから返事をもらう. 2023-06-26 @ 12:00 - 13:00 ONさんから返事をもらう. ONさんから返事をもらう.エイデイケイ富士シス... 5イベント, 27 5イベント, 27 2023-06-27 出張:Tutsumi-sensei 出張:Tutsumi-sensei 2023-06-27 出張:Tutsumi-sensei 出張:Tutsumi-sensei >&... 2023-06-27 10th @Lab Weekly Meeting @2Q 10th @Lab Weekly Meeting @2Q 2023-06-27 10th @Lab Weekly Meeting @2Q 10th @Lab Weekly Meetin... 2023-06-27 ?遍斗会議 online ?遍斗会議 online 2023-06-27 ?遍斗会議 online ?遍斗会議, 6/27 17:00- 内海先生... 2023-06-27 03Q2. R5「数値計算」 03Q2. R5「数値計算」 2023-06-27 03Q2. R5「数値計算」 03Q2. R5「数値計算」 「数値計算Ⅰ・Ⅱ... 09:30 - 17:00 Prof Meeting @HCC 2023-06-27 @ 09:30 - 17:00 Prof Meeting @HCC Prof Meeting @HCC on Ju... 2イベント, 28 2イベント, 28 2023-06-28 4th Tega Rally Meeting 4th Tega Rally Meeting 2023-06-28 4th Tega Rally Meeting 4th Tega Rally Meeting ... 15:00 - 17:00 Additional Exam. on NC2023-01 2023-06-28 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Additional Exam. on NC2023-01 Additional Exam. on NC2... 4イベント, 29 4イベント, 29 2023-06-29 DBB&SI_2Q03 DBB&SI_2Q03 2023-06-29 DBB&SI_2Q03 DBB&SI_2Q03 DBB&... 2023-06-29 02Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 02Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 2023-06-29 02Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 02Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR R5Q1Q2... 14:30 - 17:00 Experiment by Tutsumi-sensei from 14:30 2023-06-29 @ 14:30 - 17:00 Experiment by Tutsumi-sensei from 14:30 Experiment by Tutsumi-s... 15:00 - 17:00 ?Meeting with Kagaya-san? about EC submission 2023-06-29 @ 15:00 - 17:00 ?Meeting with Kagaya-san? about EC submission ?Meeting with Kagaya-sa... 4イベント, 30 4イベント, 30 2023-06-30 04Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 04Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 2023-06-30 04Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 04Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR R5Q1... 09:30 - 10:00 (時間変更) 面接練習,JINさん,黒崎さん 2023-06-30 @ 09:30 - 10:00 (時間変更) 面接練習,JINさん,黒崎さん 面接練習,JINさん,黒崎さん June 30... 09:30 - 17:00 ?R5 6th LM Research Meeting 2023-06-30 @ 09:30 - 17:00 ?R5 6th LM Research Meeting ?R5 6th LM Research Mee... 17:30 Research Meeting at evening 2023-06-30 @ 17:30 Research Meeting at evening Research Meeting at Eve... 1イベント, 1 1イベント, 1 08:00 - 17:00 Evening Meeting with SaI 2023-07-01 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Evening Meeting with SaI Evening Meeting with Sa... 0イベント, 2 0イベント, 2 3イベント, 3 3イベント, 3 2023-07-03 Koko-sama returns Koko-sama returns 2023-07-03 Koko-sama returns Koko-sama returns 12:00 - 23:59 博士前期課程(推薦入試) from noon 2023-07-03 @ 12:00 - 23:59 博士前期課程(推薦入試) from noon 7月3月(月) 博士前期課程,1次(推薦入試)... 16:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff meeting 2023-07-03 @ 16:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff meeting @Lab Staff meeting from... 4イベント, 4 4イベント, 4 2023-07-04 04Q2. R5「数値計算」 04Q2. R5「数値計算」 2023-07-04 04Q2. R5「数値計算」 04Q2. R5「数値計算」 「数値計算Ⅰ・Ⅱ... 2023-07-04 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議 2023-07-04 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議, 7/4, 11, 18, 25,... 2023-07-04 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 2023-07-04 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 毎週の... 15:00 - 16:00 Meeting with Prof Takahashi and Prof Misue 2023-07-04 @ 15:00 - 16:00 Meeting with Prof Takahashi and Prof Misue Meeting with Prof Takah... 3イベント, 5 3イベント, 5 2023-07-05 Meeting with Zou-sensei about OC2023 Meeting with Zou-sensei about OC2023 2023-07-05 Meeting with Zou-sensei about OC2023 Meeting with Zou-sensei... 2023-07-05 5th Tega Rally Meeting 5th Tega Rally Meeting 2023-07-05 5th Tega Rally Meeting 5th Tega Rally Meeting ... 17:30 Meeting with Nagase-san for a recommendation letter 2023-07-05 @ 17:30 Meeting with Nagase-san for a recommendation letter Meeting with Nagase-san... 3イベント, 6 3イベント, 6 2023-07-06 DBB&SI_2Q04 DBB&SI_2Q04 2023-07-06 DBB&SI_2Q04 DBB&SI_2Q04 DBB&... 2023-07-06 04Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 04Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 2023-07-06 04Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 04Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR R5Q1Q2... 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Daikoku Nao san 2023-07-06 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Daikoku Nao san Meeting with Daikoku Na... 5イベント, 7 5イベント, 7 2023-07-07 One week to Dealine of making draft of an late summer event One week to Dealine of making draft of an late summer event 2023-07-07 One week to Dealine of making draft of an late summer event Dealine of making draft... 2023-07-07 Outer Meeting with Sakuma-san Outer Meeting with Sakuma-san 2023-07-07 Outer Meeting with Sakuma-san Our Meeting with Sakuma... 2023-07-07 05Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 05Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 2023-07-07 05Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 05Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR R5Q1... 11:30 - 12:00 Practice of Interview for Nagase-san 2023-07-07 @ 11:30 - 12:00 Practice of Interview for Nagase-san Practice of Interview f... 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with KS and WK about Tega Rally 2023-07-07 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with KS and WK about Tega Rally Meeting with KS and WK ... 0イベント, 8 0イベント, 8 0イベント, 9 0イベント, 9 2イベント, 10 2イベント, 10 2023-07-10 5th HCC Meeting 5th HCC Meeting 2023-07-10 5th HCC Meeting 5th HCC Meeting on July... 11:00 - 17:00 @lab staff meeting 2023-07-10 @ 11:00 - 17:00 @lab staff meeting @lab staff meeting 次回以降... 3イベント, 11 3イベント, 11 2023-07-11 05Q2. R5「数値計算」 05Q2. R5「数値計算」 2023-07-11 05Q2. R5「数値計算」 05Q2. R5「数値計算」 「数値計算Ⅰ・Ⅱ... 2023-07-11 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議 2023-07-11 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議, 7/4, 11, 18, 25,... 2023-07-11 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 2023-07-11 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 毎週の... 4イベント, 12 4イベント, 12 2023-07-12 5th Tega Rally Meeting 5th Tega Rally Meeting 2023-07-12 5th Tega Rally Meeting 5th Tega Rally Meeting ... 14:00 - 16:00 Domestic meeting on TC211 2023-07-12 @ 14:00 - 16:00 Domestic meeting on TC211 ISO/TC 211国内委員会 2023年7月... 14:50 - 17:00 Meeting with Mishima-san from 14:50 2023-07-12 @ 14:50 - 17:00 Meeting with Mishima-san from 14:50 Meeting with Mishima-sa... 15:00 - 17:00 meeting on creating can budges 2023-07-12 @ 15:00 - 17:00 meeting on creating can budges meeting on creating can... 2イベント, 13 2イベント, 13 2023-07-13 DBB&SI_2Q05 DBB&SI_2Q05 2023-07-13 DBB&SI_2Q05 DBB&SI_2Q05 DBB&... 2023-07-13 05Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 05Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 2023-07-13 05Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 05Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR R5Q1Q2... 5イベント, 14 5イベント, 14 2023-07-14 06Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 06Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 2023-07-14 06Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 06Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR R5Q1... 2023-07-14 Special meeting with an advisor of Techno Akita? Special meeting with an advisor of Techno Akita? 2023-07-14 Special meeting with an advisor of Techno Akita? Special meeting with an... 2023-07-14 Two weeks to Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 Two weeks to Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 2023-07-14 Two weeks to Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 Deadline of paper submi... 2023-07-14 Dealine of making draft of an late summer event Dealine of making draft of an late summer event 2023-07-14 Dealine of making draft of an late summer event Dealine of making draft... 10:30 - 11:30 Meeting with Asahi-sensei 2023-07-14 @ 10:30 - 11:30 Meeting with Asahi-sensei Meeting with Asahi-sens... 4イベント, 15 4イベント, 15 2023-07-15 Disastor: Heavy rain in Akita City Disastor: Heavy rain in Akita City 2023-07-15 Disastor: Heavy rain in Akita City Disastor: Heavy rain in... 2023-07-15 Postpone: Lunch Meeting with SaI and KS and WaK Postpone: Lunch Meeting with SaI and KS and WaK 2023-07-15 Postpone: Lunch Meeting with SaI and KS and WaK Lunch meeting on Saturd... 2023-07-15 令和5年度(2023) 情報学科・専攻協議会 総会・研究会 令和5年度(2023) 情報学科・専攻協議会 総会・研究会 2023-07-15 令和5年度(2023) 情報学科・専攻協議会 総会・研究会 令和5年度(2023) 情報学科・専攻協議会 ... 15:00 - 17:00 Postpone: Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship 2023-07-15 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Postpone: Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship 佐々木さん MDPIの支払いに関してですが、土... 0イベント, 16 0イベント, 16 3イベント, 17 3イベント, 17 2023-07-17 National Holiday National Holiday 2023-07-17 National Holiday National Holiday 2023 〇... 09:30 - 17:00 Intensive Camp meeting with KaS, SaI, WaK, AM about Tega Rally for passing the application of it 2023-07-17 @ 09:30 - 17:00 Intensive Camp meeting with KaS, SaI, WaK, AM about Tega Rally for passing the application of it Intensive Camp meeting ... 20:00 Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship 2023-07-17 @ 20:00 Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship Post-Meeting with SaI a... 8イベント, 18 8イベント, 18 2023-07-18 OFF: 06Q2. R5「数値計算」because of heavy rain on last Saturday OFF: 06Q2. R5「数値計算」because of heavy rain on last Saturday 2023-07-18 OFF: 06Q2. R5「数値計算」because of heavy rain on last Saturday 06Q2. R5「数値計算」 「数値計算Ⅰ・Ⅱ... 2023-07-18 Intensive Meeting of late sumer festival Intensive Meeting of late sumer festival 2023-07-18 Intensive Meeting of late sumer festival Intensive Meeting of la... 2023-07-18 Seven weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Seven weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-07-18 Seven weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Seven weeks to Deadline... 2023-07-18 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 2023-07-18 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 毎週の... 08:00 - 17:00 Postpone: Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship 2023-07-18 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Postpone: Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship Post-Meeting with SaI a... 17:00 Meeting with Tanaka Taro-san 2023-07-18 @ 17:00 Meeting with Tanaka Taro-san Meeting with Tanaka Tar... 17:10 Meeting with Takenaka-san 2023-07-18 @ 17:10 Meeting with Takenaka-san Meeting with Takenaka-s... 18:00 - 23:59 ?遍斗会議 2023-07-18 @ 18:00 - 23:59 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議, 7/4, 11, 18, 25,... 3イベント, 19 3イベント, 19 09:30 - 10:30 6th Tega Rally Meeting (Re-final) 2023-07-19 @ 09:30 - 10:30 6th Tega Rally Meeting (Re-final) 6th Tega Rally Meeting ... 11:00 - 17:00 @lab staff meeting 2023-07-19 @ 11:00 - 17:00 @lab staff meeting @lab staff meeting 次回以降... 16:00 - 17:00 【新学部】教授会 2023-07-19 @ 16:00 - 17:00 【新学部】教授会 【新学部】教授会の開催について 日時:7月19... 3イベント, 20 3イベント, 20 2023-07-20 DBB&SI_2Q06 DBB&SI_2Q06 2023-07-20 DBB&SI_2Q06 DBB&SI_2Q06 DBB&... 2023-07-20 06Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 06Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 2023-07-20 06Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 06Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR R5Q1Q2... 15:00 - 17:00 ??Meeting about Academic Internship with SaI 2023-07-20 @ 15:00 - 17:00 ??Meeting about Academic Internship with SaI ???Meeting about Academ... 4イベント, 21 4イベント, 21 2023-07-21 Campus Clean Day on July 21, Oct. 10 and Nov. 15, 2023 Campus Clean Day on July 21, Oct. 10 and Nov. 15, 2023 2023-07-21 Campus Clean Day on July 21, Oct. 10 and Nov. 15, 2023 Campus Clean Day on Jul... 2023-07-21 07Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 07Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 2023-07-21 07Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 07Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR R5Q1... 2023-07-21 KaS&WaK will finish revising a code of Tega Rally by the week end. KaS&WaK will finish revising a code of Tega Rally by the week end. 2023-07-21 KaS&WaK will finish revising a code of Tega Rally by the week end. KaS&WaK will finish... 2023-07-21 One week to Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 One week to Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 2023-07-21 One week to Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 Deadline of paper submi... 2イベント, 22 2イベント, 22 2023-07-22 7/22 15:50~ 対 ザンビア BS1、サッカー女子W杯 7/22 15:50~ 対 ザンビア BS1、サッカー女子W杯 2023-07-22 7/22 15:50~ 対 ザンビア BS1、サッカー女子W杯 サッカー女子W杯放送予定 <開幕戦> 7/20... 15:00 - 16:00 Meeting with Prof. Takahashi 2023-07-22 @ 15:00 - 16:00 Meeting with Prof. Takahashi Meeting with Prof. Taka... 0イベント, 23 0イベント, 23 2イベント, 24 2イベント, 24 2023-07-24 LM: Off LM: Off 2023-07-24 LM: Off LM: Off on July 24 and ... 14:30 - 17:00 My first Talk on “Career Design in a Super Smart Society” 2023-07-24 @ 14:30 - 17:00 My first Talk on “Career Design in a Super Smart Society” My first Talk on "Caree... 5イベント, 25 5イベント, 25 2023-07-25 Six weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Six weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-07-25 Six weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Six weeks to Deadline o... 2023-07-25 07Q2. R5「数値計算」 07Q2. R5「数値計算」 2023-07-25 07Q2. R5「数値計算」 07Q2. R5「数値計算」 「数値計算Ⅰ・Ⅱ... 2023-07-25 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議 2023-07-25 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議, 7/4, 11, 18, 25,... 2023-07-25 @Lab Weekly Meeting for Rehausal of Open Campus on July 29, Saturday @Lab Weekly Meeting for Rehausal of Open Campus on July 29, Saturday 2023-07-25 @Lab Weekly Meeting for Rehausal of Open Campus on July 29, Saturday @Lab Weekly Meeting 毎週の... 15:00 - 16:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 2023-07-25 @ 15:00 - 16:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi Meeting with Prof. Shig... 4イベント, 26 4イベント, 26 2023-07-26 アカデミックインターンシップ対応、能代高校 アカデミックインターンシップ対応、能代高校 2023-07-26 アカデミックインターンシップ対応、能代高校 アカデミックインターンシップ対応、能代高校 秋... 2023-07-26 7/26 13:50~ 対 コスタリカ BS1、サッカー女子W杯 7/26 13:50~ 対 コスタリカ BS1、サッカー女子W杯 2023-07-26 7/26 13:50~ 対 コスタリカ BS1、サッカー女子W杯 サッカー女子W杯放送予定 <開幕戦> 7/20... 09:30 - 10:30 7th Tega Rally Meeting (Final) 2023-07-26 @ 09:30 - 10:30 7th Tega Rally Meeting (Final) 7th Tega Rally Meeting ... 11:00 - 17:00 @lab staff meeting 2023-07-26 @ 11:00 - 17:00 @lab staff meeting @lab staff meeting 次回以降... 4イベント, 27 4イベント, 27 2023-07-27 DBB&SI_2Q07 DBB&SI_2Q07 2023-07-27 DBB&SI_2Q07 DBB&SI_2Q07 DBB&... 2023-07-27 badges come! badges come! 2023-07-27 badges come! badges come! 2023-07-27 07Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 07Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 2023-07-27 07Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 07Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR R5Q1Q2... 15:00 - 17:00 ?Meeting with KaS, SaI and WaK about TR and EC 2023-07-27 @ 15:00 - 17:00 ?Meeting with KaS, SaI and WaK about TR and EC ?Meeting with KaS, SaI ... 4イベント, 28 4イベント, 28 2023-07-28 08Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 08Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 2023-07-28 08Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 08Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR R5Q1... 2023-07-28 Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 2023-07-28 Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 Deadline of paper submi... 10:00 - 17:00 面接練習 2023-07-28 @ 10:00 - 17:00 面接練習 面接練習 with 大黒さん 13:00 - 17:00 Preparation of OC 2023-07-28 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Preparation of OC Preparation of OC 3イベント, 29 3イベント, 29 2023-07-29 Hokko Kai, Night party Hokko Kai, Night party 2023-07-29 Hokko Kai, Night party 7月29日17時半より北光会で納涼会(ビールパ... 2023-07-29 Open Campus of Akita University on July 29 Open Campus of Akita University on July 29 2023-07-29 Open Campus of Akita University on July 29 Open Campus of Akita Un... 08:00 - 08:20 Meeting with TR core team 2023-07-29 @ 08:00 - 08:20 Meeting with TR core team Meeting with TR core te... 2イベント, 30 2イベント, 30 12:15 - 17:00 Lunch meeting with Tustumi-sensei 2023-07-30 @ 12:15 - 17:00 Lunch meeting with Tustumi-sensei Lunch meeting with Tust... 13:00 - 17:00 Practice for Daikoku-san’s interview 2023-07-30 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Practice for Daikoku-san’s interview Practice for Daikoku-sa... 5イベント, 31 5イベント, 31 2023-07-31 Off for 7/29 on July 31 Off for 7/29 on July 31 2023-07-31 Off for 7/29 on July 31 Off for 7/29 on July 31 2023-07-31 LM: Off LM: Off 2023-07-31 LM: Off LM: Off on July 24 and ... 2023-07-31 Furikae for July 29 Furikae for July 29 2023-07-31 Furikae for July 29 オープンキャンパスの振替休日として, 本日,7... 2023-07-31 7/31 15:50~ 対 スペイン 総合、サッカー女子W杯 7/31 15:50~ 対 スペイン 総合、サッカー女子W杯 2023-07-31 7/31 15:50~ 対 スペイン 総合、サッカー女子W杯 サッカー女子W杯放送予定 <開幕戦> 7/20... 2023-07-31 badges come! badges come! 2023-07-31 badges come! badges come! 7イベント, 1 7イベント, 1 2023-08-01 Five weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Five weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-08-01 Five weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Five weeks to Deadline ... 2023-08-01 Off: Meeting with monka Off: Meeting with monka 2023-08-01 Off: Meeting with monka 文科省相談の日程が決定しましたので、ご連絡いた... 2023-08-01 08Q2. R5「数値計算」 08Q2. R5「数値計算」 2023-08-01 08Q2. R5「数値計算」 08Q2. R5「数値計算」 「数値計算Ⅰ・Ⅱ... 2023-08-01 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議 2023-08-01 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議, 7/4, 11, 18, 25,... 2023-08-01 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 2023-08-01 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 毎週の... 15:30 - 17:00 Staff Meeting @Lab 2023-08-01 @ 15:30 - 17:00 Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab from... 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Kagaya Koudai san 2023-08-01 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Kagaya Koudai san Meeting with Kagaya Kou... 6イベント, 2 6イベント, 2 2023-08-02 Re-exam for Daikoku-san Re-exam for Daikoku-san 2023-08-02 Re-exam for Daikoku-san また、ADKさんの試験については8/2に行うこ... 08:00 - 17:00 Practice of a talk by Kagaya-san about EC2023 2023-08-02 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Practice of a talk by Kagaya-san about EC2023 Practice of a talk by K... 10:00 - 11:00 Tega Rally Team Hansei-kai 2023-08-02 @ 10:00 - 11:00 Tega Rally Team Hansei-kai Tega Rally Team Hansei-... 11:00 - 12:00 Meeting on business trip for EC2023 2023-08-02 @ 11:00 - 12:00 Meeting on business trip for EC2023 Meeting on business tri... 12:00 - 17:00 Recomendatation letter to make 2023-08-02 @ 12:00 - 17:00 Recomendatation letter to make Recomendatation letter ... 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Lu-sensei about processing students’ business trip 2023-08-02 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Lu-sensei about processing students’ business trip Meeting with Lu-sensei ... 4イベント, 3 4イベント, 3 2023-08-03 08Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 08Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 2023-08-03 08Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 08Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR R5Q1Q2... 2023-08-03 秋田竿燈まつり 秋田竿燈まつり 2023-08-03 - 2023-08-06 秋田竿燈まつり 秋田竿燈まつり Aug. 3 to 6, 20... 2023-08-03 DBB&SI_2Q08 DBB&SI_2Q08 2023-08-03 DBB&SI_2Q08 DBB&SI_2Q08 DBB&... 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Kodai about his job hunting 2023-08-03 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Kodai about his job hunting Meeting with Kodai abou... 3イベント, 4 3イベント, 4 2023-08-04 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 2023-08-04 - 2023-08-06 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 Preparing final voting ... 2023-08-03 秋田竿燈まつり 08:00 - 17:00 Deadline for submission of resume for Kodai-san 2023-08-04 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Deadline for submission of resume for Kodai-san Deadline for submission... 6イベント, 5 6イベント, 5 2023-08-04 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 2023-08-03 秋田竿燈まつり 2023-08-05 Taka day Taka day 2023-08-05 Taka day Taka day 09:00 - 11:00 Meeting with SaI 2023-08-05 @ 09:00 - 11:00 Meeting with SaI Meeting on Satuday's mo... 11:30 - 13:30 Lunch with LuLi family 2023-08-05 @ 11:30 - 13:30 Lunch with LuLi family Lunch with LuLi family ... 17:00 - 19:00 Nadeshiko: Japan vs. Norway 2023-08-05 @ 17:00 - 19:00 Nadeshiko: Japan vs. Norway Nadeshiko: Japan vs. No... 2イベント, 6 2イベント, 6 2023-08-04 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 2023-08-03 秋田竿燈まつり 6月 26 終日 健康診断,教職員 2023-06-26 @ 08:00 - 17:00 アカデミックインターンシップ(能代高校) 2023-06-26 @ 09:30 - 10:30 Staff Meeting @Lab 2023-06-26 @ 12:00 - 13:00 ONさんから返事をもらう. 6月 27 終日 出張:Tutsumi-sensei 終日 10th @Lab Weekly Meeting @2Q 終日 ?遍斗会議 online 終日 03Q2. R5「数値計算」 2023-06-27 @ 09:30 - 17:00 Prof Meeting @HCC 6月 28 終日 4th Tega Rally Meeting 2023-06-28 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Additional Exam. on NC2023-01 6月 29 終日 DBB&SI_2Q03 終日 02Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 2023-06-29 @ 14:30 - 17:00 Experiment by Tutsumi-sensei from 14:30 2023-06-29 @ 15:00 - 17:00 ?Meeting with Kagaya-san? about EC submission 6月 30 終日 04Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 2023-06-30 @ 09:30 - 10:00 (時間変更) 面接練習,JINさん,黒崎さん 2023-06-30 @ 09:30 - 17:00 ?R5 6th LM Research Meeting 2023-06-30 @ 17:30 Research Meeting at evening 7月 1 2023-07-01 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Evening Meeting with SaI イベントがありません 7月 3 終日 Koko-sama returns 2023-07-03 @ 12:00 - 23:59 博士前期課程(推薦入試) from noon 2023-07-03 @ 16:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff meeting 7月 4 終日 04Q2. R5「数値計算」 終日 ?遍斗会議 終日 @Lab Weekly Meeting 2023-07-04 @ 15:00 - 16:00 Meeting with Prof Takahashi and Prof Misue 7月 5 終日 Meeting with Zou-sensei about OC2023 終日 5th Tega Rally Meeting 2023-07-05 @ 17:30 Meeting with Nagase-san for a recommendation letter 7月 6 終日 DBB&SI_2Q04 終日 04Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 2023-07-06 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Daikoku Nao san 7月 7 終日 One week to Dealine of making draft of an late summer event 終日 Outer Meeting with Sakuma-san 終日 05Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 2023-07-07 @ 11:30 - 12:00 Practice of Interview for Nagase-san 2023-07-07 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with KS and WK about Tega Rally イベントがありません イベントがありません 7月 10 終日 5th HCC Meeting 2023-07-10 @ 11:00 - 17:00 @lab staff meeting 7月 11 終日 05Q2. R5「数値計算」 終日 ?遍斗会議 終日 @Lab Weekly Meeting 7月 12 終日 5th Tega Rally Meeting 2023-07-12 @ 14:00 - 16:00 Domestic meeting on TC211 2023-07-12 @ 14:50 - 17:00 Meeting with Mishima-san from 14:50 2023-07-12 @ 15:00 - 17:00 meeting on creating can budges 7月 13 終日 DBB&SI_2Q05 終日 05Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 7月 14 終日 06Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 終日 Special meeting with an advisor of Techno Akita? 終日 Two weeks to Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 終日 Dealine of making draft of an late summer event 2023-07-14 @ 10:30 - 11:30 Meeting with Asahi-sensei 7月 15 終日 Disastor: Heavy rain in Akita City 終日 Postpone: Lunch Meeting with SaI and KS and WaK 終日 令和5年度(2023) 情報学科・専攻協議会 総会・研究会 2023-07-15 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Postpone: Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship イベントがありません 7月 17 終日 National Holiday 2023-07-17 @ 09:30 - 17:00 Intensive Camp meeting with KaS, SaI, WaK, AM about Tega Rally for passing the application of it 2023-07-17 @ 20:00 Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship 7月 18 終日 OFF: 06Q2. R5「数値計算」because of heavy rain on last Saturday 終日 Intensive Meeting of late sumer festival 終日 Seven weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 終日 @Lab Weekly Meeting 2023-07-18 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Postpone: Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship 2023-07-18 @ 17:00 Meeting with Tanaka Taro-san 2023-07-18 @ 17:10 Meeting with Takenaka-san 2023-07-18 @ 18:00 - 23:59 ?遍斗会議 7月 19 2023-07-19 @ 09:30 - 10:30 6th Tega Rally Meeting (Re-final) 2023-07-19 @ 11:00 - 17:00 @lab staff meeting 2023-07-19 @ 16:00 - 17:00 【新学部】教授会 7月 20 終日 DBB&SI_2Q06 終日 06Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 2023-07-20 @ 15:00 - 17:00 ??Meeting about Academic Internship with SaI 7月 21 終日 Campus Clean Day on July 21, Oct. 10 and Nov. 15, 2023 終日 07Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 終日 KaS&WaK will finish revising a code of Tega Rally by the week end. 終日 One week to Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 7月 22 終日 7/22 15:50~ 対 ザンビア BS1、サッカー女子W杯 2023-07-22 @ 15:00 - 16:00 Meeting with Prof. Takahashi イベントがありません 7月 24 終日 LM: Off 2023-07-24 @ 14:30 - 17:00 My first Talk on “Career Design in a Super Smart Society” 7月 25 終日 Six weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 終日 07Q2. R5「数値計算」 終日 ?遍斗会議 終日 @Lab Weekly Meeting for Rehausal of Open Campus on July 29, Saturday 2023-07-25 @ 15:00 - 16:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 7月 26 終日 アカデミックインターンシップ対応、能代高校 終日 7/26 13:50~ 対 コスタリカ BS1、サッカー女子W杯 2023-07-26 @ 09:30 - 10:30 7th Tega Rally Meeting (Final) 2023-07-26 @ 11:00 - 17:00 @lab staff meeting 7月 27 終日 DBB&SI_2Q07 終日 badges come! 終日 07Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 2023-07-27 @ 15:00 - 17:00 ?Meeting with KaS, SaI and WaK about TR and EC 7月 28 終日 08Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 終日 Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 2023-07-28 @ 10:00 - 17:00 面接練習 2023-07-28 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Preparation of OC 7月 29 終日 Hokko Kai, Night party 終日 Open Campus of Akita University on July 29 2023-07-29 @ 08:00 - 08:20 Meeting with TR core team 7月 30 2023-07-30 @ 12:15 - 17:00 Lunch meeting with Tustumi-sensei 2023-07-30 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Practice for Daikoku-san’s interview 7月 31 終日 Off for 7/29 on July 31 終日 LM: Off 終日 Furikae for July 29 終日 7/31 15:50~ 対 スペイン 総合、サッカー女子W杯 終日 badges come! 8月 1 終日 Five weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 終日 Off: Meeting with monka 終日 08Q2. R5「数値計算」 終日 ?遍斗会議 終日 @Lab Weekly Meeting 2023-08-01 @ 15:30 - 17:00 Staff Meeting @Lab 2023-08-01 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Kagaya Koudai san 8月 2 終日 Re-exam for Daikoku-san 2023-08-02 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Practice of a talk by Kagaya-san about EC2023 2023-08-02 @ 10:00 - 11:00 Tega Rally Team Hansei-kai 2023-08-02 @ 11:00 - 12:00 Meeting on business trip for EC2023 2023-08-02 @ 12:00 - 17:00 Recomendatation letter to make 2023-08-02 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Lu-sensei about processing students’ business trip 8月 3 終日 08Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 終日 秋田竿燈まつり 終日 DBB&SI_2Q08 2023-08-03 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Kodai about his job hunting 8月 4 終日 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 終日 秋田竿燈まつり 2023-08-04 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Deadline for submission of resume for Kodai-san 8月 4 終日 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 終日 秋田竿燈まつり 終日 Taka day 2023-08-05 @ 09:00 - 11:00 Meeting with SaI 2023-08-05 @ 11:30 - 13:30 Lunch with LuLi family 2023-08-05 @ 17:00 - 19:00 Nadeshiko: Japan vs. Norway 8月 4 終日 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 終日 秋田竿燈まつり 6月 今月 8月 自分のカレンダーと連携する Google カレンダー iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Export .ics file Export Outlook .ics file
08:00 - 17:00 アカデミックインターンシップ(能代高校) 2023-06-26 @ 08:00 - 17:00 アカデミックインターンシップ(能代高校) アカデミックインターンシップの教員照会について...
09:30 - 10:30 Staff Meeting @Lab 2023-06-26 @ 09:30 - 10:30 Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab June...
2023-06-27 10th @Lab Weekly Meeting @2Q 10th @Lab Weekly Meeting @2Q 2023-06-27 10th @Lab Weekly Meeting @2Q 10th @Lab Weekly Meetin...
09:30 - 17:00 Prof Meeting @HCC 2023-06-27 @ 09:30 - 17:00 Prof Meeting @HCC Prof Meeting @HCC on Ju...
2023-06-28 4th Tega Rally Meeting 4th Tega Rally Meeting 2023-06-28 4th Tega Rally Meeting 4th Tega Rally Meeting ...
15:00 - 17:00 Additional Exam. on NC2023-01 2023-06-28 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Additional Exam. on NC2023-01 Additional Exam. on NC2...
14:30 - 17:00 Experiment by Tutsumi-sensei from 14:30 2023-06-29 @ 14:30 - 17:00 Experiment by Tutsumi-sensei from 14:30 Experiment by Tutsumi-s...
15:00 - 17:00 ?Meeting with Kagaya-san? about EC submission 2023-06-29 @ 15:00 - 17:00 ?Meeting with Kagaya-san? about EC submission ?Meeting with Kagaya-sa...
2023-06-30 04Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 04Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 2023-06-30 04Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 04Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR R5Q1...
09:30 - 10:00 (時間変更) 面接練習,JINさん,黒崎さん 2023-06-30 @ 09:30 - 10:00 (時間変更) 面接練習,JINさん,黒崎さん 面接練習,JINさん,黒崎さん June 30...
09:30 - 17:00 ?R5 6th LM Research Meeting 2023-06-30 @ 09:30 - 17:00 ?R5 6th LM Research Meeting ?R5 6th LM Research Mee...
17:30 Research Meeting at evening 2023-06-30 @ 17:30 Research Meeting at evening Research Meeting at Eve...
08:00 - 17:00 Evening Meeting with SaI 2023-07-01 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Evening Meeting with SaI Evening Meeting with Sa...
12:00 - 23:59 博士前期課程(推薦入試) from noon 2023-07-03 @ 12:00 - 23:59 博士前期課程(推薦入試) from noon 7月3月(月) 博士前期課程,1次(推薦入試)...
16:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff meeting 2023-07-03 @ 16:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff meeting @Lab Staff meeting from...
2023-07-04 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 2023-07-04 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 毎週の...
15:00 - 16:00 Meeting with Prof Takahashi and Prof Misue 2023-07-04 @ 15:00 - 16:00 Meeting with Prof Takahashi and Prof Misue Meeting with Prof Takah...
2023-07-05 Meeting with Zou-sensei about OC2023 Meeting with Zou-sensei about OC2023 2023-07-05 Meeting with Zou-sensei about OC2023 Meeting with Zou-sensei...
2023-07-05 5th Tega Rally Meeting 5th Tega Rally Meeting 2023-07-05 5th Tega Rally Meeting 5th Tega Rally Meeting ...
17:30 Meeting with Nagase-san for a recommendation letter 2023-07-05 @ 17:30 Meeting with Nagase-san for a recommendation letter Meeting with Nagase-san...
16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Daikoku Nao san 2023-07-06 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Daikoku Nao san Meeting with Daikoku Na...
2023-07-07 One week to Dealine of making draft of an late summer event One week to Dealine of making draft of an late summer event 2023-07-07 One week to Dealine of making draft of an late summer event Dealine of making draft...
2023-07-07 Outer Meeting with Sakuma-san Outer Meeting with Sakuma-san 2023-07-07 Outer Meeting with Sakuma-san Our Meeting with Sakuma...
2023-07-07 05Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 05Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 2023-07-07 05Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 05Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR R5Q1...
11:30 - 12:00 Practice of Interview for Nagase-san 2023-07-07 @ 11:30 - 12:00 Practice of Interview for Nagase-san Practice of Interview f...
14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with KS and WK about Tega Rally 2023-07-07 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with KS and WK about Tega Rally Meeting with KS and WK ...
11:00 - 17:00 @lab staff meeting 2023-07-10 @ 11:00 - 17:00 @lab staff meeting @lab staff meeting 次回以降...
2023-07-11 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 2023-07-11 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 毎週の...
2023-07-12 5th Tega Rally Meeting 5th Tega Rally Meeting 2023-07-12 5th Tega Rally Meeting 5th Tega Rally Meeting ...
14:00 - 16:00 Domestic meeting on TC211 2023-07-12 @ 14:00 - 16:00 Domestic meeting on TC211 ISO/TC 211国内委員会 2023年7月...
14:50 - 17:00 Meeting with Mishima-san from 14:50 2023-07-12 @ 14:50 - 17:00 Meeting with Mishima-san from 14:50 Meeting with Mishima-sa...
15:00 - 17:00 meeting on creating can budges 2023-07-12 @ 15:00 - 17:00 meeting on creating can budges meeting on creating can...
2023-07-14 06Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 06Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 2023-07-14 06Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 06Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR R5Q1...
2023-07-14 Special meeting with an advisor of Techno Akita? Special meeting with an advisor of Techno Akita? 2023-07-14 Special meeting with an advisor of Techno Akita? Special meeting with an...
2023-07-14 Two weeks to Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 Two weeks to Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 2023-07-14 Two weeks to Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 Deadline of paper submi...
2023-07-14 Dealine of making draft of an late summer event Dealine of making draft of an late summer event 2023-07-14 Dealine of making draft of an late summer event Dealine of making draft...
10:30 - 11:30 Meeting with Asahi-sensei 2023-07-14 @ 10:30 - 11:30 Meeting with Asahi-sensei Meeting with Asahi-sens...
2023-07-15 Disastor: Heavy rain in Akita City Disastor: Heavy rain in Akita City 2023-07-15 Disastor: Heavy rain in Akita City Disastor: Heavy rain in...
2023-07-15 Postpone: Lunch Meeting with SaI and KS and WaK Postpone: Lunch Meeting with SaI and KS and WaK 2023-07-15 Postpone: Lunch Meeting with SaI and KS and WaK Lunch meeting on Saturd...
2023-07-15 令和5年度(2023) 情報学科・専攻協議会 総会・研究会 令和5年度(2023) 情報学科・専攻協議会 総会・研究会 2023-07-15 令和5年度(2023) 情報学科・専攻協議会 総会・研究会 令和5年度(2023) 情報学科・専攻協議会 ...
15:00 - 17:00 Postpone: Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship 2023-07-15 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Postpone: Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship 佐々木さん MDPIの支払いに関してですが、土...
09:30 - 17:00 Intensive Camp meeting with KaS, SaI, WaK, AM about Tega Rally for passing the application of it 2023-07-17 @ 09:30 - 17:00 Intensive Camp meeting with KaS, SaI, WaK, AM about Tega Rally for passing the application of it Intensive Camp meeting ...
20:00 Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship 2023-07-17 @ 20:00 Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship Post-Meeting with SaI a...
2023-07-18 OFF: 06Q2. R5「数値計算」because of heavy rain on last Saturday OFF: 06Q2. R5「数値計算」because of heavy rain on last Saturday 2023-07-18 OFF: 06Q2. R5「数値計算」because of heavy rain on last Saturday 06Q2. R5「数値計算」 「数値計算Ⅰ・Ⅱ...
2023-07-18 Intensive Meeting of late sumer festival Intensive Meeting of late sumer festival 2023-07-18 Intensive Meeting of late sumer festival Intensive Meeting of la...
2023-07-18 Seven weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Seven weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-07-18 Seven weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Seven weeks to Deadline...
2023-07-18 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 2023-07-18 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 毎週の...
08:00 - 17:00 Postpone: Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship 2023-07-18 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Postpone: Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship Post-Meeting with SaI a...
17:00 Meeting with Tanaka Taro-san 2023-07-18 @ 17:00 Meeting with Tanaka Taro-san Meeting with Tanaka Tar...
17:10 Meeting with Takenaka-san 2023-07-18 @ 17:10 Meeting with Takenaka-san Meeting with Takenaka-s...
09:30 - 10:30 6th Tega Rally Meeting (Re-final) 2023-07-19 @ 09:30 - 10:30 6th Tega Rally Meeting (Re-final) 6th Tega Rally Meeting ...
11:00 - 17:00 @lab staff meeting 2023-07-19 @ 11:00 - 17:00 @lab staff meeting @lab staff meeting 次回以降...
15:00 - 17:00 ??Meeting about Academic Internship with SaI 2023-07-20 @ 15:00 - 17:00 ??Meeting about Academic Internship with SaI ???Meeting about Academ...
2023-07-21 Campus Clean Day on July 21, Oct. 10 and Nov. 15, 2023 Campus Clean Day on July 21, Oct. 10 and Nov. 15, 2023 2023-07-21 Campus Clean Day on July 21, Oct. 10 and Nov. 15, 2023 Campus Clean Day on Jul...
2023-07-21 07Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 07Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 2023-07-21 07Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 07Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR R5Q1...
2023-07-21 KaS&WaK will finish revising a code of Tega Rally by the week end. KaS&WaK will finish revising a code of Tega Rally by the week end. 2023-07-21 KaS&WaK will finish revising a code of Tega Rally by the week end. KaS&WaK will finish...
2023-07-21 One week to Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 One week to Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 2023-07-21 One week to Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 Deadline of paper submi...
2023-07-22 7/22 15:50~ 対 ザンビア BS1、サッカー女子W杯 7/22 15:50~ 対 ザンビア BS1、サッカー女子W杯 2023-07-22 7/22 15:50~ 対 ザンビア BS1、サッカー女子W杯 サッカー女子W杯放送予定 <開幕戦> 7/20...
15:00 - 16:00 Meeting with Prof. Takahashi 2023-07-22 @ 15:00 - 16:00 Meeting with Prof. Takahashi Meeting with Prof. Taka...
14:30 - 17:00 My first Talk on “Career Design in a Super Smart Society” 2023-07-24 @ 14:30 - 17:00 My first Talk on “Career Design in a Super Smart Society” My first Talk on "Caree...
2023-07-25 Six weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Six weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-07-25 Six weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Six weeks to Deadline o...
2023-07-25 @Lab Weekly Meeting for Rehausal of Open Campus on July 29, Saturday @Lab Weekly Meeting for Rehausal of Open Campus on July 29, Saturday 2023-07-25 @Lab Weekly Meeting for Rehausal of Open Campus on July 29, Saturday @Lab Weekly Meeting 毎週の...
15:00 - 16:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 2023-07-25 @ 15:00 - 16:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi Meeting with Prof. Shig...
2023-07-26 アカデミックインターンシップ対応、能代高校 アカデミックインターンシップ対応、能代高校 2023-07-26 アカデミックインターンシップ対応、能代高校 アカデミックインターンシップ対応、能代高校 秋...
2023-07-26 7/26 13:50~ 対 コスタリカ BS1、サッカー女子W杯 7/26 13:50~ 対 コスタリカ BS1、サッカー女子W杯 2023-07-26 7/26 13:50~ 対 コスタリカ BS1、サッカー女子W杯 サッカー女子W杯放送予定 <開幕戦> 7/20...
09:30 - 10:30 7th Tega Rally Meeting (Final) 2023-07-26 @ 09:30 - 10:30 7th Tega Rally Meeting (Final) 7th Tega Rally Meeting ...
11:00 - 17:00 @lab staff meeting 2023-07-26 @ 11:00 - 17:00 @lab staff meeting @lab staff meeting 次回以降...
15:00 - 17:00 ?Meeting with KaS, SaI and WaK about TR and EC 2023-07-27 @ 15:00 - 17:00 ?Meeting with KaS, SaI and WaK about TR and EC ?Meeting with KaS, SaI ...
2023-07-28 08Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 08Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 2023-07-28 08Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR 08Q2_情報工学実験@LM,SaR R5Q1...
2023-07-28 Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 2023-07-28 Deadline of paper submission to EC2023 Deadline of paper submi...
2023-07-29 Hokko Kai, Night party Hokko Kai, Night party 2023-07-29 Hokko Kai, Night party 7月29日17時半より北光会で納涼会(ビールパ...
2023-07-29 Open Campus of Akita University on July 29 Open Campus of Akita University on July 29 2023-07-29 Open Campus of Akita University on July 29 Open Campus of Akita Un...
08:00 - 08:20 Meeting with TR core team 2023-07-29 @ 08:00 - 08:20 Meeting with TR core team Meeting with TR core te...
12:15 - 17:00 Lunch meeting with Tustumi-sensei 2023-07-30 @ 12:15 - 17:00 Lunch meeting with Tustumi-sensei Lunch meeting with Tust...
13:00 - 17:00 Practice for Daikoku-san’s interview 2023-07-30 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Practice for Daikoku-san’s interview Practice for Daikoku-sa...
2023-07-31 Off for 7/29 on July 31 Off for 7/29 on July 31 2023-07-31 Off for 7/29 on July 31 Off for 7/29 on July 31
2023-07-31 Furikae for July 29 Furikae for July 29 2023-07-31 Furikae for July 29 オープンキャンパスの振替休日として, 本日,7...
2023-07-31 7/31 15:50~ 対 スペイン 総合、サッカー女子W杯 7/31 15:50~ 対 スペイン 総合、サッカー女子W杯 2023-07-31 7/31 15:50~ 対 スペイン 総合、サッカー女子W杯 サッカー女子W杯放送予定 <開幕戦> 7/20...
2023-08-01 Five weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Five weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-08-01 Five weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Five weeks to Deadline ...
2023-08-01 Off: Meeting with monka Off: Meeting with monka 2023-08-01 Off: Meeting with monka 文科省相談の日程が決定しましたので、ご連絡いた...
2023-08-01 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 2023-08-01 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 毎週の...
15:30 - 17:00 Staff Meeting @Lab 2023-08-01 @ 15:30 - 17:00 Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab from...
17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Kagaya Koudai san 2023-08-01 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Kagaya Koudai san Meeting with Kagaya Kou...
2023-08-02 Re-exam for Daikoku-san Re-exam for Daikoku-san 2023-08-02 Re-exam for Daikoku-san また、ADKさんの試験については8/2に行うこ...
08:00 - 17:00 Practice of a talk by Kagaya-san about EC2023 2023-08-02 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Practice of a talk by Kagaya-san about EC2023 Practice of a talk by K...
10:00 - 11:00 Tega Rally Team Hansei-kai 2023-08-02 @ 10:00 - 11:00 Tega Rally Team Hansei-kai Tega Rally Team Hansei-...
11:00 - 12:00 Meeting on business trip for EC2023 2023-08-02 @ 11:00 - 12:00 Meeting on business trip for EC2023 Meeting on business tri...
12:00 - 17:00 Recomendatation letter to make 2023-08-02 @ 12:00 - 17:00 Recomendatation letter to make Recomendatation letter ...
13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Lu-sensei about processing students’ business trip 2023-08-02 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Lu-sensei about processing students’ business trip Meeting with Lu-sensei ...
16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Kodai about his job hunting 2023-08-03 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Kodai about his job hunting Meeting with Kodai abou...
2023-08-04 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 2023-08-04 - 2023-08-06 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 Preparing final voting ...
08:00 - 17:00 Deadline for submission of resume for Kodai-san 2023-08-04 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Deadline for submission of resume for Kodai-san Deadline for submission...
09:00 - 11:00 Meeting with SaI 2023-08-05 @ 09:00 - 11:00 Meeting with SaI Meeting on Satuday's mo...
11:30 - 13:30 Lunch with LuLi family 2023-08-05 @ 11:30 - 13:30 Lunch with LuLi family Lunch with LuLi family ...
17:00 - 19:00 Nadeshiko: Japan vs. Norway 2023-08-05 @ 17:00 - 19:00 Nadeshiko: Japan vs. Norway Nadeshiko: Japan vs. No...
2023-07-15 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Postpone: Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship
2023-07-17 @ 09:30 - 17:00 Intensive Camp meeting with KaS, SaI, WaK, AM about Tega Rally for passing the application of it
2023-07-17 @ 20:00 Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship
2023-07-18 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Postpone: Post-Meeting with SaI about processing foreign business trip in Au. and Academic Internship