ビューを読み込み中です。 イベントを検索してナビゲーションを表示 検索 キーワードを入力してください。キーワードでイベントを検索します。 イベントを検索 イベント ビューナビゲーション Month List Month Day 今月 2023-08-01 8月 2023 日付を選択 イベント のカレンダー 月 月 火 火 水 水 木 木 金 金 土 土 日 日 5イベント, 31 5イベント, 31 2023-07-31 Off for 7/29 on July 31 Off for 7/29 on July 31 2023-07-31 Off for 7/29 on July 31 Off for 7/29 on July 31 2023-07-31 LM: Off LM: Off 2023-07-31 LM: Off LM: Off on July 24 and ... 2023-07-31 Furikae for July 29 Furikae for July 29 2023-07-31 Furikae for July 29 オープンキャンパスの振替休日として, 本日,7... 2023-07-31 7/31 15:50~ 対 スペイン 総合、サッカー女子W杯 7/31 15:50~ 対 スペイン 総合、サッカー女子W杯 2023-07-31 7/31 15:50~ 対 スペイン 総合、サッカー女子W杯 サッカー女子W杯放送予定 <開幕戦> 7/20... 2023-07-31 badges come! badges come! 2023-07-31 badges come! badges come! 7イベント, 1 7イベント, 1 2023-08-01 Off: Meeting with monka Off: Meeting with monka 2023-08-01 Off: Meeting with monka 文科省相談の日程が決定しましたので、ご連絡いた... 2023-08-01 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議 2023-08-01 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議, 7/4, 11, 18, 25,... 2023-08-01 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 2023-08-01 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 毎週の... 2023-08-01 Five weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Five weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-08-01 Five weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Five weeks to Deadline ... 2023-08-01 08Q2. R5「数値計算」 08Q2. R5「数値計算」 2023-08-01 08Q2. R5「数値計算」 08Q2. R5「数値計算」 「数値計算Ⅰ・Ⅱ... 15:30 - 17:00 Staff Meeting @Lab 2023-08-01 @ 15:30 - 17:00 Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab from... 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Kagaya Koudai san 2023-08-01 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Kagaya Koudai san Meeting with Kagaya Kou... 6イベント, 2 6イベント, 2 2023-08-02 Re-exam for Daikoku-san Re-exam for Daikoku-san 2023-08-02 Re-exam for Daikoku-san また、ADKさんの試験については8/2に行うこ... 08:00 - 17:00 Practice of a talk by Kagaya-san about EC2023 2023-08-02 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Practice of a talk by Kagaya-san about EC2023 Practice of a talk by K... 10:00 - 11:00 Tega Rally Team Hansei-kai 2023-08-02 @ 10:00 - 11:00 Tega Rally Team Hansei-kai Tega Rally Team Hansei-... 11:00 - 12:00 Meeting on business trip for EC2023 2023-08-02 @ 11:00 - 12:00 Meeting on business trip for EC2023 Meeting on business tri... 12:00 - 17:00 Recomendatation letter to make 2023-08-02 @ 12:00 - 17:00 Recomendatation letter to make Recomendatation letter ... 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Lu-sensei about processing students’ business trip 2023-08-02 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Lu-sensei about processing students’ business trip Meeting with Lu-sensei ... 4イベント, 3 4イベント, 3 2023-08-03 DBB&SI_2Q08 DBB&SI_2Q08 2023-08-03 DBB&SI_2Q08 DBB&SI_2Q08 DBB&... 2023-08-03 秋田竿燈まつり 秋田竿燈まつり 2023-08-03 - 2023-08-06 秋田竿燈まつり 秋田竿燈まつり Aug. 3 to 6, 20... 2023-08-03 08Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 08Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 2023-08-03 08Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 08Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR R5Q1Q2... 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Kodai about his job hunting 2023-08-03 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Kodai about his job hunting Meeting with Kodai abou... 3イベント, 4 3イベント, 4 2023-08-04 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 2023-08-04 - 2023-08-06 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 Preparing final voting ... 2023-08-03 秋田竿燈まつり 08:00 - 17:00 Deadline for submission of resume for Kodai-san 2023-08-04 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Deadline for submission of resume for Kodai-san Deadline for submission... 6イベント, 5 6イベント, 5 2023-08-04 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 2023-08-03 秋田竿燈まつり 2023-08-05 Taka day Taka day 2023-08-05 Taka day Taka day 09:00 - 11:00 Meeting with SaI 2023-08-05 @ 09:00 - 11:00 Meeting with SaI Meeting on Satuday's mo... 11:30 - 13:30 Lunch with LuLi family 2023-08-05 @ 11:30 - 13:30 Lunch with LuLi family Lunch with LuLi family ... 17:00 - 19:00 Nadeshiko: Japan vs. Norway 2023-08-05 @ 17:00 - 19:00 Nadeshiko: Japan vs. Norway Nadeshiko: Japan vs. No... 2イベント, 6 2イベント, 6 2023-08-04 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 2023-08-03 秋田竿燈まつり 2イベント, 7 2イベント, 7 2023-08-07 Few Fac. Prof. Meeting Few Fac. Prof. Meeting 2023-08-07 Few Fac. Prof. Meeting Few Fac. Prof. Meeting ... 2023-08-07 Off: UT,SaR Off: UT,SaR 2023-08-07 Off: UT,SaR Off: UT,SaR 4イベント, 8 4イベント, 8 2023-08-08 Four weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Four weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-08-08 Four weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Four weeks to Deadline ... 2023-08-08 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議 2023-08-08 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議, 7/4, 11, 18, 25,... 2023-08-08 Intensive @Lab Weekly Meeting Intensive @Lab Weekly Meeting 2023-08-08 Intensive @Lab Weekly Meeting Intensive @Lab Weekly M... 15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi about Kaken 2023-08-08 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi about Kaken Meeting with Prof. Shig... 4イベント, 9 4イベント, 9 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-09 - 2023-10-01 R5 夏季休業 R5 夏季休業(8/9~10/1) 2023-08-09 Practice of SaI talks in ICC2023 Practice of SaI talks in ICC2023 2023-08-09 Practice of SaI talks in ICC2023 Practice of SaI talks i... 10:00 - 17:00 Practice of SaI talks in ICC2023 on Aug. 9, Wed., 10:00- @V-207 2023-08-09 @ 10:00 - 17:00 Practice of SaI talks in ICC2023 on Aug. 9, Wed., 10:00- @V-207 Practice of SaI talks i... 14:00 - 17:00 Return fee of Apple Dev. Prog to students 2023-08-09 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Return fee of Apple Dev. Prog to students Return fee of Apple Dev... 5イベント, 10 5イベント, 10 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-10 Foreign Business Trip: SaI Foreign Business Trip: SaI 2023-08-10 - 2023-08-21 Foreign Business Trip: SaI Foreign Business Trip: ... 13:30 - 17:00 ???Meeting with KaS 2023-08-10 @ 13:30 - 17:00 ???Meeting with KaS ???Meeting with KaS on ... 14:00 - 17:00 meeting with TaT about model on new fac. leaflet 2023-08-10 @ 14:00 - 17:00 meeting with TaT about model on new fac. leaflet meeting with TaT about ... 15:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Tang-san for job hunting 2023-08-10 @ 15:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Tang-san for job hunting Meeting with Tang-san f... 4イベント, 11 4イベント, 11 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-10 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 2023-08-11 National Holiday National Holiday 2023-08-11 National Holiday National Holiday 2023 〇... 16:30 - 19:00 Nadeshiko semi quater final 2023-08-11 @ 16:30 - 19:00 Nadeshiko semi quater final なでしこジャパン(サッカー日本女子代表) 8/... 3イベント, 12 3イベント, 12 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-10 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 2023-08-12 Pre-conference Workshop organized by commission of Ubiqutous Mapping on Aug. 12 Pre-conference Workshop organized by commission of Ubiqutous Mapping on Aug. 12 2023-08-12 Pre-conference Workshop organized by commission of Ubiqutous Mapping on Aug. 12 12 August 2023 (Saturda... 3イベント, 13 3イベント, 13 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-10 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 2023-08-13 ICC2023 ICC2023 2023-08-13 - 2023-08-18 ICC2023 31st INTERNATIONAL CART... 5イベント, 14 5イベント, 14 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-10 Foreign Business Trip: SaI Foreign Business Trip: SaI 2023-08-13 ICC2023 ICC2023 2023-08-14 Off: LM Off: LM 2023-08-14 - 2023-08-18 Off: LM Off: LM 2023-08-14 OFF: SaR OFF: SaR 2023-08-14 - 2023-08-16 OFF: SaR > 8月については8/14から8/16の... 8イベント, 15 8イベント, 15 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-10 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 2023-08-13 ICC2023 2023-08-14 Off: LM 2023-08-14 OFF: SaR 2023-08-15 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議 2023-08-15 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議 8月15, 18:00- ?遍斗会... 2023-08-15 Three weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Three weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-08-15 Three weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Three weeks to Deadline... 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Sasaki-san @ South Africa 2023-08-15 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Sasaki-san @ South Africa 佐々木さん おはようございます。有川です。 そ... 9イベント, 16 9イベント, 16 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-10 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 2023-08-13 ICC2023 2023-08-14 Off: LM 2023-08-14 OFF: SaR 2023-08-16 SaI Presentation in ICC2023 SaI Presentation in ICC2023 2023-08-16 SaI Presentation in ICC2023 SaI Presentation in ICC... 2023-08-16 SaI: Talk on Aug. 16th, Wed., at ICC2023 SaI: Talk on Aug. 16th, Wed., at ICC2023 2023-08-16 SaI: Talk on Aug. 16th, Wed., at ICC2023 SaI: Talk on Aug. 16th,... 08:00 - 17:00 Photo location Meeting with Tomokazu-san 2023-08-16 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Photo location Meeting with Tomokazu-san > ------------------... 14:00 - 17:00 Practice of Online Interview with Kodai-san 2023-08-16 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Practice of Online Interview with Kodai-san Practice of Online Inte... 4イベント, 17 4イベント, 17 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-10 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 2023-08-13 ICC2023 2023-08-14 Off: LM 5イベント, 18 5イベント, 18 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-10 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 2023-08-13 ICC2023 2023-08-14 Off: LM 2023-08-18 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 2023-08-18 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 &g... 3イベント, 19 3イベント, 19 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-10 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 2023-08-19 taka day 2 taka day 2 2023-08-19 taka day 2 taka day 2 2020.8.19 3 ... 2イベント, 20 2イベント, 20 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-10 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 4イベント, 21 4イベント, 21 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-10 Foreign Business Trip: SaI Foreign Business Trip: SaI 2023-08-21 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 2023-08-21 - 2023-08-22 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 &g... 10:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Hasegawa-san 2023-08-21 @ 10:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Hasegawa-san Meeting with Hasegawa-s... 6イベント, 22 6イベント, 22 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-22 Two weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Two weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-08-22 Two weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Two weeks to Deadline o... 2023-08-21 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 2023-08-22 gipc sever will stops in the evening gipc sever will stops in the evening 2023-08-22 gipc sever will stops in the evening gipc sever will stops i... 2023-08-22 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議 2023-08-22 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議 8月22, 18:00- ?遍斗会... 15:00 - 17:00 ??Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi about Kaken 2023-08-22 @ 15:00 - 17:00 ??Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi about Kaken Meeting with Prof. Shig... 4イベント, 23 4イベント, 23 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-23 Off: Ent. Exam. for PhD course Off: Ent. Exam. for PhD course 2023-08-23 Off: Ent. Exam. for PhD course Ent. Exam. for PhD cour... 2023-08-23 Utsumi-sensei’s experiment Utsumi-sensei’s experiment 2023-08-23 Utsumi-sensei’s experiment ToDo Test of Utsumi-sen... 2023-08-23 Hokko badge will come! Hokko badge will come! 2023-08-23 Hokko badge will come! Hokko badge will come! ... 2イベント, 24 2イベント, 24 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-24 Practice for talk on EC2023 Practice for talk on EC2023 2023-08-24 Practice for talk on EC2023 Practice for talk on EC... 2イベント, 25 2イベント, 25 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-25 Postpone, gipc sever will stops at night Postpone, gipc sever will stops at night 2023-08-25 Postpone, gipc sever will stops at night gipc sever will stops a... 3イベント, 26 3イベント, 26 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-26 日本地図学会 2023年度 定期大会 日本地図学会 2023年度 定期大会 2023-08-26 - 2023-08-27 日本地図学会 2023年度 定期大会 日本地図学会 2023年度 定期大会 Aug.... 2023-08-26 Off: Computer Center on Aug. 26 Off: Computer Center on Aug. 26 2023-08-26 Off: Computer Center on Aug. 26 Off: Computer Center on... 2イベント, 27 2イベント, 27 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-26 日本地図学会 2023年度 定期大会 4イベント, 28 4イベント, 28 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 R5 夏季休業 13:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (1) with Hasegawa Kanou 2023-08-28 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (1) with Hasegawa Kanou Practice of JC Intervie... 14:00 - 17:00 Practice for Kagaya Kodai san’s second job interview of T&I Systems 2023-08-28 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Practice for Kagaya Kodai san’s second job interview of T&I Systems Practice for Kagaya Kod... 14:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (2) with Kagaya Kodai 2023-08-28 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (2) with Kagaya Kodai Practice of JC Intervie... 5イベント, 29 5イベント, 29 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-29 One week to Deadline of Kaken-hi One week to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-08-29 One week to Deadline of Kaken-hi One week to Deadline of... 2023-08-29 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議 2023-08-29 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議 8月29, 18:00- ?遍斗会... 2023-08-29 Physical Practice of students’ presentations Physical Practice of students’ presentations 2023-08-29 Physical Practice of students’ presentations Physical Practice of st... 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 2023-08-29 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi Meeting with Prof. Shig... 5イベント, 30 5イベント, 30 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-30 Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course 2023-08-30 - 2023-08-31 Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course Ent. Exam. for Ms. Cour... 2023-08-30 Water off in the afternoon Water off in the afternoon 2023-08-30 Water off in the afternoon Water off in the aftern... 2023-08-30 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 Entertainment Computing... 08:00 - 17:00 Working for processing Shuttyou 2023-08-30 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Working for processing Shuttyou Working for processing ... 10イベント, 31 10イベント, 31 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-30 Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course 2023-08-31 ??? Dinner with LiLu family ??? Dinner with LiLu family 2023-08-31 ??? Dinner with LiLu family Dear Li-san, Cc: Lu-san... 2023-08-30 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 2023-08-31 Inteview for Ent. Exam. for Mater Course Inteview for Ent. Exam. for Mater Course 2023-08-31 Inteview for Ent. Exam. for Mater Course Inteview for Ent. Exam.... 2023-08-31 Seiya’s talk in EC2023 Seiya’s talk in EC2023 2023-08-31 Seiya’s talk in EC2023 Seiya's talk in EC2023 ... 12:30 - 13:00 JH Interview with Hasegawa 2023-08-31 @ 12:30 - 13:00 JH Interview with Hasegawa 橋本研究室 長谷川です。 先ほど、イトーキ採用... 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with TaT for a professional photographer to take his photo 2023-08-31 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with TaT for a professional photographer to take his photo Meeting with TaT for a ... 16:00 - 17:00 Experiment of Tutsumi-sensei’s research 2023-08-31 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Experiment of Tutsumi-sensei’s research JINさん,藤原さん,cc:内海先生 こんばん... 18:00 - 19:00 Dinner with LiLu Family 2023-08-31 @ 18:00 - 19:00 Dinner with LiLu Family You are welcome to come... 3イベント, 1 3イベント, 1 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-30 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 17:00 - 18:30 Practice for presentation by Mr. Kouki 2023-09-01 @ 17:00 - 18:30 Practice for presentation by Mr. Kouki Practice for presentati... 6イベント, 2 6イベント, 2 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-02 GIPC Server stop GIPC Server stop 2023-09-02 GIPC Server stop GIPC Server stop on Sep... 2023-09-02 Power off Power off 2023-09-02 Power off 停電期間:令和5年9月2日(土) 8時30分~... 2023-08-30 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 2023-09-02 電気設備の定期検査に伴う停電 電気設備の定期検査に伴う停電 2023-09-02 電気設備の定期検査に伴う停電 【大事なお知らせ】電気設備の定期検査に伴う停電... 2023-09-02 Lu-sensei’s parents will leave. Lu-sensei’s parents will leave. 2023-09-02 Lu-sensei’s parents will leave. Lu-sensei's parents wil... 2イベント, 3 2イベント, 3 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-03 aki day aki day 2023-09-03 aki day aki day 7月 31 終日 Off for 7/29 on July 31 終日 LM: Off 終日 Furikae for July 29 終日 7/31 15:50~ 対 スペイン 総合、サッカー女子W杯 終日 badges come! 8月 1 終日 Off: Meeting with monka 終日 ?遍斗会議 終日 @Lab Weekly Meeting 終日 Five weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 終日 08Q2. R5「数値計算」 2023-08-01 @ 15:30 - 17:00 Staff Meeting @Lab 2023-08-01 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Kagaya Koudai san 8月 2 終日 Re-exam for Daikoku-san 2023-08-02 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Practice of a talk by Kagaya-san about EC2023 2023-08-02 @ 10:00 - 11:00 Tega Rally Team Hansei-kai 2023-08-02 @ 11:00 - 12:00 Meeting on business trip for EC2023 2023-08-02 @ 12:00 - 17:00 Recomendatation letter to make 2023-08-02 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Lu-sensei about processing students’ business trip 8月 3 終日 DBB&SI_2Q08 終日 秋田竿燈まつり 終日 08Q3プロジェクト実践_SaR 2023-08-03 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Kodai about his job hunting 8月 4 終日 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 終日 秋田竿燈まつり 2023-08-04 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Deadline for submission of resume for Kodai-san 8月 4 終日 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 終日 秋田竿燈まつり 終日 Taka day 2023-08-05 @ 09:00 - 11:00 Meeting with SaI 2023-08-05 @ 11:30 - 13:30 Lunch with LuLi family 2023-08-05 @ 17:00 - 19:00 Nadeshiko: Japan vs. Norway 8月 4 終日 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 終日 秋田竿燈まつり 8月 7 終日 Few Fac. Prof. Meeting 終日 Off: UT,SaR 8月 8 終日 Four weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 終日 ?遍斗会議 終日 Intensive @Lab Weekly Meeting 2023-08-08 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi about Kaken 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Practice of SaI talks in ICC2023 2023-08-09 @ 10:00 - 17:00 Practice of SaI talks in ICC2023 on Aug. 9, Wed., 10:00- @V-207 2023-08-09 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Return fee of Apple Dev. Prog to students 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 2023-08-10 @ 13:30 - 17:00 ???Meeting with KaS 2023-08-10 @ 14:00 - 17:00 meeting with TaT about model on new fac. leaflet 2023-08-10 @ 15:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Tang-san for job hunting 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 終日 National Holiday 2023-08-11 @ 16:30 - 19:00 Nadeshiko semi quater final 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 終日 Pre-conference Workshop organized by commission of Ubiqutous Mapping on Aug. 12 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 終日 ICC2023 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 終日 ICC2023 終日 Off: LM 終日 OFF: SaR 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 終日 ICC2023 終日 Off: LM 終日 OFF: SaR 終日 ?遍斗会議 終日 Three weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-08-15 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Sasaki-san @ South Africa 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 終日 ICC2023 終日 Off: LM 終日 OFF: SaR 終日 SaI Presentation in ICC2023 終日 SaI: Talk on Aug. 16th, Wed., at ICC2023 2023-08-16 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Photo location Meeting with Tomokazu-san 2023-08-16 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Practice of Online Interview with Kodai-san 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 終日 ICC2023 終日 Off: LM 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 終日 ICC2023 終日 Off: LM 終日 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 終日 taka day 2 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Foreign Business Trip: SaI 終日 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 2023-08-21 @ 10:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Hasegawa-san 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Two weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 終日 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 終日 gipc sever will stops in the evening 終日 ?遍斗会議 2023-08-22 @ 15:00 - 17:00 ??Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi about Kaken 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Off: Ent. Exam. for PhD course 終日 Utsumi-sensei’s experiment 終日 Hokko badge will come! 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Practice for talk on EC2023 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Postpone, gipc sever will stops at night 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 日本地図学会 2023年度 定期大会 終日 Off: Computer Center on Aug. 26 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 日本地図学会 2023年度 定期大会 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-28 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (1) with Hasegawa Kanou 2023-08-28 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Practice for Kagaya Kodai san’s second job interview of T&I Systems 2023-08-28 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (2) with Kagaya Kodai 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 One week to Deadline of Kaken-hi 終日 ?遍斗会議 終日 Physical Practice of students’ presentations 2023-08-29 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course 終日 Water off in the afternoon 終日 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 2023-08-30 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Working for processing Shuttyou 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course 終日 ??? Dinner with LiLu family 終日 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 終日 Inteview for Ent. Exam. for Mater Course 終日 Seiya’s talk in EC2023 2023-08-31 @ 12:30 - 13:00 JH Interview with Hasegawa 2023-08-31 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with TaT for a professional photographer to take his photo 2023-08-31 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Experiment of Tutsumi-sensei’s research 2023-08-31 @ 18:00 - 19:00 Dinner with LiLu Family 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 2023-09-01 @ 17:00 - 18:30 Practice for presentation by Mr. Kouki 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 GIPC Server stop 終日 Power off 終日 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 終日 電気設備の定期検査に伴う停電 終日 Lu-sensei’s parents will leave. 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 aki day 7月 今月 9月 自分のカレンダーと連携する Google カレンダー iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Export .ics file Export Outlook .ics file
2023-07-31 Off for 7/29 on July 31 Off for 7/29 on July 31 2023-07-31 Off for 7/29 on July 31 Off for 7/29 on July 31
2023-07-31 Furikae for July 29 Furikae for July 29 2023-07-31 Furikae for July 29 オープンキャンパスの振替休日として, 本日,7...
2023-07-31 7/31 15:50~ 対 スペイン 総合、サッカー女子W杯 7/31 15:50~ 対 スペイン 総合、サッカー女子W杯 2023-07-31 7/31 15:50~ 対 スペイン 総合、サッカー女子W杯 サッカー女子W杯放送予定 <開幕戦> 7/20...
2023-08-01 Off: Meeting with monka Off: Meeting with monka 2023-08-01 Off: Meeting with monka 文科省相談の日程が決定しましたので、ご連絡いた...
2023-08-01 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 2023-08-01 @Lab Weekly Meeting @Lab Weekly Meeting 毎週の...
2023-08-01 Five weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Five weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-08-01 Five weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Five weeks to Deadline ...
15:30 - 17:00 Staff Meeting @Lab 2023-08-01 @ 15:30 - 17:00 Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab from...
17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Kagaya Koudai san 2023-08-01 @ 17:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Kagaya Koudai san Meeting with Kagaya Kou...
2023-08-02 Re-exam for Daikoku-san Re-exam for Daikoku-san 2023-08-02 Re-exam for Daikoku-san また、ADKさんの試験については8/2に行うこ...
08:00 - 17:00 Practice of a talk by Kagaya-san about EC2023 2023-08-02 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Practice of a talk by Kagaya-san about EC2023 Practice of a talk by K...
10:00 - 11:00 Tega Rally Team Hansei-kai 2023-08-02 @ 10:00 - 11:00 Tega Rally Team Hansei-kai Tega Rally Team Hansei-...
11:00 - 12:00 Meeting on business trip for EC2023 2023-08-02 @ 11:00 - 12:00 Meeting on business trip for EC2023 Meeting on business tri...
12:00 - 17:00 Recomendatation letter to make 2023-08-02 @ 12:00 - 17:00 Recomendatation letter to make Recomendatation letter ...
13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Lu-sensei about processing students’ business trip 2023-08-02 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Lu-sensei about processing students’ business trip Meeting with Lu-sensei ...
16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Kodai about his job hunting 2023-08-03 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Kodai about his job hunting Meeting with Kodai abou...
2023-08-04 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 2023-08-04 - 2023-08-06 Preparing final voting for DBB2023 Preparing final voting ...
08:00 - 17:00 Deadline for submission of resume for Kodai-san 2023-08-04 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Deadline for submission of resume for Kodai-san Deadline for submission...
09:00 - 11:00 Meeting with SaI 2023-08-05 @ 09:00 - 11:00 Meeting with SaI Meeting on Satuday's mo...
11:30 - 13:30 Lunch with LuLi family 2023-08-05 @ 11:30 - 13:30 Lunch with LuLi family Lunch with LuLi family ...
17:00 - 19:00 Nadeshiko: Japan vs. Norway 2023-08-05 @ 17:00 - 19:00 Nadeshiko: Japan vs. Norway Nadeshiko: Japan vs. No...
2023-08-07 Few Fac. Prof. Meeting Few Fac. Prof. Meeting 2023-08-07 Few Fac. Prof. Meeting Few Fac. Prof. Meeting ...
2023-08-08 Four weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Four weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-08-08 Four weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Four weeks to Deadline ...
2023-08-08 Intensive @Lab Weekly Meeting Intensive @Lab Weekly Meeting 2023-08-08 Intensive @Lab Weekly Meeting Intensive @Lab Weekly M...
15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi about Kaken 2023-08-08 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi about Kaken Meeting with Prof. Shig...
2023-08-09 Practice of SaI talks in ICC2023 Practice of SaI talks in ICC2023 2023-08-09 Practice of SaI talks in ICC2023 Practice of SaI talks i...
10:00 - 17:00 Practice of SaI talks in ICC2023 on Aug. 9, Wed., 10:00- @V-207 2023-08-09 @ 10:00 - 17:00 Practice of SaI talks in ICC2023 on Aug. 9, Wed., 10:00- @V-207 Practice of SaI talks i...
14:00 - 17:00 Return fee of Apple Dev. Prog to students 2023-08-09 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Return fee of Apple Dev. Prog to students Return fee of Apple Dev...
2023-08-10 Foreign Business Trip: SaI Foreign Business Trip: SaI 2023-08-10 - 2023-08-21 Foreign Business Trip: SaI Foreign Business Trip: ...
13:30 - 17:00 ???Meeting with KaS 2023-08-10 @ 13:30 - 17:00 ???Meeting with KaS ???Meeting with KaS on ...
14:00 - 17:00 meeting with TaT about model on new fac. leaflet 2023-08-10 @ 14:00 - 17:00 meeting with TaT about model on new fac. leaflet meeting with TaT about ...
15:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Tang-san for job hunting 2023-08-10 @ 15:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Tang-san for job hunting Meeting with Tang-san f...
16:30 - 19:00 Nadeshiko semi quater final 2023-08-11 @ 16:30 - 19:00 Nadeshiko semi quater final なでしこジャパン(サッカー日本女子代表) 8/...
2023-08-12 Pre-conference Workshop organized by commission of Ubiqutous Mapping on Aug. 12 Pre-conference Workshop organized by commission of Ubiqutous Mapping on Aug. 12 2023-08-12 Pre-conference Workshop organized by commission of Ubiqutous Mapping on Aug. 12 12 August 2023 (Saturda...
2023-08-15 Three weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Three weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-08-15 Three weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Three weeks to Deadline...
16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Sasaki-san @ South Africa 2023-08-15 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Sasaki-san @ South Africa 佐々木さん おはようございます。有川です。 そ...
2023-08-16 SaI Presentation in ICC2023 SaI Presentation in ICC2023 2023-08-16 SaI Presentation in ICC2023 SaI Presentation in ICC...
2023-08-16 SaI: Talk on Aug. 16th, Wed., at ICC2023 SaI: Talk on Aug. 16th, Wed., at ICC2023 2023-08-16 SaI: Talk on Aug. 16th, Wed., at ICC2023 SaI: Talk on Aug. 16th,...
08:00 - 17:00 Photo location Meeting with Tomokazu-san 2023-08-16 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Photo location Meeting with Tomokazu-san > ------------------...
14:00 - 17:00 Practice of Online Interview with Kodai-san 2023-08-16 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Practice of Online Interview with Kodai-san Practice of Online Inte...
2023-08-18 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 2023-08-18 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 &g...
2023-08-21 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 2023-08-21 - 2023-08-22 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 Off: LM, 8/18, 21,22 &g...
10:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Hasegawa-san 2023-08-21 @ 10:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Hasegawa-san Meeting with Hasegawa-s...
2023-08-22 Two weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Two weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-08-22 Two weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi Two weeks to Deadline o...
2023-08-22 gipc sever will stops in the evening gipc sever will stops in the evening 2023-08-22 gipc sever will stops in the evening gipc sever will stops i...
15:00 - 17:00 ??Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi about Kaken 2023-08-22 @ 15:00 - 17:00 ??Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi about Kaken Meeting with Prof. Shig...
2023-08-23 Off: Ent. Exam. for PhD course Off: Ent. Exam. for PhD course 2023-08-23 Off: Ent. Exam. for PhD course Ent. Exam. for PhD cour...
2023-08-23 Utsumi-sensei’s experiment Utsumi-sensei’s experiment 2023-08-23 Utsumi-sensei’s experiment ToDo Test of Utsumi-sen...
2023-08-23 Hokko badge will come! Hokko badge will come! 2023-08-23 Hokko badge will come! Hokko badge will come! ...
2023-08-24 Practice for talk on EC2023 Practice for talk on EC2023 2023-08-24 Practice for talk on EC2023 Practice for talk on EC...
2023-08-25 Postpone, gipc sever will stops at night Postpone, gipc sever will stops at night 2023-08-25 Postpone, gipc sever will stops at night gipc sever will stops a...
2023-08-26 日本地図学会 2023年度 定期大会 日本地図学会 2023年度 定期大会 2023-08-26 - 2023-08-27 日本地図学会 2023年度 定期大会 日本地図学会 2023年度 定期大会 Aug....
2023-08-26 Off: Computer Center on Aug. 26 Off: Computer Center on Aug. 26 2023-08-26 Off: Computer Center on Aug. 26 Off: Computer Center on...
13:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (1) with Hasegawa Kanou 2023-08-28 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (1) with Hasegawa Kanou Practice of JC Intervie...
14:00 - 17:00 Practice for Kagaya Kodai san’s second job interview of T&I Systems 2023-08-28 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Practice for Kagaya Kodai san’s second job interview of T&I Systems Practice for Kagaya Kod...
14:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (2) with Kagaya Kodai 2023-08-28 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (2) with Kagaya Kodai Practice of JC Intervie...
2023-08-29 One week to Deadline of Kaken-hi One week to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-08-29 One week to Deadline of Kaken-hi One week to Deadline of...
2023-08-29 Physical Practice of students’ presentations Physical Practice of students’ presentations 2023-08-29 Physical Practice of students’ presentations Physical Practice of st...
13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 2023-08-29 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi Meeting with Prof. Shig...
2023-08-30 Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course 2023-08-30 - 2023-08-31 Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course Ent. Exam. for Ms. Cour...
2023-08-30 Water off in the afternoon Water off in the afternoon 2023-08-30 Water off in the afternoon Water off in the aftern...
2023-08-30 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 Entertainment Computing...
08:00 - 17:00 Working for processing Shuttyou 2023-08-30 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Working for processing Shuttyou Working for processing ...
2023-08-31 ??? Dinner with LiLu family ??? Dinner with LiLu family 2023-08-31 ??? Dinner with LiLu family Dear Li-san, Cc: Lu-san...
2023-08-31 Inteview for Ent. Exam. for Mater Course Inteview for Ent. Exam. for Mater Course 2023-08-31 Inteview for Ent. Exam. for Mater Course Inteview for Ent. Exam....
2023-08-31 Seiya’s talk in EC2023 Seiya’s talk in EC2023 2023-08-31 Seiya’s talk in EC2023 Seiya's talk in EC2023 ...
12:30 - 13:00 JH Interview with Hasegawa 2023-08-31 @ 12:30 - 13:00 JH Interview with Hasegawa 橋本研究室 長谷川です。 先ほど、イトーキ採用...
14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with TaT for a professional photographer to take his photo 2023-08-31 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with TaT for a professional photographer to take his photo Meeting with TaT for a ...
16:00 - 17:00 Experiment of Tutsumi-sensei’s research 2023-08-31 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Experiment of Tutsumi-sensei’s research JINさん,藤原さん,cc:内海先生 こんばん...
18:00 - 19:00 Dinner with LiLu Family 2023-08-31 @ 18:00 - 19:00 Dinner with LiLu Family You are welcome to come...
17:00 - 18:30 Practice for presentation by Mr. Kouki 2023-09-01 @ 17:00 - 18:30 Practice for presentation by Mr. Kouki Practice for presentati...
2023-09-02 Lu-sensei’s parents will leave. Lu-sensei’s parents will leave. 2023-09-02 Lu-sensei’s parents will leave. Lu-sensei's parents wil...