ビューを読み込み中です。 イベントを検索してナビゲーションを表示 検索 キーワードを入力してください。キーワードでイベントを検索します。 イベントを検索 イベント ビューナビゲーション Month List Month Day 今月 2023-09-01 9月 2023 日付を選択 イベント のカレンダー 月 月 火 火 水 水 木 木 金 金 土 土 日 日 4イベント, 28 4イベント, 28 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-09 - 2023-10-01 R5 夏季休業 R5 夏季休業(8/9~10/1) 13:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (1) with Hasegawa Kanou 2023-08-28 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (1) with Hasegawa Kanou Practice of JC Intervie... 14:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (2) with Kagaya Kodai 2023-08-28 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (2) with Kagaya Kodai Practice of JC Intervie... 14:00 - 17:00 Practice for Kagaya Kodai san’s second job interview of T&I Systems 2023-08-28 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Practice for Kagaya Kodai san’s second job interview of T&I Systems Practice for Kagaya Kod... 5イベント, 29 5イベント, 29 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-29 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議 2023-08-29 ?遍斗会議 ?遍斗会議 8月29, 18:00- ?遍斗会... 2023-08-29 One week to Deadline of Kaken-hi One week to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-08-29 One week to Deadline of Kaken-hi One week to Deadline of... 2023-08-29 Physical Practice of students’ presentations Physical Practice of students’ presentations 2023-08-29 Physical Practice of students’ presentations Physical Practice of st... 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 2023-08-29 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi Meeting with Prof. Shig... 5イベント, 30 5イベント, 30 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-30 Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course 2023-08-30 - 2023-08-31 Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course Ent. Exam. for Ms. Cour... 2023-08-30 Water off in the afternoon Water off in the afternoon 2023-08-30 Water off in the afternoon Water off in the aftern... 2023-08-30 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 Entertainment Computing... 08:00 - 17:00 Working for processing Shuttyou 2023-08-30 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Working for processing Shuttyou Working for processing ... 10イベント, 31 10イベント, 31 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-30 Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course 2023-08-31 ??? Dinner with LiLu family ??? Dinner with LiLu family 2023-08-31 ??? Dinner with LiLu family Dear Li-san, Cc: Lu-san... 2023-08-30 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 2023-08-31 Inteview for Ent. Exam. for Mater Course Inteview for Ent. Exam. for Mater Course 2023-08-31 Inteview for Ent. Exam. for Mater Course Inteview for Ent. Exam.... 2023-08-31 Seiya’s talk in EC2023 Seiya’s talk in EC2023 2023-08-31 Seiya’s talk in EC2023 Seiya's talk in EC2023 ... 12:30 - 13:00 JH Interview with Hasegawa 2023-08-31 @ 12:30 - 13:00 JH Interview with Hasegawa 橋本研究室 長谷川です。 先ほど、イトーキ採用... 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with TaT for a professional photographer to take his photo 2023-08-31 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with TaT for a professional photographer to take his photo Meeting with TaT for a ... 16:00 - 17:00 Experiment of Tutsumi-sensei’s research 2023-08-31 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Experiment of Tutsumi-sensei’s research JINさん,藤原さん,cc:内海先生 こんばん... 18:00 - 19:00 Dinner with LiLu Family 2023-08-31 @ 18:00 - 19:00 Dinner with LiLu Family You are welcome to come... 3イベント, 1 3イベント, 1 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-30 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 17:00 - 18:30 Practice for presentation by Mr. Kouki 2023-09-01 @ 17:00 - 18:30 Practice for presentation by Mr. Kouki Practice for presentati... 6イベント, 2 6イベント, 2 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-02 Power off Power off 2023-09-02 Power off 停電期間:令和5年9月2日(土) 8時30分~... 2023-09-02 電気設備の定期検査に伴う停電 電気設備の定期検査に伴う停電 2023-09-02 電気設備の定期検査に伴う停電 【大事なお知らせ】電気設備の定期検査に伴う停電... 2023-08-30 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 2023-09-02 Lu-sensei’s parents will leave. Lu-sensei’s parents will leave. 2023-09-02 Lu-sensei’s parents will leave. Lu-sensei's parents wil... 2023-09-02 GIPC Server stop GIPC Server stop 2023-09-02 GIPC Server stop GIPC Server stop on Sep... 2イベント, 3 2イベント, 3 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-03 aki day aki day 2023-09-03 aki day aki day 4イベント, 4 4イベント, 4 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-04 Computer room maintenance Computer room maintenance 2023-09-04 - 2023-09-06 Computer room maintenance (1)実習室の定期メンテナンスを以下の日程で実... 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Takahashi 2023-09-04 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Takahashi Sep 4, 2023 14:00 15:00 - 17:00 Last Practice for your talk in Tohoku-shibu on next Monday 2023-09-04 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Last Practice for your talk in Tohoku-shibu on next Monday Last Practice for your ... 4イベント, 5 4イベント, 5 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-04 Computer room maintenance 2023-09-05 Business Trip: Tohokushibu, Iwate Pref. Univ., Sept. 5 to 6, 2023 Business Trip: Tohokushibu, Iwate Pref. Univ., Sept. 5 to 6, 2023 2023-09-05 - 2023-09-06 Business Trip: Tohokushibu, Iwate Pref. Univ., Sept. 5 to 6, 2023 Tohokushibu, Iwate Pref... 2023-09-05 Deadline of Kaken-hi Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-09-05 Deadline of Kaken-hi Deadline of Kaken-hi De... 4イベント, 6 4イベント, 6 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-04 Computer room maintenance 2023-09-05 Business Trip: Tohokushibu, Iwate Pref. Univ., Sept. 5 to 6, 2023 13:00 - 17:00 Tutsumi-sensei, session chair 2023-09-06 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Tutsumi-sensei, session chair Tutsumi-sensei, session... 2イベント, 7 2イベント, 7 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-07 Processing the procedure of business trip Processing the procedure of business trip 2023-09-07 Processing the procedure of business trip Processing the procedur... 4イベント, 8 4イベント, 8 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-08 masa day masa day 2023-09-08 masa day masa day 2023-09-08 AM: Business Trip AM: Business Trip 2023-09-08 - 2023-09-09 AM: Business Trip AM: Business Trip Sept.... 2023-09-08 Off: SaR Off: SaR 2023-09-08 Off: SaR Off: SaR, Sept 8, 21 an... 2イベント, 9 2イベント, 9 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-08 AM: Business Trip 1イベント, 10 1イベント, 10 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 3イベント, 11 3イベント, 11 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-11 6th HCC Meeting(予定) 6th HCC Meeting(予定) 2023-09-11 6th HCC Meeting(予定) 6th HCC Meeting on Sept... 2023-09-11 Off: AM Off: AM 2023-09-11 - 2023-09-14 Off: AM Off: AM Sept. 11 to 14 ... 2イベント, 12 2イベント, 12 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-11 Off: AM 3イベント, 13 3イベント, 13 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-11 Off: AM 16:00 - 17:00 ?Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 2023-09-13 @ 16:00 - 17:00 ?Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi ???Meeting with Prof. S... 3イベント, 14 3イベント, 14 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-14 教授会 教授会 2023-09-14 教授会 教授会 6/15, 9/14, 11/16, ... 2023-09-11 Off: AM 3イベント, 15 3イベント, 15 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-15 9/15実施・秋田北高校2年数理探究クラス訪問実践研修 9/15実施・秋田北高校2年数理探究クラス訪問実践研修 2023-09-15 9/15実施・秋田北高校2年数理探究クラス訪問実践研修 【理工広報・企画】9/15実施・秋田北高校2年... 2023-09-15 AM: Business Trip AM: Business Trip 2023-09-15 - 2023-09-17 AM: Business Trip AM: Business Trip Sept.... 4イベント, 16 4イベント, 16 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-16 Off: Computer Center, Sept 16 to 18 Off: Computer Center, Sept 16 to 18 2023-09-16 - 2023-09-18 Off: Computer Center, Sept 16 to 18 Off: Computer Center, S... 2023-09-15 AM: Business Trip 2023-09-16 Power off on Sept. 16 at CSIS Power off on Sept. 16 at CSIS 2023-09-16 Power off on Sept. 16 at CSIS Power off on Sept. 16 a... 4イベント, 17 4イベント, 17 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-16 Off: Computer Center, Sept 16 to 18 2023-09-15 AM: Business Trip 2023-09-17 GIPC Server stops GIPC Server stops 2023-09-17 GIPC Server stops GIPC Server stops on Se... 3イベント, 18 3イベント, 18 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-16 Off: Computer Center, Sept 16 to 18 Off: Computer Center, Sept 16 to 18 2023-09-18 National Holiday National Holiday 2023-09-18 National Holiday National Holiday 2023 〇... 5イベント, 19 5イベント, 19 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-19 ?編斗会議 ?編斗会議 2023-09-19 ?編斗会議 ?編斗会議 9/19, 26 18:00- 2023-09-19 @Lab Staff meeting @Lab Staff meeting 2023-09-19 @Lab Staff meeting @Lab Staff meeting Sept... 13:00 - 15:00 断水、手形キャンパス 2023-09-19 @ 13:00 - 15:00 断水、手形キャンパス 断水、手形キャンパス 9/19 13:00-1... 15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof Shigeo Takahashi 2023-09-19 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof Shigeo Takahashi Meeting with Prof Shige... 2イベント, 20 2イベント, 20 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-20 Off: AM Off: AM 2023-09-20 - 2023-09-21 Off: AM Off: AM 9/20-21 4イベント, 21 4イベント, 21 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-20 Off: AM 2023-09-21 CSIS CSIS 2023-09-21 CSIS 9:15ぐらいにうかがいますので、 また、鍵を... 2023-09-21 Off: SaR Off: SaR 2023-09-21 Off: SaR Off: SaR, Sept 8, 21 an... 5イベント, 22 5イベント, 22 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-22 Business Trip: Todai Business Trip: Todai 2023-09-22 - 2023-09-24 Business Trip: Todai Business Trip: Todai Se... 2023-09-22 Deadline of applicaiton of new staff for new fac. Deadline of applicaiton of new staff for new fac. 2023-09-22 Deadline of applicaiton of new staff for new fac. Deadline of applicaiton... 08:00 - 17:00 Kageyama&Ishizawa Lab. resonds to visit from Mizusawa High School 2023-09-22 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Kageyama&Ishizawa Lab. resonds to visit from Mizusawa High School Kageyama&Ishizawa L... 16:00 - 17:00 [IMP]Professor Meeting of a new fac. 2023-09-22 @ 16:00 - 17:00 [IMP]Professor Meeting of a new fac. Professor Meeting of a ... 3イベント, 23 3イベント, 23 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-22 Business Trip: Todai 2023-09-23 National Holiday National Holiday 2023-09-23 National Holiday National Holiday 2023 〇... 2イベント, 24 2イベント, 24 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-22 Business Trip: Todai 4イベント, 25 4イベント, 25 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-25 編入学試験、2次募集 編入学試験、2次募集 2023-09-25 編入学試験、2次募集 2023.9.25 編入学試験、2次募集 2023-09-25 Deadline of submitting a collection of papers for B3 students by Sept. 25 Deadline of submitting a collection of papers for B3 students by Sept. 25 2023-09-25 Deadline of submitting a collection of papers for B3 students by Sept. 25 外国語(主として英語)の科学・技術論文の選定(... 2023-09-25 Off: SaR Off: SaR 2023-09-25 Off: SaR Off: SaR on Sept 25 5イベント, 26 5イベント, 26 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-26 Meeting with Araki-san@B3 and Prof. Shirai Meeting with Araki-san@B3 and Prof. Shirai 2023-09-26 Meeting with Araki-san@B3 and Prof. Shirai ?Meeting with Araki-san... 2023-09-26 ?編斗会議 ?編斗会議 2023-09-26 ?編斗会議 ?編斗会議 9/19, 26 18:00- 09:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff meeting 2023-09-26 @ 09:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff meeting @Lab Staff meeting Sept... 15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 2023-09-26 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi Meeting with Prof. Shig... 2イベント, 27 2イベント, 27 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 11:00 - 12:00 ?Meeting with Jin-san 2023-09-27 @ 11:00 - 12:00 ?Meeting with Jin-san JINさん こんばんは。有川です。 9/27(... 4イベント, 28 4イベント, 28 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-28 LM:FD・SDワークショップ LM:FD・SDワークショップ 2023-09-28 LM:FD・SDワークショップ 令和5年度秋田大学全学FD・SDワークショップ... 2023-09-28 Info Vis. Intensive Preparation! Info Vis. Intensive Preparation! 2023-09-28 - 2023-10-01 Info Vis. Intensive Preparation! Info Vis. Intensive Pre... 13:00 - 15:00 User Experiment for Prof. Shigeo Takahashi’s research 2023-09-28 @ 13:00 - 15:00 User Experiment for Prof. Shigeo Takahashi’s research User Experiment for Pro... 9イベント, 29 9イベント, 29 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-29 中秋節 中秋節 2023-09-29 中秋節 中秋節は旧暦の8月15日となっています。新暦に... 2023-09-28 Info Vis. Intensive Preparation! 2023-09-29 9/29実施・秋田北高校1年数理探究クラスサイエンス・ラボ 9/29実施・秋田北高校1年数理探究クラスサイエンス・ラボ 2023-09-29 9/29実施・秋田北高校1年数理探究クラスサイエンス・ラボ 9/29実施・秋田北高校1年数理探究クラスサイ... 09:30 - 10:00 4年次後期ガイダンス 2023-09-29 @ 09:30 - 10:00 4年次後期ガイダンス 4年次後期ガイダンス by Prof. Nak... 10:00 - 10:30 B3【後期ガイダンス】 2023-09-29 @ 10:00 - 10:30 B3【後期ガイダンス】 B3【後期ガイダンス】 日時:9月29日(金)... 10:30 - 11:00 B2後期在校生ガイダンス 2023-09-29 @ 10:30 - 11:00 B2後期在校生ガイダンス B2後期在校生ガイダンスについて 期日: 9月... 14:00 - 16:00 User Experiment for Prof. Shigeo Takahashi’s research on Sept. 28 and 29 2023-09-29 @ 14:00 - 16:00 User Experiment for Prof. Shigeo Takahashi’s research on Sept. 28 and 29 User Experiment for Pro... 15:00 - 17:00 総合型選抜試験の準備 2023-09-29 @ 15:00 - 17:00 総合型選抜試験の準備 総合型選抜試験の準備 3イベント, 30 3イベント, 30 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-30 Ent. Exam. of Sogo Gata Senbatsu (I) Ent. Exam. of Sogo Gata Senbatsu (I) 2023-09-30 Ent. Exam. of Sogo Gata Senbatsu (I) Ent. Exam. of Sogo Gata... 2023-09-28 Info Vis. Intensive Preparation! 2イベント, 1 2イベント, 1 2023-08-09 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-28 Info Vis. Intensive Preparation! 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 2023-08-28 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (1) with Hasegawa Kanou 2023-08-28 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (2) with Kagaya Kodai 2023-08-28 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Practice for Kagaya Kodai san’s second job interview of T&I Systems 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 ?遍斗会議 終日 One week to Deadline of Kaken-hi 終日 Physical Practice of students’ presentations 2023-08-29 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course 終日 Water off in the afternoon 終日 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 2023-08-30 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Working for processing Shuttyou 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course 終日 ??? Dinner with LiLu family 終日 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 終日 Inteview for Ent. Exam. for Mater Course 終日 Seiya’s talk in EC2023 2023-08-31 @ 12:30 - 13:00 JH Interview with Hasegawa 2023-08-31 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with TaT for a professional photographer to take his photo 2023-08-31 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Experiment of Tutsumi-sensei’s research 2023-08-31 @ 18:00 - 19:00 Dinner with LiLu Family 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 2023-09-01 @ 17:00 - 18:30 Practice for presentation by Mr. Kouki 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Power off 終日 電気設備の定期検査に伴う停電 終日 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 終日 Lu-sensei’s parents will leave. 終日 GIPC Server stop 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 aki day 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Computer room maintenance 2023-09-04 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Takahashi 2023-09-04 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Last Practice for your talk in Tohoku-shibu on next Monday 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Computer room maintenance 終日 Business Trip: Tohokushibu, Iwate Pref. Univ., Sept. 5 to 6, 2023 終日 Deadline of Kaken-hi 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Computer room maintenance 終日 Business Trip: Tohokushibu, Iwate Pref. Univ., Sept. 5 to 6, 2023 2023-09-06 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Tutsumi-sensei, session chair 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Processing the procedure of business trip 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 masa day 終日 AM: Business Trip 終日 Off: SaR 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 AM: Business Trip 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 6th HCC Meeting(予定) 終日 Off: AM 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Off: AM 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Off: AM 2023-09-13 @ 16:00 - 17:00 ?Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 教授会 終日 Off: AM 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 9/15実施・秋田北高校2年数理探究クラス訪問実践研修 終日 AM: Business Trip 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Off: Computer Center, Sept 16 to 18 終日 AM: Business Trip 終日 Power off on Sept. 16 at CSIS 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Off: Computer Center, Sept 16 to 18 終日 AM: Business Trip 終日 GIPC Server stops 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Off: Computer Center, Sept 16 to 18 終日 National Holiday 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 ?編斗会議 終日 @Lab Staff meeting 2023-09-19 @ 13:00 - 15:00 断水、手形キャンパス 2023-09-19 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof Shigeo Takahashi 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Off: AM 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Off: AM 終日 CSIS 終日 Off: SaR 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Business Trip: Todai 終日 Deadline of applicaiton of new staff for new fac. 2023-09-22 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Kageyama&Ishizawa Lab. resonds to visit from Mizusawa High School 2023-09-22 @ 16:00 - 17:00 [IMP]Professor Meeting of a new fac. 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Business Trip: Todai 終日 National Holiday 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Business Trip: Todai 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 編入学試験、2次募集 終日 Deadline of submitting a collection of papers for B3 students by Sept. 25 終日 Off: SaR 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Meeting with Araki-san@B3 and Prof. Shirai 終日 ?編斗会議 2023-09-26 @ 09:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff meeting 2023-09-26 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 2023-09-27 @ 11:00 - 12:00 ?Meeting with Jin-san 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 LM:FD・SDワークショップ 終日 Info Vis. Intensive Preparation! 2023-09-28 @ 13:00 - 15:00 User Experiment for Prof. Shigeo Takahashi’s research 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 中秋節 終日 Info Vis. Intensive Preparation! 終日 9/29実施・秋田北高校1年数理探究クラスサイエンス・ラボ 2023-09-29 @ 09:30 - 10:00 4年次後期ガイダンス 2023-09-29 @ 10:00 - 10:30 B3【後期ガイダンス】 2023-09-29 @ 10:30 - 11:00 B2後期在校生ガイダンス 2023-09-29 @ 14:00 - 16:00 User Experiment for Prof. Shigeo Takahashi’s research on Sept. 28 and 29 2023-09-29 @ 15:00 - 17:00 総合型選抜試験の準備 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Ent. Exam. of Sogo Gata Senbatsu (I) 終日 Info Vis. Intensive Preparation! 8月 9 終日 R5 夏季休業 終日 Info Vis. Intensive Preparation! 8月 今月 10月 自分のカレンダーと連携する Google カレンダー iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Export .ics file Export Outlook .ics file
13:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (1) with Hasegawa Kanou 2023-08-28 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (1) with Hasegawa Kanou Practice of JC Intervie...
14:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (2) with Kagaya Kodai 2023-08-28 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Practice of JC Interview (2) with Kagaya Kodai Practice of JC Intervie...
14:00 - 17:00 Practice for Kagaya Kodai san’s second job interview of T&I Systems 2023-08-28 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Practice for Kagaya Kodai san’s second job interview of T&I Systems Practice for Kagaya Kod...
2023-08-29 One week to Deadline of Kaken-hi One week to Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-08-29 One week to Deadline of Kaken-hi One week to Deadline of...
2023-08-29 Physical Practice of students’ presentations Physical Practice of students’ presentations 2023-08-29 Physical Practice of students’ presentations Physical Practice of st...
13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 2023-08-29 @ 13:30 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi Meeting with Prof. Shig...
2023-08-30 Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course 2023-08-30 - 2023-08-31 Ent. Exam. for Ms. Course Ent. Exam. for Ms. Cour...
2023-08-30 Water off in the afternoon Water off in the afternoon 2023-08-30 Water off in the afternoon Water off in the aftern...
2023-08-30 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02 Entertainment Computing 2023, Aug. 31 to Sept. 2, 2023 Entertainment Computing...
08:00 - 17:00 Working for processing Shuttyou 2023-08-30 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Working for processing Shuttyou Working for processing ...
2023-08-31 ??? Dinner with LiLu family ??? Dinner with LiLu family 2023-08-31 ??? Dinner with LiLu family Dear Li-san, Cc: Lu-san...
2023-08-31 Inteview for Ent. Exam. for Mater Course Inteview for Ent. Exam. for Mater Course 2023-08-31 Inteview for Ent. Exam. for Mater Course Inteview for Ent. Exam....
2023-08-31 Seiya’s talk in EC2023 Seiya’s talk in EC2023 2023-08-31 Seiya’s talk in EC2023 Seiya's talk in EC2023 ...
12:30 - 13:00 JH Interview with Hasegawa 2023-08-31 @ 12:30 - 13:00 JH Interview with Hasegawa 橋本研究室 長谷川です。 先ほど、イトーキ採用...
14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with TaT for a professional photographer to take his photo 2023-08-31 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with TaT for a professional photographer to take his photo Meeting with TaT for a ...
16:00 - 17:00 Experiment of Tutsumi-sensei’s research 2023-08-31 @ 16:00 - 17:00 Experiment of Tutsumi-sensei’s research JINさん,藤原さん,cc:内海先生 こんばん...
18:00 - 19:00 Dinner with LiLu Family 2023-08-31 @ 18:00 - 19:00 Dinner with LiLu Family You are welcome to come...
17:00 - 18:30 Practice for presentation by Mr. Kouki 2023-09-01 @ 17:00 - 18:30 Practice for presentation by Mr. Kouki Practice for presentati...
2023-09-02 Lu-sensei’s parents will leave. Lu-sensei’s parents will leave. 2023-09-02 Lu-sensei’s parents will leave. Lu-sensei's parents wil...
2023-09-04 Computer room maintenance Computer room maintenance 2023-09-04 - 2023-09-06 Computer room maintenance (1)実習室の定期メンテナンスを以下の日程で実...
14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Takahashi 2023-09-04 @ 14:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Takahashi Sep 4, 2023 14:00
15:00 - 17:00 Last Practice for your talk in Tohoku-shibu on next Monday 2023-09-04 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Last Practice for your talk in Tohoku-shibu on next Monday Last Practice for your ...
2023-09-05 Business Trip: Tohokushibu, Iwate Pref. Univ., Sept. 5 to 6, 2023 Business Trip: Tohokushibu, Iwate Pref. Univ., Sept. 5 to 6, 2023 2023-09-05 - 2023-09-06 Business Trip: Tohokushibu, Iwate Pref. Univ., Sept. 5 to 6, 2023 Tohokushibu, Iwate Pref...
2023-09-05 Deadline of Kaken-hi Deadline of Kaken-hi 2023-09-05 Deadline of Kaken-hi Deadline of Kaken-hi De...
13:00 - 17:00 Tutsumi-sensei, session chair 2023-09-06 @ 13:00 - 17:00 Tutsumi-sensei, session chair Tutsumi-sensei, session...
2023-09-07 Processing the procedure of business trip Processing the procedure of business trip 2023-09-07 Processing the procedure of business trip Processing the procedur...
2023-09-08 AM: Business Trip AM: Business Trip 2023-09-08 - 2023-09-09 AM: Business Trip AM: Business Trip Sept....
2023-09-11 6th HCC Meeting(予定) 6th HCC Meeting(予定) 2023-09-11 6th HCC Meeting(予定) 6th HCC Meeting on Sept...
16:00 - 17:00 ?Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 2023-09-13 @ 16:00 - 17:00 ?Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi ???Meeting with Prof. S...
2023-09-15 9/15実施・秋田北高校2年数理探究クラス訪問実践研修 9/15実施・秋田北高校2年数理探究クラス訪問実践研修 2023-09-15 9/15実施・秋田北高校2年数理探究クラス訪問実践研修 【理工広報・企画】9/15実施・秋田北高校2年...
2023-09-15 AM: Business Trip AM: Business Trip 2023-09-15 - 2023-09-17 AM: Business Trip AM: Business Trip Sept....
2023-09-16 Off: Computer Center, Sept 16 to 18 Off: Computer Center, Sept 16 to 18 2023-09-16 - 2023-09-18 Off: Computer Center, Sept 16 to 18 Off: Computer Center, S...
2023-09-16 Power off on Sept. 16 at CSIS Power off on Sept. 16 at CSIS 2023-09-16 Power off on Sept. 16 at CSIS Power off on Sept. 16 a...
2023-09-17 GIPC Server stops GIPC Server stops 2023-09-17 GIPC Server stops GIPC Server stops on Se...
2023-09-19 @Lab Staff meeting @Lab Staff meeting 2023-09-19 @Lab Staff meeting @Lab Staff meeting Sept...
15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof Shigeo Takahashi 2023-09-19 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof Shigeo Takahashi Meeting with Prof Shige...
2023-09-22 Business Trip: Todai Business Trip: Todai 2023-09-22 - 2023-09-24 Business Trip: Todai Business Trip: Todai Se...
2023-09-22 Deadline of applicaiton of new staff for new fac. Deadline of applicaiton of new staff for new fac. 2023-09-22 Deadline of applicaiton of new staff for new fac. Deadline of applicaiton...
08:00 - 17:00 Kageyama&Ishizawa Lab. resonds to visit from Mizusawa High School 2023-09-22 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Kageyama&Ishizawa Lab. resonds to visit from Mizusawa High School Kageyama&Ishizawa L...
16:00 - 17:00 [IMP]Professor Meeting of a new fac. 2023-09-22 @ 16:00 - 17:00 [IMP]Professor Meeting of a new fac. Professor Meeting of a ...
2023-09-25 Deadline of submitting a collection of papers for B3 students by Sept. 25 Deadline of submitting a collection of papers for B3 students by Sept. 25 2023-09-25 Deadline of submitting a collection of papers for B3 students by Sept. 25 外国語(主として英語)の科学・技術論文の選定(...
2023-09-26 Meeting with Araki-san@B3 and Prof. Shirai Meeting with Araki-san@B3 and Prof. Shirai 2023-09-26 Meeting with Araki-san@B3 and Prof. Shirai ?Meeting with Araki-san...
09:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff meeting 2023-09-26 @ 09:30 - 17:00 @Lab Staff meeting @Lab Staff meeting Sept...
15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 2023-09-26 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi Meeting with Prof. Shig...
11:00 - 12:00 ?Meeting with Jin-san 2023-09-27 @ 11:00 - 12:00 ?Meeting with Jin-san JINさん こんばんは。有川です。 9/27(...
2023-09-28 Info Vis. Intensive Preparation! Info Vis. Intensive Preparation! 2023-09-28 - 2023-10-01 Info Vis. Intensive Preparation! Info Vis. Intensive Pre...
13:00 - 15:00 User Experiment for Prof. Shigeo Takahashi’s research 2023-09-28 @ 13:00 - 15:00 User Experiment for Prof. Shigeo Takahashi’s research User Experiment for Pro...
2023-09-29 9/29実施・秋田北高校1年数理探究クラスサイエンス・ラボ 9/29実施・秋田北高校1年数理探究クラスサイエンス・ラボ 2023-09-29 9/29実施・秋田北高校1年数理探究クラスサイエンス・ラボ 9/29実施・秋田北高校1年数理探究クラスサイ...
14:00 - 16:00 User Experiment for Prof. Shigeo Takahashi’s research on Sept. 28 and 29 2023-09-29 @ 14:00 - 16:00 User Experiment for Prof. Shigeo Takahashi’s research on Sept. 28 and 29 User Experiment for Pro...
2023-09-30 Ent. Exam. of Sogo Gata Senbatsu (I) Ent. Exam. of Sogo Gata Senbatsu (I) 2023-09-30 Ent. Exam. of Sogo Gata Senbatsu (I) Ent. Exam. of Sogo Gata...