ビューを読み込み中です。 イベントを検索してナビゲーションを表示 検索 キーワードを入力してください。キーワードでイベントを検索します。 イベントを検索 イベント ビューナビゲーション Month List Month Day 今月 2024-11-01 11月 2024 日付を選択 イベント のカレンダー 月 月 火 火 水 水 木 木 金 金 土 土 日 日 6イベント, 28 6イベント, 28 2024-10-28 Inner Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) Inner Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) 2024-10-28 Inner Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) Inner Deadline: Master'... 08:00 - 10:00 Japan vs. England, Female’s Soccer, U-17 World cup, quater final 2024-10-28 @ 08:00 - 10:00 Japan vs. England, Female’s Soccer, U-17 World cup, quater final Female's Soccer, U-17 W... 11:00 Meeting with Mizuno-sama 2024-10-28 @ 11:00 Meeting with Mizuno-sama Meeting with Mizuno-sam... 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学B(4) 2024-10-28 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学B(4) 13:00 - 14:30 情報処理学会東北支部講演会 2024-10-28 @ 13:00 - 14:30 情報処理学会東北支部講演会 情報処理学会東北支部講演会 本講演は,「超スマ... 15:00 - 17:10 ?Interview with B4(1) 2024-10-28 @ 15:00 - 17:10 ?Interview with B4(1) ?Interview with B4(1) O... 5イベント, 29 5イベント, 29 2024-10-29 DM2024_3Q05 DM2024_3Q05 2024-10-29 DM2024_3Q05 DM2024_3Q05, 10/29,11/5... 12:00 - 14:00 ???最終審査会 2024-10-29 @ 12:00 - 14:00 ???最終審査会 ???10/29(火) 12:30~13:30... 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学A(5) 2024-10-29 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学A(5) 15:00 - 15:30 Meeting with Gra Stu @Lab for Sealing and signature for their jobs 2024-10-29 @ 15:00 - 15:30 Meeting with Gra Stu @Lab for Sealing and signature for their jobs Meeting with Gra Stu @L... 15:30 - 16:00 Picking up WB from General Bldg to No. 5 bldg 2024-10-29 @ 15:30 - 16:00 Picking up WB from General Bldg to No. 5 bldg Picking up WB from Gene... 4イベント, 30 4イベント, 30 2024-10-30 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting 2024-10-30 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab... 2024-10-30 [05]@Lab Weekly seminar [05]@Lab Weekly seminar 2024-10-30 [05]@Lab Weekly seminar @Lab Weekly seminar 202... 10:30 - 11:30 Monthly seminar for M1@Lab 2024-10-30 @ 10:30 - 11:30 Monthly seminar for M1@Lab Monthly seminar for M1@... 16:10 - 17:10 R6 入門ITカフェ 2024-10-30 @ 16:10 - 17:10 R6 入門ITカフェ R6 入門ITカフェ R6 入門ITカフェ(D... 4イベント, 31 4イベント, 31 2024-10-31 DEADLINE for the final report of judging the PhD dissertation DEADLINE for the final report of judging the PhD dissertation 2024-10-31 DEADLINE for the final report of judging the PhD dissertation DEADLINE for the final ... 13:00 - 15:00 ?Interview with B4(2) 2024-10-31 @ 13:00 - 15:00 ?Interview with B4(2) ?Interview with B4(2) O... 14:30 - 17:00 情報工学実験Ⅱ(LM副担当) 2024-10-31 @ 14:30 - 17:00 情報工学実験Ⅱ(LM副担当) 16:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 2024-10-31 @ 16:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi ?Meeting with Prof. Shi... 5イベント, 1 5イベント, 1 2024-11-01 Nov. 1, Deadline of LBS2025, Full Paper Nov. 1, Deadline of LBS2025, Full Paper 2024-11-01 Nov. 1, Deadline of LBS2025, Full Paper Nov. 1, Deadline of LBS... 2024-11-01 2024-11-01 ?明日,Macao出張の清算の打ち合わせ?調整... 10:00 - 11:30 ?Meeting with SaI about joining Asia Carto 2024 2024-11-01 @ 10:00 - 11:30 ?Meeting with SaI about joining Asia Carto 2024 ?Meeting with SaI about... 11:30 ?Lunch meeting with LU-sensei and Sasaki-san about JCA Journal Submission 2024-11-01 @ 11:30 ?Lunch meeting with LU-sensei and Sasaki-san about JCA Journal Submission ?Lunch meeting with LU-... 14:00 - 15:00 ?Meeting about Macao balance 2024-11-01 @ 14:00 - 15:00 ?Meeting about Macao balance ?Meeting about Macao ba... 1イベント, 2 1イベント, 2 09:30 - 12:00 ??Meeting with SaI about revision of Urban Infomatics? 2024-11-02 @ 09:30 - 12:00 ??Meeting with SaI about revision of Urban Infomatics? ?Meeting with SaI about... 1イベント, 3 1イベント, 3 2024-11-03 文化の日:National Holiday 文化の日:National Holiday 2024-11-03 - 2024-11-04 文化の日:National Holiday 文化の日:National Holiday 〇... 1イベント, 4 1イベント, 4 2024-11-03 文化の日:National Holiday 文化の日:National Holiday 4イベント, 5 4イベント, 5 10:30 - 12:00 DM2024_3Q06 2024-11-05 @ 10:30 - 12:00 DM2024_3Q06 DM2024_3Q06, 11/5,12,19... 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学A(6) 2024-11-05 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学A(6) 14:30 - 16:00 Meeting with M2’s@Lab on the Preliminary Ms Thesis Draft 2024-11-05 @ 14:30 - 16:00 Meeting with M2’s@Lab on the Preliminary Ms Thesis Draft Meeting with M2's@Lab o... 16:00 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 2024-11-05 @ 16:00 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting 11/5... 5イベント, 6 5イベント, 6 09:00 - 12:00 [06]@Lab Weekly seminar 2024-11-06 @ 09:00 - 12:00 [06]@Lab Weekly seminar @ラボの皆さん おはようございます。有川です。... 13:00 ローカル5Gの説明会 2024-11-06 @ 13:00 ローカル5Gの説明会 11月6日13時から,情報新棟201・202で... 14:30 - 16:00 ?次回教授会の候補日 2024-11-06 @ 14:30 - 16:00 ?次回教授会の候補日 次回教授会の候補日について 11/6(水)14... 15:00 - 17:00 Work for UT paper 2024-11-06 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Work for UT paper Work for UT paper on No... 18:00 - 19:00 Research meeting with UT 2024-11-06 @ 18:00 - 19:00 Research meeting with UT Research meeting with U... 3イベント, 7 3イベント, 7 08:00 - 12:00 Work for SaI paper 2024-11-07 @ 08:00 - 12:00 Work for SaI paper Work for SaI paper in t... 09:00 - 12:00 B3 Interveiw with UT 2024-11-07 @ 09:00 - 12:00 B3 Interveiw with UT B3 Interveiw with UT in... 13:00 - 17:10 Interview with B4(3) 2024-11-07 @ 13:00 - 17:10 Interview with B4(3) ?Interview with B4(3) N... 3イベント, 8 3イベント, 8 2024-11-08 Inner Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) Inner Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) 2024-11-08 Inner Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) Inner Deadline: Master'... 10:30 - 11:00 Meeting with SaI about paper revision 2024-11-08 @ 10:30 - 11:00 Meeting with SaI about paper revision Meeting with SaI about ... 13:00 - 15:00 Interview with B4(4) 2024-11-08 @ 13:00 - 15:00 Interview with B4(4) ?Interview with B4(4) N... 2イベント, 9 2イベント, 9 2024-11-09 【AKITA START UP GARAGE 2024】 【AKITA START UP GARAGE 2024】 2024-11-09 - 2024-11-10 【AKITA START UP GARAGE 2024】 秋田の学生向け起業セミナー【AKITA STA... 10:00 - 11:00 “Rehearsal” and “Preliminary defense.” 2024-11-09 @ 10:00 - 11:00 “Rehearsal” and “Preliminary defense.” "Rehearsal" and "Prelim... 1イベント, 10 1イベント, 10 2024-11-09 【AKITA START UP GARAGE 2024】 5イベント, 11 5イベント, 11 2024-11-11 Real Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Title) Real Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Title) 2024-11-11 Real Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Title) Inner Deadline: Master'... 2024-11-11 Deadline of Titles of Mid-defence for Ms. thesis Deadline of Titles of Mid-defence for Ms. thesis 2024-11-11 Deadline of Titles of Mid-defence for Ms. thesis Deadline of Titles of M... 09:15 - 10:30 HC Meeting on Nov. 11 2024-11-11 @ 09:15 - 10:30 HC Meeting on Nov. 11 HC Meeting on Nov. 11, ... 12:50 - 14:20 研究室紹介 for B3 2024-11-11 @ 12:50 - 14:20 研究室紹介 for B3 研究室紹介 for B3 研究室紹介 【11 ... 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学B(5) 2024-11-11 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学B(5) 6イベント, 12 6イベント, 12 10:30 - 12:00 DM2024_3Q07 2024-11-12 @ 10:30 - 12:00 DM2024_3Q07 DM2024_3Q07, 11/12,19 D... 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学A(7) 2024-11-12 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学A(7) 15:00 - 16:00 ?Meeting with TkR 2024-11-12 @ 15:00 - 16:00 ?Meeting with TkR 髙橋零さん お疲れ様です。 もし明日,11/1... 16:10 - 17:10 ???Meeting with Lu-sensei and Arikawa and Sang-san 2024-11-12 @ 16:10 - 17:10 ???Meeting with Lu-sensei and Arikawa and Sang-san チャンさん cc:Lu先生 こんばんは。有川で... 16:10 - 17:10 R6 入門ITカフェ 2024-11-12 @ 16:10 - 17:10 R6 入門ITカフェ R6 入門ITカフェ(DS・情報WGの質問教室... 18:00 - 19:00 Meeting with UT about Journal revision 2024-11-12 @ 18:00 - 19:00 Meeting with UT about Journal revision Meeting with UT about J... 5イベント, 13 5イベント, 13 2024-11-13 [07]@Lab Weekly seminar [07]@Lab Weekly seminar 2024-11-13 [07]@Lab Weekly seminar @Lab Weekly seminar Nov... 2024-11-13 第56回ITRC研究会、秋田、11/13-15 第56回ITRC研究会、秋田、11/13-15 2024-11-13 - 2024-11-15 第56回ITRC研究会、秋田、11/13-15 第56回ITRC研究会、秋田、11/13-15... 2024-11-13 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting 2024-11-13 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab... 11:00 - 12:00 ???Meeting with kato-sama@IDS 2024-11-13 @ 11:00 - 12:00 ???Meeting with kato-sama@IDS いつもお世話になっております。有川でございます... 16:30 - 17:30 予備審査 for SaI 2024-11-13 @ 16:30 - 17:30 予備審査 for SaI 予備審査 > 11/13(水) 16:3... 4イベント, 14 4イベント, 14 2024-11-13 第56回ITRC研究会、秋田、11/13-15 09:00 - 10:00 予備審査 for Mr. Ito 2024-11-14 @ 09:00 - 10:00 予備審査 for Mr. Ito 予備審査 for Mr. Ito on Nov... 14:30 - 15:30 予備審査 for Mr. Ryuu 2024-11-14 @ 14:30 - 15:30 予備審査 for Mr. Ryuu 予備審査の候補日時: 11/14(木) 14:... 16:00 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takashi? 2024-11-14 @ 16:00 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takashi? ?Meeting with Prof. Shi... 4イベント, 15 4イベント, 15 2024-11-13 第56回ITRC研究会、秋田、11/13-15 13:30 - 15:30 ??Research Meetings with students 2024-11-15 @ 13:30 - 15:30 ??Research Meetings with students ??Research Meeting with... 15:50 - 16:20 Campus Clean Day 2024-11-15 @ 15:50 - 16:20 Campus Clean Day 〇11 月15 日 キャンパスクリーンデー(有... 21:00 - 23:00 Jap. vs. Indonesia 2024-11-15 @ 21:00 - 23:00 Jap. vs. Indonesia FIFAワールドカップ26アジア最終予選(3次... 2イベント, 16 2イベント, 16 10:00 - 11:00 Rehausal for SaI against Interview 2024-11-16 @ 10:00 - 11:00 Rehausal for SaI against Interview (練習会,??面接) 11/16(土)10:0... 10:00 - 16:00 秋田大学総合技術部 第16回テクノフェスタ 2024-11-16 @ 10:00 - 16:00 秋田大学総合技術部 第16回テクノフェスタ For SaR > ==========... 0イベント, 17 0イベント, 17 4イベント, 18 4イベント, 18 2024-11-18 SaI: Deadline of Preremilary Defense SaI: Deadline of Preremilary Defense 2024-11-18 SaI: Deadline of Preremilary Defense SaI: Deadline of Prelim... 2024-11-18 Off: AM for 年休 Off: AM for 年休 2024-11-18 Off: AM for 年休 Off: AM for 年休 on Nov. ... 10:00 - 11:00 Intervew with SaI, 2024-11-18 @ 10:00 - 11:00 Intervew with SaI, Intervew with SaI, 面接日... 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学B(6) 2024-11-18 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学B(6) 4イベント, 19 4イベント, 19 2024-11-19 DM2024_3Q08 DM2024_3Q08 2024-11-19 DM2024_3Q08 DM2024_3Q08, 11/19 DM20... 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学A(8) 2024-11-19 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学A(8) 13:45 - 16:00 IMP Interview_IT 2024-11-19 @ 13:45 - 16:00 IMP Interview_IT 13時45分 ???集合(206・207(共同... 21:00 - 23:00 Japan vs. China 2024-11-19 @ 21:00 - 23:00 Japan vs. China FIFAワールドカップ26アジア最終予選(3次... 4イベント, 20 4イベント, 20 2024-11-20 [08]@Lab Weekly seminar [08]@Lab Weekly seminar 2024-11-20 [08]@Lab Weekly seminar @Lab Weekly seminar Nov... 2024-11-20 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting 2024-11-20 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab... 2024-11-20 Interveiw with M1 and M2 students Interveiw with M1 and M2 students 2024-11-20 Interveiw with M1 and M2 students Interveiw with M1 and M... 16:10 - 17:10 R6 入門ITカフェ 2024-11-20 @ 16:10 - 17:10 R6 入門ITカフェ R6 入門ITカフェ(DS・情報WGの質問教室... 3イベント, 21 3イベント, 21 13:00 - 14:30 M1,理工学デザイン,発表練習 2024-11-21 @ 13:00 - 14:30 M1,理工学デザイン,発表練習 〇理工学デザイン、(11/26,11/28) ... 16:00 - 17:00 IMP: 理工教授会 2024-11-21 @ 16:00 - 17:00 IMP: 理工教授会 理工教授会 令和6年 4月18日(木) 16:... 18:00 - 19:00 Meeting with Tamura Kouki san 2024-11-21 @ 18:00 - 19:00 Meeting with Tamura Kouki san Meeting with Tamura Kou... 4イベント, 22 4イベント, 22 2024-11-22 Inner Presentation: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) Inner Presentation: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) 2024-11-22 Inner Presentation: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) Inner Deadline: Master'... 2024-11-22 Real Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) Real Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) 2024-11-22 Real Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) Inner Deadline: Master'... 08:00 - 17:00 サイエンスラボ 2024-11-22 @ 08:00 - 17:00 サイエンスラボ 1月10日の創造工房実習とサイエンスラボの時間... 10:30 - 12:30 M2, 中間発表の発表練習 2024-11-22 @ 10:30 - 12:30 M2, 中間発表の発表練習 中間発表の発表練習を、11/22(金)10:3... 1イベント, 23 1イベント, 23 09:30 - 12:00 Meeting with Tamura Kouki 2024-11-23 @ 09:30 - 12:00 Meeting with Tamura Kouki Meeting with Tamura Kou... 0イベント, 24 0イベント, 24 3イベント, 25 3イベント, 25 2024-11-25 Off: AM for 年休 Off: AM for 年休 2024-11-25 Off: AM for 年休 Off: AM for 年休 on Nov. ... 10:00 - 12:00 Rehearsal of Kouki-san’s presentation 2024-11-25 @ 10:00 - 12:00 Rehearsal of Kouki-san’s presentation Rehearsal of Kouki-san'... 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学B(7) 2024-11-25 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学B(7) 4イベント, 26 4イベント, 26 2024-11-26 [off]DM2024 [off]DM2024 2024-11-26 [off]DM2024 DM2024_4Q01, 12/3,10(?)... 2024-11-26 中間発表会(M2)情報処理学会東北支部研究会 中間発表会(M2)情報処理学会東北支部研究会 2024-11-26 - 2024-11-27 中間発表会(M2)情報処理学会東北支部研究会 R6 M2,修士論文予備審査会 11/26(T... 2024-11-26 理工学デザイン, 11/26, 11/28 理工学デザイン, 11/26, 11/28 2024-11-26 理工学デザイン, 11/26, 11/28 理工学デザイン, 11/26, 11/28 今... 12:00 - 13:00 11月のTA勤務の書類 2024-11-26 @ 12:00 - 13:00 11月のTA勤務の書類 Re: 11月のTA勤務の書類について 田村公... 4イベント, 27 4イベント, 27 2024-11-26 中間発表会(M2)情報処理学会東北支部研究会 10:30 - 12:20 [New][09]@Lab Weekly seminar 2024-11-27 @ 10:30 - 12:20 [New][09]@Lab Weekly seminar @Lab Weekly seminar Nov... 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学B(8) 2024-11-27 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学B(8) 13:00 - 15:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 2024-11-27 @ 13:00 - 15:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi Meeting with Prof. Shig... 7イベント, 28 7イベント, 28 2024-11-28 専攻長・学科長会議 専攻長・学科長会議 2024-11-28 専攻長・学科長会議 令和6年度第13回専攻長・学科長会議の開催につ... 2024-11-28 理工学デザイン, 11/28 理工学デザイン, 11/28 2024-11-28 理工学デザイン, 11/28 <?理工学デザイン> 11月28日(木) 10... 08:00 - 17:00 Dinner Meeting with UT 2024-11-28 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Dinner Meeting with UT Dinner Meeting with UT ... 11:00 - 12:30 Processing TA docs 2024-11-28 @ 11:00 - 12:30 Processing TA docs Re: 11月のTA勤務の書類について 3.5... 12:00 Deadline of new problem 2024-11-28 @ 12:00 Deadline of new problem Deadline of new problem... 13:00 - 15:00 XX□審査委員会 2024-11-28 @ 13:00 - 15:00 XX□審査委員会 XX□審査委員会 日 時:2024年11月28... 16:00 - 17:00 [New]@Lab Staff Meeting 2024-11-28 @ 16:00 - 17:00 [New]@Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting on N... 3イベント, 29 3イベント, 29 2024-11-29 Off: AM for 年休 Off: AM for 年休 2024-11-29 Off: AM for 年休 Off: AM for 年休 on Nov. ... 11:30 - 12:00 B3, 有川研究室の顔合わせ会 2024-11-29 @ 11:30 - 12:00 B3, 有川研究室の顔合わせ会 明日,11/29(Fri) 11:30- @V... 13:30 - 15:30 Intensive Interview with experts of cartography 2024-11-29 @ 13:30 - 15:30 Intensive Interview with experts of cartography Intensive Interview wit... 0イベント, 30 0イベント, 30 0イベント, 1 0イベント, 1 10月 28 終日 Inner Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) 2024-10-28 @ 08:00 - 10:00 Japan vs. England, Female’s Soccer, U-17 World cup, quater final 2024-10-28 @ 11:00 Meeting with Mizuno-sama 2024-10-28 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学B(4) 2024-10-28 @ 13:00 - 14:30 情報処理学会東北支部講演会 2024-10-28 @ 15:00 - 17:10 ?Interview with B4(1) 10月 29 終日 DM2024_3Q05 2024-10-29 @ 12:00 - 14:00 ???最終審査会 2024-10-29 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学A(5) 2024-10-29 @ 15:00 - 15:30 Meeting with Gra Stu @Lab for Sealing and signature for their jobs 2024-10-29 @ 15:30 - 16:00 Picking up WB from General Bldg to No. 5 bldg 10月 30 終日 @Lab Staff Meeting 終日 [05]@Lab Weekly seminar 2024-10-30 @ 10:30 - 11:30 Monthly seminar for M1@Lab 2024-10-30 @ 16:10 - 17:10 R6 入門ITカフェ 10月 31 終日 DEADLINE for the final report of judging the PhD dissertation 2024-10-31 @ 13:00 - 15:00 ?Interview with B4(2) 2024-10-31 @ 14:30 - 17:00 情報工学実験Ⅱ(LM副担当) 2024-10-31 @ 16:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 11月 1 終日 Nov. 1, Deadline of LBS2025, Full Paper 終日 2024-11-01 @ 10:00 - 11:30 ?Meeting with SaI about joining Asia Carto 2024 2024-11-01 @ 11:30 ?Lunch meeting with LU-sensei and Sasaki-san about JCA Journal Submission 2024-11-01 @ 14:00 - 15:00 ?Meeting about Macao balance 11月 2 2024-11-02 @ 09:30 - 12:00 ??Meeting with SaI about revision of Urban Infomatics? 11月 3 終日 文化の日:National Holiday 11月 3 終日 文化の日:National Holiday 11月 5 2024-11-05 @ 10:30 - 12:00 DM2024_3Q06 2024-11-05 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学A(6) 2024-11-05 @ 14:30 - 16:00 Meeting with M2’s@Lab on the Preliminary Ms Thesis Draft 2024-11-05 @ 16:00 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 11月 6 2024-11-06 @ 09:00 - 12:00 [06]@Lab Weekly seminar 2024-11-06 @ 13:00 ローカル5Gの説明会 2024-11-06 @ 14:30 - 16:00 ?次回教授会の候補日 2024-11-06 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Work for UT paper 2024-11-06 @ 18:00 - 19:00 Research meeting with UT 11月 7 2024-11-07 @ 08:00 - 12:00 Work for SaI paper 2024-11-07 @ 09:00 - 12:00 B3 Interveiw with UT 2024-11-07 @ 13:00 - 17:10 Interview with B4(3) 11月 8 終日 Inner Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) 2024-11-08 @ 10:30 - 11:00 Meeting with SaI about paper revision 2024-11-08 @ 13:00 - 15:00 Interview with B4(4) 11月 9 終日 【AKITA START UP GARAGE 2024】 2024-11-09 @ 10:00 - 11:00 “Rehearsal” and “Preliminary defense.” 11月 9 終日 【AKITA START UP GARAGE 2024】 11月 11 終日 Real Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Title) 終日 Deadline of Titles of Mid-defence for Ms. thesis 2024-11-11 @ 09:15 - 10:30 HC Meeting on Nov. 11 2024-11-11 @ 12:50 - 14:20 研究室紹介 for B3 2024-11-11 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学B(5) 11月 12 2024-11-12 @ 10:30 - 12:00 DM2024_3Q07 2024-11-12 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学A(7) 2024-11-12 @ 15:00 - 16:00 ?Meeting with TkR 2024-11-12 @ 16:10 - 17:10 ???Meeting with Lu-sensei and Arikawa and Sang-san 2024-11-12 @ 16:10 - 17:10 R6 入門ITカフェ 2024-11-12 @ 18:00 - 19:00 Meeting with UT about Journal revision 11月 13 終日 [07]@Lab Weekly seminar 終日 第56回ITRC研究会、秋田、11/13-15 終日 @Lab Staff Meeting 2024-11-13 @ 11:00 - 12:00 ???Meeting with kato-sama@IDS 2024-11-13 @ 16:30 - 17:30 予備審査 for SaI 11月 13 終日 第56回ITRC研究会、秋田、11/13-15 2024-11-14 @ 09:00 - 10:00 予備審査 for Mr. Ito 2024-11-14 @ 14:30 - 15:30 予備審査 for Mr. Ryuu 2024-11-14 @ 16:00 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takashi? 11月 13 終日 第56回ITRC研究会、秋田、11/13-15 2024-11-15 @ 13:30 - 15:30 ??Research Meetings with students 2024-11-15 @ 15:50 - 16:20 Campus Clean Day 2024-11-15 @ 21:00 - 23:00 Jap. vs. Indonesia 11月 16 2024-11-16 @ 10:00 - 11:00 Rehausal for SaI against Interview 2024-11-16 @ 10:00 - 16:00 秋田大学総合技術部 第16回テクノフェスタ イベントがありません 11月 18 終日 SaI: Deadline of Preremilary Defense 終日 Off: AM for 年休 2024-11-18 @ 10:00 - 11:00 Intervew with SaI, 2024-11-18 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学B(6) 11月 19 終日 DM2024_3Q08 2024-11-19 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学A(8) 2024-11-19 @ 13:45 - 16:00 IMP Interview_IT 2024-11-19 @ 21:00 - 23:00 Japan vs. China 11月 20 終日 [08]@Lab Weekly seminar 終日 @Lab Staff Meeting 終日 Interveiw with M1 and M2 students 2024-11-20 @ 16:10 - 17:10 R6 入門ITカフェ 11月 21 2024-11-21 @ 13:00 - 14:30 M1,理工学デザイン,発表練習 2024-11-21 @ 16:00 - 17:00 IMP: 理工教授会 2024-11-21 @ 18:00 - 19:00 Meeting with Tamura Kouki san 11月 22 終日 Inner Presentation: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) 終日 Real Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) 2024-11-22 @ 08:00 - 17:00 サイエンスラボ 2024-11-22 @ 10:30 - 12:30 M2, 中間発表の発表練習 11月 23 2024-11-23 @ 09:30 - 12:00 Meeting with Tamura Kouki イベントがありません 11月 25 終日 Off: AM for 年休 2024-11-25 @ 10:00 - 12:00 Rehearsal of Kouki-san’s presentation 2024-11-25 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学B(7) 11月 26 終日 [off]DM2024 終日 中間発表会(M2)情報処理学会東北支部研究会 終日 理工学デザイン, 11/26, 11/28 2024-11-26 @ 12:00 - 13:00 11月のTA勤務の書類 11月 26 終日 中間発表会(M2)情報処理学会東北支部研究会 2024-11-27 @ 10:30 - 12:20 [New][09]@Lab Weekly seminar 2024-11-27 @ 12:50 - 14:20 基礎情報学B(8) 2024-11-27 @ 13:00 - 15:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 11月 28 終日 専攻長・学科長会議 終日 理工学デザイン, 11/28 2024-11-28 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Dinner Meeting with UT 2024-11-28 @ 11:00 - 12:30 Processing TA docs 2024-11-28 @ 12:00 Deadline of new problem 2024-11-28 @ 13:00 - 15:00 XX□審査委員会 2024-11-28 @ 16:00 - 17:00 [New]@Lab Staff Meeting 11月 29 終日 Off: AM for 年休 2024-11-29 @ 11:30 - 12:00 B3, 有川研究室の顔合わせ会 2024-11-29 @ 13:30 - 15:30 Intensive Interview with experts of cartography イベントがありません イベントがありません 10月 今月 12月 自分のカレンダーと連携する Google カレンダー iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Export .ics file Export Outlook .ics file
2024-10-28 Inner Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) Inner Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) 2024-10-28 Inner Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) Inner Deadline: Master'...
08:00 - 10:00 Japan vs. England, Female’s Soccer, U-17 World cup, quater final 2024-10-28 @ 08:00 - 10:00 Japan vs. England, Female’s Soccer, U-17 World cup, quater final Female's Soccer, U-17 W...
11:00 Meeting with Mizuno-sama 2024-10-28 @ 11:00 Meeting with Mizuno-sama Meeting with Mizuno-sam...
15:00 - 17:10 ?Interview with B4(1) 2024-10-28 @ 15:00 - 17:10 ?Interview with B4(1) ?Interview with B4(1) O...
15:00 - 15:30 Meeting with Gra Stu @Lab for Sealing and signature for their jobs 2024-10-29 @ 15:00 - 15:30 Meeting with Gra Stu @Lab for Sealing and signature for their jobs Meeting with Gra Stu @L...
15:30 - 16:00 Picking up WB from General Bldg to No. 5 bldg 2024-10-29 @ 15:30 - 16:00 Picking up WB from General Bldg to No. 5 bldg Picking up WB from Gene...
2024-10-30 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting 2024-10-30 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab...
2024-10-30 [05]@Lab Weekly seminar [05]@Lab Weekly seminar 2024-10-30 [05]@Lab Weekly seminar @Lab Weekly seminar 202...
10:30 - 11:30 Monthly seminar for M1@Lab 2024-10-30 @ 10:30 - 11:30 Monthly seminar for M1@Lab Monthly seminar for M1@...
2024-10-31 DEADLINE for the final report of judging the PhD dissertation DEADLINE for the final report of judging the PhD dissertation 2024-10-31 DEADLINE for the final report of judging the PhD dissertation DEADLINE for the final ...
13:00 - 15:00 ?Interview with B4(2) 2024-10-31 @ 13:00 - 15:00 ?Interview with B4(2) ?Interview with B4(2) O...
16:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 2024-10-31 @ 16:00 - 18:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi ?Meeting with Prof. Shi...
2024-11-01 Nov. 1, Deadline of LBS2025, Full Paper Nov. 1, Deadline of LBS2025, Full Paper 2024-11-01 Nov. 1, Deadline of LBS2025, Full Paper Nov. 1, Deadline of LBS...
10:00 - 11:30 ?Meeting with SaI about joining Asia Carto 2024 2024-11-01 @ 10:00 - 11:30 ?Meeting with SaI about joining Asia Carto 2024 ?Meeting with SaI about...
11:30 ?Lunch meeting with LU-sensei and Sasaki-san about JCA Journal Submission 2024-11-01 @ 11:30 ?Lunch meeting with LU-sensei and Sasaki-san about JCA Journal Submission ?Lunch meeting with LU-...
14:00 - 15:00 ?Meeting about Macao balance 2024-11-01 @ 14:00 - 15:00 ?Meeting about Macao balance ?Meeting about Macao ba...
09:30 - 12:00 ??Meeting with SaI about revision of Urban Infomatics? 2024-11-02 @ 09:30 - 12:00 ??Meeting with SaI about revision of Urban Infomatics? ?Meeting with SaI about...
2024-11-03 文化の日:National Holiday 文化の日:National Holiday 2024-11-03 - 2024-11-04 文化の日:National Holiday 文化の日:National Holiday 〇...
14:30 - 16:00 Meeting with M2’s@Lab on the Preliminary Ms Thesis Draft 2024-11-05 @ 14:30 - 16:00 Meeting with M2’s@Lab on the Preliminary Ms Thesis Draft Meeting with M2's@Lab o...
16:00 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting 2024-11-05 @ 16:00 - 17:00 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting 11/5...
09:00 - 12:00 [06]@Lab Weekly seminar 2024-11-06 @ 09:00 - 12:00 [06]@Lab Weekly seminar @ラボの皆さん おはようございます。有川です。...
15:00 - 17:00 Work for UT paper 2024-11-06 @ 15:00 - 17:00 Work for UT paper Work for UT paper on No...
18:00 - 19:00 Research meeting with UT 2024-11-06 @ 18:00 - 19:00 Research meeting with UT Research meeting with U...
08:00 - 12:00 Work for SaI paper 2024-11-07 @ 08:00 - 12:00 Work for SaI paper Work for SaI paper in t...
09:00 - 12:00 B3 Interveiw with UT 2024-11-07 @ 09:00 - 12:00 B3 Interveiw with UT B3 Interveiw with UT in...
13:00 - 17:10 Interview with B4(3) 2024-11-07 @ 13:00 - 17:10 Interview with B4(3) ?Interview with B4(3) N...
2024-11-08 Inner Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) Inner Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) 2024-11-08 Inner Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) Inner Deadline: Master'...
10:30 - 11:00 Meeting with SaI about paper revision 2024-11-08 @ 10:30 - 11:00 Meeting with SaI about paper revision Meeting with SaI about ...
13:00 - 15:00 Interview with B4(4) 2024-11-08 @ 13:00 - 15:00 Interview with B4(4) ?Interview with B4(4) N...
2024-11-09 【AKITA START UP GARAGE 2024】 【AKITA START UP GARAGE 2024】 2024-11-09 - 2024-11-10 【AKITA START UP GARAGE 2024】 秋田の学生向け起業セミナー【AKITA STA...
10:00 - 11:00 “Rehearsal” and “Preliminary defense.” 2024-11-09 @ 10:00 - 11:00 “Rehearsal” and “Preliminary defense.” "Rehearsal" and "Prelim...
2024-11-11 Real Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Title) Real Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Title) 2024-11-11 Real Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Title) Inner Deadline: Master'...
2024-11-11 Deadline of Titles of Mid-defence for Ms. thesis Deadline of Titles of Mid-defence for Ms. thesis 2024-11-11 Deadline of Titles of Mid-defence for Ms. thesis Deadline of Titles of M...
09:15 - 10:30 HC Meeting on Nov. 11 2024-11-11 @ 09:15 - 10:30 HC Meeting on Nov. 11 HC Meeting on Nov. 11, ...
15:00 - 16:00 ?Meeting with TkR 2024-11-12 @ 15:00 - 16:00 ?Meeting with TkR 髙橋零さん お疲れ様です。 もし明日,11/1...
16:10 - 17:10 ???Meeting with Lu-sensei and Arikawa and Sang-san 2024-11-12 @ 16:10 - 17:10 ???Meeting with Lu-sensei and Arikawa and Sang-san チャンさん cc:Lu先生 こんばんは。有川で...
18:00 - 19:00 Meeting with UT about Journal revision 2024-11-12 @ 18:00 - 19:00 Meeting with UT about Journal revision Meeting with UT about J...
2024-11-13 [07]@Lab Weekly seminar [07]@Lab Weekly seminar 2024-11-13 [07]@Lab Weekly seminar @Lab Weekly seminar Nov...
2024-11-13 第56回ITRC研究会、秋田、11/13-15 第56回ITRC研究会、秋田、11/13-15 2024-11-13 - 2024-11-15 第56回ITRC研究会、秋田、11/13-15 第56回ITRC研究会、秋田、11/13-15...
2024-11-13 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting 2024-11-13 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab...
11:00 - 12:00 ???Meeting with kato-sama@IDS 2024-11-13 @ 11:00 - 12:00 ???Meeting with kato-sama@IDS いつもお世話になっております。有川でございます...
09:00 - 10:00 予備審査 for Mr. Ito 2024-11-14 @ 09:00 - 10:00 予備審査 for Mr. Ito 予備審査 for Mr. Ito on Nov...
14:30 - 15:30 予備審査 for Mr. Ryuu 2024-11-14 @ 14:30 - 15:30 予備審査 for Mr. Ryuu 予備審査の候補日時: 11/14(木) 14:...
16:00 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takashi? 2024-11-14 @ 16:00 - 18:00 ?Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takashi? ?Meeting with Prof. Shi...
13:30 - 15:30 ??Research Meetings with students 2024-11-15 @ 13:30 - 15:30 ??Research Meetings with students ??Research Meeting with...
15:50 - 16:20 Campus Clean Day 2024-11-15 @ 15:50 - 16:20 Campus Clean Day 〇11 月15 日 キャンパスクリーンデー(有...
21:00 - 23:00 Jap. vs. Indonesia 2024-11-15 @ 21:00 - 23:00 Jap. vs. Indonesia FIFAワールドカップ26アジア最終予選(3次...
10:00 - 11:00 Rehausal for SaI against Interview 2024-11-16 @ 10:00 - 11:00 Rehausal for SaI against Interview (練習会,??面接) 11/16(土)10:0...
10:00 - 16:00 秋田大学総合技術部 第16回テクノフェスタ 2024-11-16 @ 10:00 - 16:00 秋田大学総合技術部 第16回テクノフェスタ For SaR > ==========...
2024-11-18 SaI: Deadline of Preremilary Defense SaI: Deadline of Preremilary Defense 2024-11-18 SaI: Deadline of Preremilary Defense SaI: Deadline of Prelim...
10:00 - 11:00 Intervew with SaI, 2024-11-18 @ 10:00 - 11:00 Intervew with SaI, Intervew with SaI, 面接日...
13:45 - 16:00 IMP Interview_IT 2024-11-19 @ 13:45 - 16:00 IMP Interview_IT 13時45分 ???集合(206・207(共同...
2024-11-20 [08]@Lab Weekly seminar [08]@Lab Weekly seminar 2024-11-20 [08]@Lab Weekly seminar @Lab Weekly seminar Nov...
2024-11-20 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting 2024-11-20 @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting @Lab...
2024-11-20 Interveiw with M1 and M2 students Interveiw with M1 and M2 students 2024-11-20 Interveiw with M1 and M2 students Interveiw with M1 and M...
18:00 - 19:00 Meeting with Tamura Kouki san 2024-11-21 @ 18:00 - 19:00 Meeting with Tamura Kouki san Meeting with Tamura Kou...
2024-11-22 Inner Presentation: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) Inner Presentation: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) 2024-11-22 Inner Presentation: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) Inner Deadline: Master'...
2024-11-22 Real Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) Real Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) 2024-11-22 Real Deadline: Master’s Thesis (Intermediate Paper) Inner Deadline: Master'...
09:30 - 12:00 Meeting with Tamura Kouki 2024-11-23 @ 09:30 - 12:00 Meeting with Tamura Kouki Meeting with Tamura Kou...
10:00 - 12:00 Rehearsal of Kouki-san’s presentation 2024-11-25 @ 10:00 - 12:00 Rehearsal of Kouki-san’s presentation Rehearsal of Kouki-san'...
2024-11-26 中間発表会(M2)情報処理学会東北支部研究会 中間発表会(M2)情報処理学会東北支部研究会 2024-11-26 - 2024-11-27 中間発表会(M2)情報処理学会東北支部研究会 R6 M2,修士論文予備審査会 11/26(T...
2024-11-26 理工学デザイン, 11/26, 11/28 理工学デザイン, 11/26, 11/28 2024-11-26 理工学デザイン, 11/26, 11/28 理工学デザイン, 11/26, 11/28 今...
10:30 - 12:20 [New][09]@Lab Weekly seminar 2024-11-27 @ 10:30 - 12:20 [New][09]@Lab Weekly seminar @Lab Weekly seminar Nov...
13:00 - 15:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi 2024-11-27 @ 13:00 - 15:00 Meeting with Prof. Shigeo Takahashi Meeting with Prof. Shig...
08:00 - 17:00 Dinner Meeting with UT 2024-11-28 @ 08:00 - 17:00 Dinner Meeting with UT Dinner Meeting with UT ...
11:00 - 12:30 Processing TA docs 2024-11-28 @ 11:00 - 12:30 Processing TA docs Re: 11月のTA勤務の書類について 3.5...
16:00 - 17:00 [New]@Lab Staff Meeting 2024-11-28 @ 16:00 - 17:00 [New]@Lab Staff Meeting @Lab Staff Meeting on N...
13:30 - 15:30 Intensive Interview with experts of cartography 2024-11-29 @ 13:30 - 15:30 Intensive Interview with experts of cartography Intensive Interview wit...