Checking answers of exam
Checking answers of exa...
PC Room Maintenance
9/2 終日 V-301のみ 9/3〜4 終日...
全学FD・SDワークショップ ,9/2正午まで...
pre-meeting with judge of who will pass
pre-meeting with judge ...
Human dock, Sept. 6, 7, 3
Human dock, Sept. 6, 7,...
Three weeks to Deadline of Kaken-hi, Sept. 24
Three weeks to Deadline...
off; AM
off; AM 9/3
waxing on bld#5
Cancel, ??Meeting with Prof. Naganawa and so on
??Meeting with Prof. Na...
?Power off @campus
Power off
9月4日(土) の手形地区停電の前後に、5号館...
TA off
TA off なお,私の休暇は 9/6,15,...