One week to hand the office a pdf file of the master thesis and list
One week to hand the of...
Injection (2) on Sept 24 (new)
Injection (2) on Sept 2...
Deadline of Kaken-hi, Sept. 24
Deadline of Kaken-hi, S...
(new)秋田北高校 理科実践研修
外国文献購読の文献案, 9/24
Change to Setp. 22, 後期授業事前ガイダンス for 1st year students
??後期授業事前ガイダンス on Sept 2...
>> 日時:令和3年9月24日(金...
Two weeks to Deadline of submission of evaluation of professor’s activity
One week to Deadline of...
Cancel, kmchi 9/26
Cancel, kmchi 9/26 Beca...
Preparation of DM2021, 9/26
Preparation of DM2021, ...
One week to Deadline of reviewing LBS 2021 papers
211003_ Deadline of rev...
Online Lecture @AU