Meeting with Prof. Takahashi@Aizu Univ.
Meeting with Prof. Taka...
interview with B4 students
interview with B4 stude...
@Lab, Weekly Student Meeting(2), 4/23
@Lab, Weekly Student Me...
User Experiment by Arikawa and Wako-san(13:00-17:00 on April 23) @207
User Experiment by Arik...
Meeting with Oikawa-san about how he will use the integrated education program.
Meeting with Oikawa-san...
Deadline of the article of Akita Economics
Deadline of the article...
初年次ゼミ(5)4/27, 5/11, 18,...
数値計算(3) 4/27
数値計算(3) 4/27,5/11,18,25...
R3情報工学の世界(3) 4/27
R3情報工学の世界(3) 4/27,5/11,...
meeting with Akita City on April 27
meeting with Akita City...
One week to 参加申し込み締切 5/6 今日歩大祭 2021 実施要項,5/22(sat)
One week to 参加申し込み締切 5/...