??Meeting with Odate??
??Meeting with Odate?? ...
ToDo 物品検収
ToDo 物品検収
Teams Meeting with Odate City and NTT
???Meeting with Odate C...
Off: ???Meeting with Mei-tech?
???Meeting with Mei-tec...
Meeting with SaI about Monday’s TV location
佐々木さん おはようございます。有川です。 本...
???【秋田県内】高校訪問 6/3 morn,...
(Extra) Campus Clean Day
(Extra) Campus Clean Da...
TV Location
TV Location on June 24,...
Cancel, ???Meeting with Abe-san@B4
???Meeting with Abe-san...
Numeric Computing II(11)
Numeric Computing II(11...
UT: Off
UT: Off, Ope